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Is Richard Dawkins Dividing The World?


Woke gremlin
First let me point out in all rationale and logic, we are not discussing Darwin, we are discussing Dawkins. You do seem very confused.
Or, they just mistyped - since Dawkins and Darwin have similar names, Dawkins is an expert in the field of evolution and evolution is another contentious issue between religion and science (which is an area Dawkins also specializes in), the fact that they are clearly talking about Dawkins when looking at the context of the post, and that we are discussing Dawkins - not Darwin.

See, that is using logic to come to a clear conclusion. You don't seem to employ it - instead you opt for whatever view you feel makes the other person look less intelligent than you. A common trait among the intellectually insincere and cowardly.

I didn't give you quotations, I gave you the whole God Delusion novel. If you want to see specific quotations I would suggest you go to the thread which discusses that issue.
The God Delusion is not a "novel", it a non-fiction popular science and philosophy book. "You do seem very confused."

There? See how easy that is?

Joking aside, since you claim to have read Dawkins' work can you provide any of his specific points that you disagree with? We don't require direct quotations, just a brief outline of what you believe him to have written and why you disagree with it.

And, just so that you know in advance: if you cannot do this, then I'm going to assume that you haven't read Dawkins. Just letting you know.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I suspect Dawkins real sin is that he is so often spot on in his criticisms of religion. There are folks who just can't handle that about him.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
See? Dawkins divides.
I stand corrected.

Don't be a hypocrite smoke. You didn't mind discussing me in your arrogance and ignorance when you kept implying I hadn't read anything of Dawkins. Then put up your rediculous and stupid questions. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and your arrogance and ignorance has been shown up. Accept it as an adult and move on. Hopefully learn a lesson from it.
To put you in the same situation you are putting Smoke: Using terms like arrogant, ignorance, ridiculous, and especially stupid, to attack an opponents position shows alot about your own personal character, or it could just mean that your debate is helpless, and you cannot admit defeat. It can also show you are of a lower intelligence, and really can't come up with any good argument of your own, so you resort to mudslinging. So which is it?


New Member
I here you refer to Nietsche a lot and I have not spent any time with him, but my opinion of Dawkins after spending some time with him is that he has brought human thought to the point where if one can comprehend what he actually says, there is little room for any version of God to remain.

Did Nietsche accomplish the same thing?

This may be a tiny bit off topic but YOU GOT TO SPEND TIME WITH RICHARD DAWKINS?? I am so jealous.


Well-Known Member
Or, they just mistyped - since Dawkins and Darwin have similar names, Dawkins is an expert in the field of evolution and evolution is another contentious issue between religion and science (which is an area Dawkins also specializes in), the fact that they are clearly talking about Dawkins when looking at the context of the post, and that we are discussing Dawkins - not Darwin.

See, that is using logic to come to a clear conclusion. You don't seem to employ it - instead you opt for whatever view you feel makes the other person look less intelligent than you. A common trait among the intellectually insincere and cowardly.

Dear me, did you have to go to all that trouble to figure out it was a typo? I knew it was a typo the moment I looked at it.

The God Delusion is not a "novel", it a non-fiction popular science and philosophy book. "You do seem very confused."

LOL the God Delusion was full of fiction, especially the analogies and stolen cliche's. It was a novel.

There? See how easy that is?

It is very easy for people who have read it.

Joking aside, since you claim to have read Dawkins' work can you provide any of his specific points that you disagree with? We don't require direct quotations, just a brief outline of what you believe him to have written and why you disagree with it.

LOL this thread is about Dawkins dividing the world. The God Delusion novel is all that is needed to prove that point. For any additonal info, I would suggest you go to the thread which deals with that issue.

And, just so that you know in advance: if you cannot do this, then I'm going to assume that you haven't read Dawkins. Just letting you know.

Your logic, your reason. I would say, with that logic and reason, you would be like Dawkins on religious issues.


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected.

To put you in the same situation you are putting Smoke: Using terms like arrogant, ignorance, ridiculous, and especially stupid, to attack an opponents position shows alot about your own personal character, or it could just mean that your debate is helpless, and you cannot admit defeat. It can also show you are of a lower intelligence, and really can't come up with any good argument of your own, so you resort to mudslinging. So which is it?

Delusional statements like this are the personal attack. Do you want to continue or would you feel it wiser to pull out whilst you are still loosing?

Smoke has long since admitted, they were being arrogant and ignorant,(dear me, I was right). I would suggest you follow smokes lead. Being arrogant and ignorant, of course smoke is going to look at Dawkins in another light from another perspective. Smoke thinks acting like that is intelligent, when in reality, it is really quite stupid, for Dawkins spreads animosity and in doing so, divides the world.


Well-Known Member
I suspect Dawkins real sin is that he is so often spot on in his criticisms of religion. There are folks who just can't handle that about him.

LOL yeah, about as good as Dawkins supporters handle criticisms. Check this thread out for evidence. :D


Woke gremlin
Dear me, did you have to go to all that trouble to figure out it was a typo? I knew it was a typo the moment I looked at it.

Lying won't get you anywhere.

Your exact words:
"First let me point out in all rationale and logic, we are not discussing Darwin, we are discussing Dawkins. You do seem very confused."

Doesn't sound like the words of someone addressing a typo, does it? Unless this entire sentence of yours is a typo.

LOL the God Delusion was full of fiction, especially the analogies and stolen cliche's. It was a novel.
And now you're even attempted to slither out of a semantic mistake you made. Don't like being shown to be less intelligent than you think you are, do you? And, by the way, by your logic every religious text in the world is a novel. Obviously you don't know much about literature either.

But, I digress. Care to mention any of these "fictional analogies" and "stolen cliches"?

It is very easy for people who have read it.
Then go ahead.

LOL this thread is about Dawkins dividing the world. The God Delusion novel is all that is needed to prove that point. For any additonal info, I would suggest you go to the thread which deals with that issue.
See that? That's you not responding to my challenge.

Ergo, I can safely assume you never read Dawkins, and you're not worth debating with.

Your logic, your reason. I would say, with that logic and reason, you would be like Dawkins on religious issues.
Too bad you have absolutely no clue what Dawkins' views are, since you have repeatedly failed to respond to any kind of questioning on the matter.

He's obviously a lot smarter than you.


Active Member
Certainly I see the scientific view of the world as incompatible with religion, but that is not what is interesting about it. It is also incompatible with magic, but that also is not worth stressing. What is interesting about the scientific world view is that it is true, inspiring, remarkable and that it unites a whole lot of phenomena under a single heading.
-- Richard Dawkins (attributed: source unknown)

That's funny. Those that oppose popular and accepted theories will find themselves stoned by the scientific community! That doesn't mean science is the problem but because science is done by people the anthropology; politics, allegiances, economics, etc, play a pretty influencial role as to who is gets funded and who doesn't. As such control of the public mind by virtue of goverments or popularity is really what religion is about and I don't believe science has escaped that anthropological pit fall.

But to say that the sceintific view is all true is pushing it! e.g. String theory or M-theory has been developing for the last 30 years and as of yet no means of scientifically proving its claims. Yet this new theory has gone even further with fairy tales when it reached its dimise when trying to explain gravity. When the truth of these scientist couldn't explain gravity with the string model they pulled a rabbit out of a hat! They used the old "Parallel Universe" trick. With this trick they could just leak gravity at their disgression from a "Parallel Universe" to make it all work. Of course Hawkings says it may take another 150 years to prove the theory and also says the idea "Feels right". Doesn't sound very scientific or true to me...

Trying to get new scientific ideas crtitically evalauated isn't easy, even if the premise of the idea is sound, meaning it isn't some new age hocus pocus magic. So surviving in the scientific community suffers from the same plagues of religion which is controlling power and money...

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Freud was right. And yes, Dawkins uses psychological projection, so you are right as well.:p
Actually, Freud was right to an extent. It's like saying Darwin was right. We know he had the general idea correct, but we know today that the he was wrong in many finer details. Freud had many good ideas, but modern day followers of his ideas have a very different approach.

Delusional statements like this are the personal attack. Do you want to continue or would you feel it wiser to pull out whilst you are still loosing?
I'm just going by the general rules of debate.


Well-Known Member
That's funny. Those that oppose popular and accepted theories will find themselves stoned by the scientific community! That doesn't mean science is the problem but because science is done by people the anthropology; politics, allegiances, economics, etc, play a pretty influencial role as to who is gets funded and who doesn't. As such control of the public mind by virtue of goverments or popularity is really what religion is about and I don't believe science has escaped that anthropological pit fall.

But to say that the sceintific view is all true is pushing it! e.g. String theory or M-theory has been developing for the last 30 years and as of yet no means of scientifically proving its claims. Yet this new theory has gone even further with fairy tales when it reached its dimise when trying to explain gravity. When the truth of these scientist couldn't explain gravity with the string model they pulled a rabbit out of a hat! They used the old "Parallel Universe" trick. With this trick they could just leak gravity at their disgression from a "Parallel Universe" to make it all work. Of course Hawkings says it may take another 150 years to prove the theory and also says the idea "Feels right". Doesn't sound very scientific or true to me...

Trying to get new scientific ideas crtitically evalauated isn't easy, even if the premise of the idea is sound, meaning it isn't some new age hocus pocus magic. So surviving in the scientific community suffers from the same plagues of religion which is controlling power and money...

According to Dawkins, only his views on science is true, he pretty much dismisses everything else. Albeit he is the same pertaining to his religious beliefs.

I wouldn't get too stressed about it, Dawkins on the whole is a very subjective and opinionated person.


Well-Known Member
Lying won't get you anywhere.

Your exact words:
"First let me point out in all rationale and logic, we are not discussing Darwin, we are discussing Dawkins. You do seem very confused."

Doesn't sound like the words of someone addressing a typo, does it? Unless this entire sentence of yours is a typo.

LOL lying, you do so much remind me of Auto.

Do you like think you are some kind of psychic? Do you think you know my mind better than I do? That is a very arrogant position.

In all rationale and logic, is the discussion pertaining to Dawkins and not Darwin.... By golly I believe I was right. I can fully understand why you would try and condemn a person for being right.

Was it a confused statement? By golly I believe I was right again. I should be condemned for being right, shouldn't I. LOL. :D

As for being an easy mistake to make, I can't see where anybody else has made the same mistake. So that analogy of yours falls flat on its face, for if it were and easy mistake to make, many people would have made the same mistake. Nobody else has.:no:

A freudian slip, quite possibly. This just says attention wasn't on the topic at hand, or relating Dawkins works to Darwins as they do go hand in hand. The topic at hand though isn't evolution, it is Dawkins dividing the world.

And now you're even attempted to slither out of a semantic mistake you made. Don't like being shown to be less intelligent than you think you are, do you? And, by the way, by your logic every religious text in the world is a novel. Obviously you don't know much about literature either.

LOL, I already know how intelligent I am, your little semantics will have no bearing on this.

It is in the same context as The Da Vinci Code. Part scientific evidence down specific lines of science but neglecting to give credit to other parts of science, intermixed with Dawkins own personal religious beliefs. It was and is a novel.

Many people in the world conclude other religious texts novels, the Bible, the Veda's, the Dharma's, the Quran et al. I hold this view in my knowledge as well as the other views. The same as I do pertaining to Dawkins religious texts.

But, I digress. Care to mention any of these "fictional analogies" and "stolen cliches"?

Like I have already said once, if you want specific quotes from the God Delusion, you will have to go to the thread which relates to that topic. I don't need to quote specifics of the novel, the God Delusion novel alone was enough to prove the point.

Which by the way has been conclusively proven by the division it has caused in this thread. Dawkins divides the world.

Then go ahead.

I have already done so, and in doing so, proved the point of the thread.

See that? That's you not responding to my challenge.

LOL is that what I was doing, you little psychic you. Here I was thinking, I was saying to you, take your issues to the other thread.

Ergo, I can safely assume you never read Dawkins, and you're not worth debating with.

Ah, human intelligence is such a wonderful and fascinating thing. Dumb and stupid sometimes, but fascinating never the less.

Too bad you have absolutely no clue what Dawkins' views are, since you have repeatedly failed to respond to any kind of questioning on the matter.

LOL everybody who has read Dawkins works, spent time in his evangelistic crusades or listened to him debate, knows exactly what his views are. He is very outspoken and very opinionated.

He's obviously a lot smarter than you.

Coming from you, I will consider that a compliment.;)


If only Dawkins did try to push reason over faith. Dawkins pushes his own agenda which he holds in faith petaining to religious matters.

Dawkins is not highly educated in theology, in fact his opinion is equal to yours or mine.

I can only agree Reason is something desperately needed in the world today and to stop evangelistic crusaders like Dawkins. Promoting animosity towards anything or anybody, is never a reasonable position, yet Dawkins promoted a whole book pertaining to just this.

I hardly see Dawkin's as an Evangelistic crusader. I do not see him promoting animosity towards anything. Dawkins is expressing a view now weather he is right or wrong who knows.

Dawkins is not highly educated in theology, in fact his opinion is equal to yours or mine.

University of California, Berkeley, assistant professor of zoology, 1967-69; Oxford University, Oxford, England, lecturer in zoology and fellow of New College, 1970-90, reader in zoology, 1990-95; Evolutionary biologist and the Charles Simonyi Professor For The Understanding Of Science at Oxford University; Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in May, 2001.The Galaxy British Book Awards named him Author of the Year in 2006 for The God Delusion, and in 2008 his TV program 'The Genius of Charles Darwin' won Best Documentary Series at the British Broadcast Awards. He was listed as one of TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in 2007.

I would say he has the credentials.


Well-Known Member
Actually, Freud was right to an extent. It's like saying Darwin was right. We know he had the general idea correct, but we know today that the he was wrong in many finer details. Freud had many good ideas, but modern day followers of his ideas have a very different approach.

I am very well aware, more aware than most, where scientific developments pertaining to Freud are up to.

I'm just going by the general rules of debate.

And I am asking, do you want to continue, or do you want to pull out whilst you are still loosing? Where your projection has been shown up, and smoke has already admitted his/her arrogance and ignorance?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
LOL yeah, about as good as Dawkins supporters handle criticisms. Check this thread out for evidence. :D

You can't seriously be suggesting you're criticisms have merit, can you? I mean, not even you can believe a position as absurd as yours.
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Well-Known Member
I hardly see Dawkin's as an Evangelistic crusader. I do not see him promoting animosity towards anything. Dawkins is expressing a view now weather he is right or wrong who knows.

Like it or not, that is what he is. He takes money from the public to preach his own brand of religious dogma.

Dawkins expresses a religious view, this I can wholly agree with you on. According to Dawkins, he is right, he even attacks more conservative and well thought, atheists. Talk about religions attacking each other. Logical and rational people may know he may be wrong or right. Dawkins is neither rational nor logical when it comes to his religious beliefs.

I would say he has the credentials.

If the subject were zoology, he definately has the credentials. He gains a secondary knowledge by working side by side with people who have other knowledge. Albeit in life, everybody gets this. I wouldn't take Dawkins advice on how to fix a motor vehicle, over a trained mechanic though, the trained motor mechanic would have more knowledge and more intelligence on the matter.
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Well-Known Member
You can't seriously be suggesting you're criticisms have merit, can you? I mean, not even you can believe a position as absurd as yours.

LOL. Yeah, religous people give the same excuse as you too, they don't believe Dawkins has any merit either.

You are terrific Sunstone, you keep proving my point very nicely. Thank you.