Who will judge this higher authority of yours? The satan is condemned by Jesus Christ. The satan is figure from Bible, in the Bible he is defeated and is burning (together with all satanists) in the lake of fire. So, there is no sense in satanism.
I'm afraid you have it all wrong. Jesus never existed, he was a mythical conglomerate of prior dying and resurrecting deities. That Abrahamic faiths are simply delusions of man used for political and social leverage. It is a lie intended to ensnare the herd mentality into subservience.
This archetype called Satan is the reflection of how we perceive ourselves in relation to what we call the “others”. Satan is a social and cultural phenomenon as old as the mind of humanity itself. There has always and will always, be essentially two worldviews consisting of oppositions and they are “Us & Them” or “Me” and “the rest of you” . . . etc.
Sumerian and Akkadian tablets concur this worldview from the earliest known writings, the ancient Egyptian word for an Egyptian meant “human”, which excluded all who were not Egyptian to be relegated to ‘non-human’, the Greek word for non-Greeks was “barbaroi” (barbarians). The Jewish Essenes called anyone not an Essene “ha satan” (the adversary), Zoroastrianism set forth the dualistic “good” (what we believe in) and “evil” (what they believe in).
“A society does not simply discover its others, it fabricates them, by selecting, isolating, and emphasizing as aspect of another people’s life, and making it symbolize their difference” – William Scott Green (Professor of the history of religion – ancient Judaism, biblical studies, and the theory of religion).
So, who/what is this Satan? He simply is who you are not!