fire dragon,
The answer to this question should be thought over carefully.
In the first place, punishment by whom??? Today, and by humans, punishment of any kind for apostasy, is wrong.
There is a great difference between men and God. The Mosaic Law Covenant required punishment for apostasy, because all Jews were in a Covenant with God, Himself. The punishment was death!!! Read the entire 13th chapter of Deuteronomy.
But what about today, since no one is under The Mosaic Law Covenant, because it ended with the death of The Messiah, or Christ, Jesus? Colossians 2:13,14, Galatians 3:7-14, Romans 3:20-24, 4:13-15, 6:14,15, 7:6, 8:1-3
In the first century, at Pentecost of 33CE, God started another group that would, a little later. Be called Christians, Acts 11:26, 2:121. This group was under the New Covenant that Jesus ratified on the night before his death, Luke 22:19,20. The New Covenant superseded the Old Mosaic Law Covenant, Hebrews 8:6-13, and was a far superior Covenant, because it was based on the precious blood of Jesus, God's son, and not on the blood of goats and Bulls, as was the Mosaic Law Covenant, Hebrews 9:13-15.
It was necessary for the Jews to leave the Mosaic Law Covenant if they wanted to remain His Chosen people. None of the Jews that remained in Judaism received the powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit, as did the Christians, Acts 5:32, 2:36-38. If the Jews wanted to remain in God's favor they had to recognize and accept the New Covenant, which could make them perfect, in God' eyes, Hebrews 10:1, 11, 14, 15-18.
Just before Jesus went back to heaven, he gave his disciples instructions to preach and teach, and baptize people of all nations, Matthew 28:19,20, Acts 1:8. This great, worldwide preaching meant that all who worshiped the only true God must leave their False religion and join the ONE religion that God blesses, Ephesians 4:3-6, John 17:3, Matthew 24:14. The whole idea of Christianity was to learn God's word, and then teach to others, 1Timothy 4:16, 2Timothy 2:2-5, 1Corinthians 9:16-18, 2Timothy 4:1-5.
Just as there was only ONE ark in Noah's day to save humankind, so today there is only ONE faith that God accepts. How is going to judge the world by Jesus, Romans 3:5,6, Acts 17:30,32. All men will be judged by their following Jesus' footsteps, 1Peter 2:21, and adhering to God's word, which was The Way in the first century, and IS The Way, today, Acts 9:2,19:9. Any who sincerely search for that Way will find it, because God is using both men and angels to search for those with Google hearts, Matthew 13:13-15.