Buncha Luddites.
But then, given that I'm still HERE because of technology, and I personally think that's a good thing, I may be a little bit biased.
Oh...and since living in London no longer is a death sentence from 'killer smog,' and neither is Los Angeles...though LA never reached the level London did...
Technology isn't good, It's not bad. It just is.
The medication that is fighting my cancer is an analog of thalidomide. Remember thalidomide?
and it is (in itself and its analogs) saving far more lives than it caused birth defects. This is NOT me approving what happened to those babies. In fact, the original investigation into thalidomide was badly done and irresponsibly handled. It should not have happened, and I have my own theories (definitely not 'right wing' theories) about why it did.
But it's true value has nothing at all to do with what hurt and killed those infants, and it should never have been used to combat morning sickness (REALLY? one of the nastier side effects of it and its analogues is nausea, for crying out loud).
It's true and best use is to combat blood and bone marrow cancer...and it is very good at that.
Is this the fault of thalidomide? No. It's the fault of the people who misused...then used correctly, the discoveries made about it.
This is me, expanding, as is my wont, the 'yes' answer found earlier on the thread.
Oh...and to get rid of technology because it is 'bad,' would mean, er....not even hunter gatherer lives. THEY used tools and fire. Technology.
We are stuck with it.