"“The research demonstrates a consistent relation between violent video game use and increases in aggressive behavior, aggressive cognitions and aggressive affect, and decreases in prosocial behavior, empathy and sensitivity to aggression,” says the report of the APA Task Force on Violent Media. The task force’s review is the first in this field to examine the breadth of studies included and to undertake multiple approaches to reviewing the literature."
So, all they have is correlation. Maybe jerks just like playing violent video games. Would you rather they kill real people? I play them and I don't have these problems. I understand what "game" means. Then again, Christians, especially white ones, in the US are responsible for most of our terrorism. The bible makes Metal Gear Solid or Mortal Kombat look silly and childish in comparison. There is a guy chopping up his hooker or whatever and mailing her chunks of meat to his neighbors. Maybe we should ban what is REALLY associated with violence in the US.
If everybody on the planet, just one generation of 'em, stayed celibate until they picked a permanent partner, and then stayed monogamous after that, wouldn't that eliminate sexually transmitted diseases?
No. That's not how viruses work. They evolve.
Sexually transmitted diseases are not spread by sex?
They are associated with sex. Bodily fluids is what is really the problem.
The first is you being incredibly lucky. The second? Well, that's you being lucky, too....unless someone forgot to tell you something.
Or maybe the risks you think are so pervasive aren't as much.
Why doesn't the Sodomite crowd write their own Bible, starting with 1st Sodomy 1:1?
1:1 And the crowd asked, "Who is this illegal immigrant and his family? Why should we let them in?"
1:2 And the city beheld the new immigrant family inviting MORE illegal aliens into the city. Like we have time for that!
1:3 And the illegal immigrant, sick individual that he is, told us to rape his daughters instead of criticizing the clearly disrespect for our immigration laws.
1:4 And the other illegal immigrants declared US the bad guys! The nerve! They declared war and started firebombing both our holy city AND our neighboring city, which up to this point hasn't even been part of the story anyway! See how cruel these immigrants are! This is blatant terrorism, is what it is. These people suck.
1:5 And the illegal immigrant family couldn't stay in the city they supposedly loved and then attacked, so they fled, and one fire bomb turned one of our own citizens to ash and her lousy husband said she turned to salt. Did he go up to her and lick her? Who does that?
1:6 We may all be dead but at least our daughters aren't raping us when we're wasted. Ick.
No unrepentant, Christ-denying fornicators will enter into heaven
We should believe Paul because ...?
Matthew 22
29 But Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not [m]understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. 31 But regarding the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God: 32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.” 33 When the crowds heard this, they were astonished at His teaching.
God apparently doesn't care about marriage anyway. The whole point is moot. He neither told Adam and Eve to get married nor can I think of any verse where God commands marriage as a thing. He just supposedly makes rules that never really affect him and only seem to be made up by government figures. Jesus is anti-family. He says you can't love anyone in your family and still love him (someone has some Freudian issues, doesn't he?). He constantly dismisses familial responsibilities, his own or others'. And given Paul sounds like an incel, he can't really be trusted to be unbiased about how relationships with women should work.
As far as I know, for true believers, sex is only for the duty of procreation, never enjoyment. So how does that pan out in your life?
Marriage is so sacred for Catholicism that its clergy can't do it and have to turn to kids instead.
I suppose that means that if one doesn't like the virgin - not shoes - with whom they enjoyed satisfying their sexual pleasures, one will, after a few weeks, months, or years, say, "See ya." and find another, virgin, and repeat the cycle - justifying a sexually immoral lifestyle, with the excuse, "No one buys a "pig in a bag".
So, how men act in the bible, then.
I don't think anyone other than NAMBLA members and pedophiles are going to defend child porn.
Pedos should have sex dolls and virtual porn. No actual children are harmed. They still get their rocks off. That's me being at my most generous, as I think pedos should be burned at the stake.
But know this, that in the last days ...men will be lovers of themselves, ...having no natural affection, ...without self-control, ...without love of goodness, ...lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. . .
You don't think that's not happening in the bible? The men writing it just say God approves of their self-love. Most of the bible is curiously self-serving to the authors specifically or various types of religious or secular ruling classes.
How can it be morally right to sex with anyone or anything, at any time?
As long as there is no harm and all parties are consenting, what is actually the problem? I am not into a lot of stuff either. Hell, I'm even a 41 year old virgin. However, things I think are icky can still be legal because we should base laws on what is actually happening, not what I feel about it.
How can one overdo drinking water?
It lowers your serum sodium (for one thing) and will ensure death if not fixed. I've had patients who scammed people out of glasses of water all day long and they almost always get into medical trouble. There is a patient I have now who has in her medical record how much water to give based on what her sodium level is. She has been in the ICU before because she's noncompliant as hell.
Urinating is good too, When you drink too much water, you will pass it out.
Your kidneys can be overstressed leading to the need for dialysis. You guys understand there are members here who are in the healthcare field, right?
Masturbation should be encouraged if it prevents kids having sex before they are sensible enough to take proper precautions.
Yeah, I mean, I'm not into it, but it seems the most sensible option if there are certain consequences you'd like to avoid.
Maybe they're doing it wrong.
Biblical marriage is one man and as many women as he could afford. Not the best reason.
Yeah, like my father acted, the women have to be monogamous. The men get to do whatever they want.
No wonder you all get married so young. Gotta let that frustration out.
There's a reason the age of consent is stupidly low for some states.
I missed your evidence that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a myth.
No known witnesses. Medically questionable. No confirmed death in the first place. Conveniently entombed instead of under a lot of dirt.
Same with a baby. A man and a woman are free to test drive who and all they want. If they aren't ready for a baby or can't afford it. Practice safe sex so it won't get aborted.
Agreed. While I'm pro-choice, I feel both sides can get what they want more or less by birth prevention.
Really? YOu think that His mother was a hooker?
No. Read through his geneaology. Tamar dressed up like a hooker to trick her father-in-law to have sex with her. They weren't married. He was getting a fling. Pretty sure his wife couldn't get one. He is also related to Rahab, a hooker who betrayed her own people when Hebrews came to slaughter everyone.