You asked about the information required for the alleged very first organism to exist and function. The information for all organism's is the result of replicating DNA, from one generation to the next. The very existence of this DNA and it's replication, is the result of encoded information in the DNA of the parent organism. A very, very complicated system that does what is required elegantly. A system, I believe, that was designed and created by it's designer. IF that very first organism didn't have the required information to grow and function, according to the natural concept of the beginning of life, then no life would be possible. Which still begs the question, where did that complicated, encoded, huge amount of information come from ? I am pretty darn sure, in fact, I am positive that no one who asserts a naturalistic explanation for life can answer the question. To answer your reality questions I will use the old analogy of a mechanical watch. The watchmaker designs and builds it, then winds it every couple of days. All the natural functioning systems in the universe, replicating DNA to volcanic action to the universe was designed and built to function by the "winding" of God. All the energy that turned into matter, that turned into stars and light, that powers the universe, is the winding. So the material reality that we know and experience by our senses exists, but there are other realities that are totally unknown to us, that exist in the same space as we. Paul called them in the Bible "powers, principalities and kingdoms unseen"