Radiometric dating is inherently inaccurate, full of discrepancies and unreliable. Anything dated beyond 6000 years can readily be thrown out because of the flood of Noah making all dating methods corrupt.
Radiometric dating is accurate to less than 5% over 2.5 billion years, much more accurate (Less than 1% error) in the usual range of 100 to 50000 years.
And additional dating methods are often used to validate the original dating method.
The error margin is always given when an item is aged.
The only people who try to spread the "wildly inaccurate" idea are those with a vested interest in woo woo.
Noah's flood didn't happen, there is no evidence whatsoever for such a flood as described in the OT. On the contrary there are several different scientific methods that agree, there was no Noah's flood.
You may however believe whatever you want but when you contradict evidenced science then you have a problem with shrinking gaps
My mind is quite balanced. You have said homo sapiens are 250,000 years old, the boom in technological advancement in the past 200 yrs frankly makes your dating of the human age look ludicrous.
What? I really do not follow your logic here, are you actually using logic or is it guesswork?