You have me here. You said Darwin and I saw Dawkins. As this is not the issue I will not comment further.
I probably meant for his argumentation or something. I would have to see the context. Why does this matter?
I agree to some extant but this is far far more complex than you are making it here. Why does this matter?
I have no objection to stating disbelief. I object to the terrible argumentation he uses and the credibility in another field being imported to one he has no competence in. It has a net negative effect on the debate its self.
I agree.
I disagree. He seems to resent the prospect of God. As this is based in language use it is hard to argue. Why is it that theories like multiverses and string theory that have no evidence whatsoever and do not even have any potential evidence possible called science and allowed in universities yet the much evidenced theory of God is deemed off limits. Both are faith based and religion has more evidence. This is unjustifiable but I am not arguing for religious education in public schools even though the entire institution was began by Christians for the purpose of understanding the Bible. Continued below:
I think we are coming closer to an understanding...
However, everyone says that Atheists have it out for "god". When really we wish it were as easy as just having faith in an invisible entity.
But there is no proof that it exists. And if it were true that an entity such as the Christian god existed it would be more likely that the god has less interest in us at all. (The scientific theory that sort of sparked Scientology is that there was intelligence behind our "design" or "creation" and that they (possibly aliens or other "entity") will come back later...)
The theories are separate from the multi-verse theories etc.
Originally the multi-verse theory is the yang to string theory. The idea that a series of events happen in a straight line of time... while multi-verse is the idea that "space and time" is more 4 dimensional-ish with every choice and chance that happens the other chance happens in another universe.
All because time is only a relative figure we give to a series of events that we witness.
These theories are left in science fiction at the moment but there are scientists that study these theories in depth beyond what we could understand in hope of clearly understanding the way the universe actually works a little better.
One of the greatest discoveries in support of some of these theories was the Black Hole.
If we can understand how a Black Hole works exactly, we might unlock a few pieces to a couple of our puzzles.
The point is, we aren't out against god.
But we are open to suggestions other than one specific mystical one.
Its not going to be practically none existent to our experience.
We will be able to find what was the beginning of everything.
Definitely not anytime in our lifetime, but what we learn now will help those that succeed us find the answer.
Whether they are mistakes or correct findings they can be learned from.
But there is no ominous thing out there that decides when we are lucky and not or when we deserve to die or fall ill.
It all happens by the chance of cause and effect.
We are hoping to find the beginning cause of it all.
Saying "god did it" doesn't help us. Inside or outside of the class room.