**Please read the OP in its entirety before voting in the poll**
Given the forum's mission statment...
As a community of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds, our aim is to provide a civil environment, informative, respectful and welcoming where people of diverse beliefs can discuss, compare and debate religion while engaging in fellowship with one another.
...I think the primary intent of Religious Forums is to discuss and debate religion. A few of us have been discussing behind the scenes our concerns that the political forums are in conflict with the forum's mission statement, particularly with regard to the toxicity, volatility, and lack of civility the political forum brings, particularly in the debate section.
As I look at the new threads section this morning, I'm seeing 7 out of 10 threads are political in nature, which I find a bit unsettling.
View attachment 46777
We have concerns, being a religious forum, that the nature of political debate may have an adverse impact on membership and traffic, particularly with those that registered here with the intent of discussing religion.
The poll in this thread requires two responses. Please read the question in the poll and select one of the seven choices that best fits your views on the political forums and feel free to reply to the thread to add any commentary. Also, please select one of the bottom three responses that best describes why you're here. The results are private and visible only after you have made your selection.
Also, please note in a reply any changes or ideas you think might benefit the community with regard to the political forums.
Thank you for your time in reading and responding to this.