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Is Religion An Accident?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Is religiosity an evolutionary accident? Some things seem to be accidents of evolution. For instance, the fact most of us find beauty in sunrises and sunsets seems to have no evolutionary value and hence is most likely just an accident or by-product of evolution. But is religion itself an accident or by-product of evolution? Does religion have any evolutionary value?


Monk in Training
I have never liked the idea of accidents or by-products in evolution. I tend to think that evolution does not produce accidental traits or if it does such things do not survive long, I am not sure. But in any event it seems to me that something is only an accident or by-product if we cannot figure out how it has any evolutionary value. This, I think, is essential, it is how we perceive and/or understand a thing which makes it an accident or by-product. If we cannot see how religious thought or a sense of beauty in the world can contribute to the survival in such a way that it they would become common traits then we seem to think that they may just be accidents.

Like, for example, the idea is that consciousness was a development that was beneficial to survival, larger brain and all. But consciousness just brought with it all this extra, unnecessary stuff like a sense of beauty and religion. I don't see it that way, I see the development of consciousness as leading to developments in and of consciousness that will benefit survival. Seeing beauty in the world may increase the desire to live and make a person fight harder to stay alive, survive, and reproduce. If we couldn't see beauty our consciousness might lead us to see everything in the world with fear and/or anger or some other negative emotion (that would have been more common perhaps in the instincts of or ancestor species). This would lead to seeing nothing worth living for thereby reducing survivability by promoting an attitude that there is no reason to fight to stay alive because life just sucks. So beauty, emotions, religion, and all these sorts of things that tend to be seen as accidents or by-products may just be beneficial traits subject to natural selection.

And so I don't think religion was an accident of evolution. I think that it is the precursor to a more fully developed sense of reality, like a primitive eye that is nothing more than a light sensing cell. Religious thought allows us to sense the light without being able to see it. As we continue to evolve our sense of religion ought to allow us to see God more clearly. It is like asking if the lobed fins on a fish where an accident, if they where no fish would have been properly equipped to crawl out of the oceans. Consciousness, in evolutionary terms, is a trait that has not been around long and so is in its very early stages of development. Who knows where it will lead or what ideas will survive and what will be discarded along the way...


New Member
:no: Religion is NO accident, but rather started as a means for Satan to blind the minds of those who would see. Religion has a purpose and has developed over thousands of years to control mankind. Satan has used religion to control and hide the only way to eternal happiness. Mk. 7:6-13 is written to show us how Satan has not only caused Christians to be deceived, but in turn they deceive even more.
This may not be what you were talking about, however the question was "is religion an accident" and based on what I know, written in the bible, NO. It is the nature of man to want to control another, rather then him or her self, thus the need for religion. Satan always corrupts the things of God in this world, but those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, know the Truth.
:bow: READ the bible for your own self and SEE the Truth!


I have never liked the idea of accidents or by-products in evolution. I tend to think that evolution does not produce accidental traits or if it does such things do not survive long, I am not sure. But in any event it seems to me that something is only an accident or by-product if we cannot figure out how it has any evolutionary value. This, I think, is essential, it is how we perceive and/or understand a thing which makes it an accident or by-product. If we cannot see how religious thought or a sense of beauty in the world can contribute to the survival in such a way that it they would become common traits then we seem to think that they may just be accidents.

Like, for example, the idea is that consciousness was a development that was beneficial to survival, larger brain and all. But consciousness just brought with it all this extra, unnecessary stuff like a sense of beauty and religion. I don't see it that way, I see the development of consciousness as leading to developments in and of consciousness that will benefit survival. Seeing beauty in the world may increase the desire to live and make a person fight harder to stay alive, survive, and reproduce. If we couldn't see beauty our consciousness might lead us to see everything in the world with fear and/or anger or some other negative emotion (that would have been more common perhaps in the instincts of or ancestor species). This would lead to seeing nothing worth living for thereby reducing survivability by promoting an attitude that there is no reason to fight to stay alive because life just sucks. So beauty, emotions, religion, and all these sorts of things that tend to be seen as accidents or by-products may just be beneficial traits subject to natural selection.

And so I don't think religion was an accident of evolution. I think that it is the precursor to a more fully developed sense of reality, like a primitive eye that is nothing more than a light sensing cell. Religious thought allows us to sense the light without being able to see it. As we continue to evolve our sense of religion ought to allow us to see God more clearly. It is like asking if the lobed fins on a fish where an accident, if they where no fish would have been properly equipped to crawl out of the oceans. Consciousness, in evolutionary terms, is a trait that has not been around long and so is in its very early stages of development. Who knows where it will lead or what ideas will survive and what will be discarded along the way...

Most execellent post! Completely agree...:)


Let go
Consciousness, in evolutionary terms, is a trait that has not been around long and so is in its very early stages of development. Who knows where it will lead or what ideas will survive and what will be discarded along the way...

What makes you think that "consciousness" is in its early stages of development, or changing at all?

Consciousness is not a thing, not an object that can be grasped, such as a brain, but instead, remains an emergent property of matter (neurons). Unless the "lower consciousness" people leave the reproducing populations, a "higher consciousness" would never evolve or change.

The idea that "consciousness", or whatever idea of the subject you subscribe to, changes spontaneously is odd.


Lucid Dreamer
Is religiosity an evolutionary accident? Some things seem to be accidents of evolution. For instance, the fact most of us find beauty in sunrises and sunsets seems to have no evolutionary value and hence is most likely just an accident or by-product of evolution. But is religion itself an accident or by-product of evolution? Does religion have any evolutionary value?

I think religion probably is a by-product of our evolution. It must have something to do with abstract thought and a desire to understand everything.


Let go
As opposed to ... ?

Evolution isn't really accidental is it? - natural selection seems to have a method to the madness.

Sunstone - your description of accidental needs more clarifying? Religiosity does not stem from our biology, but instead culture. Are you referring to the spontaneous "outgrowth" of self-awareness, which in turn led to religiosity?


Well, from a scientific point of view if there is not a belief in God then mankind is an accident too that has no fundamental purpose.