That is very well said and I agree. I will add that if your system eliminates God and adopts one that can't produce morality then you have also eliminated the good morals and logical foundation for them at the same time.
The problem to me is that God, and the things that God wants, are communicated to people through the voice of people claiming to be prophets, and through the written words that are claimed to be from God by a vast, competing group of religious adherents. The problem for Christians claiming that their system can provide the answers for all moral and ethical dilemmas is that much, if not most of the Old Testament, derived from Judaism, has to be written off because (to put it charitably, only in a few later books did any prophets show any universal concern for others. To put it bluntly, if you try to find ways to justify killing of men, women and children, and plundering their wealth, and even in a few cases - sanctioning sexual slavery, then you can't hold up your Bible as being the timeless advocate for the sanctity of life.
For example Stalin might have relented on his atrocities if he had a world view that included the sanctity of life.
But, even if he did; if he decided that the ends justify the means as our leaders are doing today with the so called
War On Terror, then claiming to value the sanctity of life wouldn't have helped much! Most of the modern day conservative Christians wear the figleaf of opposition to abortion as their claim, while they argue out of the other side of their mouths for more aggressive military incursions abroad, extra-judicial killings, and speeding up the judicial process to get death row convicts executed.
If Hitler had rejected evolutionary implications concerning race and adopted that all men are created equal then 50 million people would have survived.
No, that's not really the problem with Hitler at all! I don't know whether Hitler was a social darwinist....maybe he was, but then, so is Paul Ryan today by the same measure. What grinds my gears about historical revisionism is that Hitler was not created in a vacuum, and he did not act alone! If the German population and Christian church teaching for centuries had no advocated something similar to what Hitler tried to make a reality, the Holocaust would never have happened.
But what historical revisionists have done since the end of WWII is to ignore the role that the Catholic and Lutheran tradition of antisemitism played in Hitler's desire to remove and then to eradicate Jews. Martin Luther wrote a book several centuries ago which greatly influenced Hitler, according to his own writing in Mein Kampf, that advocated burning down all of the synagogues in Europe, and ethnically cleansing Jews from Christian territories, and killing those who remained behind for whatever reasons. The Catholic Church, up until very recent times, had a longstanding tradition that Jews were subject to particular scorn beyond other non-Catholics and even non-Christians, because they were "Christ-killers." Traditional Catholic theology of the Passion of Christ formed the basis of the
Oberammergau -- a passion play that has been acted out in a southern German city for 300 or 400 years....and generates controversy every Christmas season nowadays because of the Christ-killer reference in the story.
So, if Hitler had accepted that all men (and women) are equal, it would more likely come from an understanding of evolution and common origins, than it would have from traditional Christian theology that tried to eradicate Jews, and considered darker races as inferior, claiming that they bore "the mark of Cain", and in some versions - the mark of Noah's cursed son - Ham.
If southern planters had acted on the parts of their faith that declared that men have worth and dignity then maybe slavery would have never been practiced then. One even attempted to do so but was overruled. It was Jefferson and he originally freed all the slaves in the first draft of the declaration of independence. Even a morally neutral system results in moral nightmares if it supplants a true moral foundation for benevolence and justice.
And speaking of "the mark of Cain!" This is the problem with using the Bible as the textbook for morality and's the great big book of multiple choice. The southern plantations originally began by using English and Dutch indentured servants or debt bondsmen as their source of cheap, menial labor. Under the deal, the debtors had the means to buy their freedom after several or many years of unpaid work in the fields. But, the prospect of eventual freedom made this slave labor force one that was easy to manage and control for the owners, and if and when the debtors were freed, they could blend in to colonial society because they were from the same race and culture. So why did the plantation owners turn to importing African slaves if they had all these advantages? One big reason - malaria! Indentured servants brought over from England and Holland in the 1600's to work the new plantations, came from lowland marsh areas where malaria had already spread, and was running rampant in the population. Malaria was also lethal for Northern Europeans, while Africans had developed a limited immunity to the disease and capacity to live with it.
So, American plantation owners needed cheap labor, and Africans became the preferred source for free labor. But, racial and cultural barriers meant they did not want them integrated into the white population. So, some contrivance had to be found to justify a life of slavery, and rule out race-mixing or any chance that they would advance their station in life....and they found all of the justification they needed right in their own Bibles! They could take the story of Noah's cursed son- Ham, and use that to justify everything from enslaving darker races to anti-miscegenation laws right up to the 1960's.
And, it needs to be set straight that the primal force behind ending slavery was not the Anabaptists or John Brown, or any other believers in universal brotherhood! It was the simple bread and butter issues of jobs and the value of work; because the industrializing Northern states viewed competition with the slave-owning, almost feudalistic South in much the same way we view losing jobs and closing factories to the outsourcing of manufacturing to places in the world with the equivalent of slave labor today.
Lincoln and the Northerners didn't demand the abolition of slavery because they read their Bibles for the first time, and decided that blacks should be freed and treated equally! No, on the contrary, many Northerners had a lower opinion of African blacks than the slave owners themselves. They just did not want to compete against slave labor, and wanted all of the Africans shipped back to Africa after the Civil War. Just because the Abolitionists found useful Bible verses for their strategies, does not mean that most or even the majority did it with pure intentions!
What can be more absolute than an omnipotent God's moral requirements. There is no greater foundation for morality even possible. Of course application and recognition is a different matter entirely.
So far, I have been trying to demonstrate that Christianity's views on God and man have changed through the course of history, often motivated by circumstantial needs of a particular time and place. Christians living a hundred, two hundred or three hundred years ago, did not share a lot of what modern day Christians (liberals and conservatives) believe about their religion. Even if we go back more than 50 years ago, we would find that fundamentalist Christians had a completely opposite view of money and wealth and those possessing wealth, than the modern day fundamentalist preachers and followers do. Today's fundamentalists are alot like Paul Ryan....who can't seem to distinguish between the writings of Ayn Rand and Jesus Christ! They are pure social darwinists who believe that markets, not governments, should decide economic policy issues, and wealth is a sign of blessings from God, rather than the historical view of the wealthy as being unspiritual hedonists, only concerned with the material things of this world. There is even a strong case to make that fundamentalists in America have become so hyper-nationalistic with their obsession of their nation being "exceptional" and chosen for divine purpose, that they are creating their own, specifically American religion.