Well if someone is eternally evil, they should face everlasting punishment, at least til they repented.
But the assumption is that they who reject god, are eternally wicked, with no ability or ever wish to repent.
It escapes me that belief in God is needed whatsoever. That's assuming to even know God. And I find absolutely no presence of God anywhere, my whole life.
That's what's maddening about Christian ultimatums. I gotta know, trust, and believe and have faith in a deity I have no ability to experience in order to get to heaven. I gotta know that Noah , and Jonah are historical factual stories. And I have to rely on a book as my only source of evidence.
So I gotta pull me brains out, and forsake my mind and experience, and imbibe the faith to get to heaven.
And I'm assumed by Christians that I know it's all true and it's obvious, and I'm somehow sinfully suppressing this knowledge in total denial.
How far does the delusion go. All the way to Beulah land. They actually sincerely believe that reality is this way, and all souls be judged this way.
So they talk to me this way, and judge me this way. And so does there God.
So they draw their Final Battle lines with me, and call it loving their enemies. When I can see how they hate non believers. Especially those who have heard the message.
It's total insanity! Where they believe they are separate from the world. But they are as mean, and nasty and bitter spiteful as I've ever seen people. They get together and mock so called sinners for being filthy wretches, when they are supposed to be praying for us according to their book.