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Is the Bible Accurate?


New Member
Yesterday at a Wednesday night church service, I'm pretty sure I offended some people there. We were studying the book of Job and one topic lead to another that lead to this Topic. Now in my opinion, the Bible is God inspired words given to man to write down. What point i tried to show, that got very misinterpreted, was the Bible is really old and written in Greek and Hebrew. Through translating and being rewritten thousands of times, Couldn't it be filled with some inaccuracy. I was shutdown on the topic very quick with a bunch of people that wanted to hog tie me and poke me with sticks (or at least that's what i felt like they wanted to do). They would of probably told me to leave but my dad is the preacher so I get tolerated. I find some people very closed minded when it comes to saying anything that is not the norm in Christian religion. So I joined today to this website to get other people's takes on this subject.


Premium Member
Welcome, at least no one here will hog tie you. You will definately get a lot more interpretations of the bible here.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
I agree with you.

Heck, even newspapers are inaccurate. There is no intent, it's just human error. Even if God moved the hand of Moses in writing the first 5 books of the Bible (something even Biblical scholars dispute), the hand of many men were involved in passing the Bible down through the generations. Literally thousands of years before Gutenberg invented the printing press. As such, the Bible has errors and inconsistencies. This is why it is important to take it as a complete work and not cherry-pick parts of it to justify one's personal position on gays, women's rights, medicine, etc.

Those who take the Bible literally will staunchly defend their idea that it is perfect. I disagree with them.


Resident Liberal Hippie
My feeling is that those who hold the Bible as unadulterated perfection have more faith in the written word than God himself, and are practicing bibliolatry.


New Member
My feeling is that those who hold the Bible as unadulterated perfection have more faith in the written word than God himself, and are practicing bibliolatry.

You know I have never really thought of it that way. That does make since though. The only thing that was said to me before I was basically told to shut up was "don't you think God is big enough to protect his word". That showed no proof of bible accuracy at all. I told them well God could just come down and take us all to heaven but he doesn't. why do you think he would protect his book when he could protect everyone from hell but doesn't.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The bible is not perfect because we are not perfect. Only God is perfect. Since the bible is not God, it is not perfect.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Hi. Spiralz. Ex Christian here. Know where your coming from. It's tough to find those willing to deal with the hard questions. Good forum here and I think you will like it. :0)

Bob Dixon

The bible is not perfect because we are not perfect. Only God is perfect. Since the bible is not God, it is not perfect.


Also, the Bible is a man-made book. Does it need to be accurate in all details to get its message across? Its main message is that we should "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God". That's it.


Active Member
Yesterday at a Wednesday night church service, I'm pretty sure I offended some people there. We were studying the book of Job and one topic lead to another that lead to this Topic. Now in my opinion, the Bible is God inspired words given to man to write down. What point i tried to show, that got very misinterpreted, was the Bible is really old and written in Greek and Hebrew. Through translating and being rewritten thousands of times, Couldn't it be filled with some inaccuracy. I was shutdown on the topic very quick with a bunch of people that wanted to hog tie me and poke me with sticks (or at least that's what i felt like they wanted to do). They would of probably told me to leave but my dad is the preacher so I get tolerated. I find some people very closed minded when it comes to saying anything that is not the norm in Christian religion. So I joined today to this website to get other people's takes on this subject.
Eeesh so I'm sorry about what happened at your church. That's too bad that those people didn't really have an answer for you. And yes the bible could be filled with some innaccuracy. However there aren't any innacuracies in it. I mean God's in control of everything, and I doubt he'd allow any "innacuracies to creep into his inspired word. Have you ever don any research into how the bible came together?


New Member

Also, the Bible is a man-made book. Does it need to be accurate in all details to get its message across? Its main message is that we should "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God". That's it.

That is very well said. I just wish others would learn to be like this and forget the finger pointing contest.


Premium Member
Yesterday at a Wednesday night church service, I'm pretty sure I offended some people there. We were studying the book of Job and one topic lead to another that lead to this Topic. Now in my opinion, the Bible is God inspired words given to man to write down. What point i tried to show, that got very misinterpreted, was the Bible is really old and written in Greek and Hebrew. Through translating and being rewritten thousands of times, Couldn't it be filled with some inaccuracy. I was shutdown on the topic very quick with a bunch of people that wanted to hog tie me and poke me with sticks (or at least that's what i felt like they wanted to do). They would of probably told me to leave but my dad is the preacher so I get tolerated. I find some people very closed minded when it comes to saying anything that is not the norm in Christian religion. So I joined today to this website to get other people's takes on this subject.

Welcome to the Forum! :)

The various books of the Bible could have had some errors in translation and some transcript errors. As others have pointed, we are all human. So even though I believe the Bible to be God influenced, humans wrote it down and translated it and over and over and there could be errors. The main message of the Bible is clear, even so.

I used to have some "unorthodox" ideas about the Bible myself and was laughed at. For one, I didn't take the Bible literally in a Bible study group and lo and behold, I was ridiculed for that. :)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
there aren't any innacuracies in it. I mean God's in control of everything, and I doubt he'd allow any "innacuracies to creep into his inspired word.
There certainly are inaccuracies. Genesis says that the sky is a rigid dome. It was understood that the sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies were fixed upon this dome, and the whole thing turned around the earth (which was understood to be disc-shaped).

Another thing: There is absolutely nothing in the archaeological record to indicate a mass invasion of people into ancient Palestine (meaning that the whole "entry into the promised land" thing is ... inaccurate.

Additionally, it would have been impossible for David's kingdom to have supported an army nearly as large as the bible says it was.



Interesting that your father was the preacher....

Any way I think one thing you could do is embark of a study of the Bible and study it for yourself...learning some of the ancient languagues and how the scriptures were passed down, then offer a class at your father's church...no maybe not right away...

You have to be careful and learn how to not offend people first ...maybe learn how to slowly bring up topics and ask open questions.

Once you've offended people their minds will be closed to listening to you for awhile..

The real value though will be you will have bothered to study and inquire...

"Truth and the human
heart are by nature akin, and in a pure heart truth will grow
apace and bring forth fruit abundantly;
only some impurity and defect in the soil (such as worldly
distractions or love of mammon) can prevent its growth."

~ George Townshend, The Heart of the Gospel, p. 25


Active Member
Is the Bible accurate.... not even close, it is overly evident throughout that it is limited to the knowledge level of the time it was written. Plus it is full of "story teller exagerations" as most mythological stories are...


Yesterday at a Wednesday night church service, I'm pretty sure I offended some people there. We were studying the book of Job and one topic lead to another that lead to this Topic. Now in my opinion, the Bible is God inspired words given to man to write down. What point i tried to show, that got very misinterpreted, was the Bible is really old and written in Greek and Hebrew. Through translating and being rewritten thousands of times, Couldn't it be filled with some inaccuracy. I was shutdown on the topic very quick with a bunch of people that wanted to hog tie me and poke me with sticks (or at least that's what i felt like they wanted to do). They would of probably told me to leave but my dad is the preacher so I get tolerated. I find some people very closed minded when it comes to saying anything that is not the norm in Christian religion. So I joined today to this website to get other people's takes on this subject.
It seems that the bible is a contradiction in about everything you can find in it, I certainly cannot find anything that isn’t contradicted by verse or doctrine and I openly make the challenge to anyone who thinks he or she can provide anything to the contrary. Interesting enough, a semi recent poll showed that devote Atheist knew more about biblical text and doctrine when compared to their devote Christian neighbors. I suspect this could be due to the fact that Atheist, unlike Christians do not have the added baggage on a denominational viewpoint in tow. This denominational baggage keeps them in tune to what is being preached in their little church rather than questioning what’s really in the bible and being (or have been) preached in churches throughout the world, and I suspect this is the barrier you ran into.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Yesterday at a Wednesday night church service, I'm pretty sure I offended some people there. We were studying the book of Job and one topic lead to another that lead to this Topic. Now in my opinion, the Bible is God inspired words given to man to write down. What point i tried to show, that got very misinterpreted, was the Bible is really old and written in Greek and Hebrew. Through translating and being rewritten thousands of times, Couldn't it be filled with some inaccuracy. I was shutdown on the topic very quick with a bunch of people that wanted to hog tie me and poke me with sticks (or at least that's what i felt like they wanted to do). They would of probably told me to leave but my dad is the preacher so I get tolerated. I find some people very closed minded when it comes to saying anything that is not the norm in Christian religion. So I joined today to this website to get other people's takes on this subject.

There are other issues concerning the logistics of the book of job as well as other biblical stories that go beyond mere translation....


Yesterday at a Wednesday night church service, I'm pretty sure I offended some people there. We were studying the book of Job and one topic lead to another that lead to this Topic. Now in my opinion, the Bible is God inspired words given to man to write down. What point i tried to show, that got very misinterpreted, was the Bible is really old and written in Greek and Hebrew. Through translating and being rewritten thousands of times, Couldn't it be filled with some inaccuracy. I was shutdown on the topic very quick with a bunch of people that wanted to hog tie me and poke me with sticks (or at least that's what i felt like they wanted to do). They would of probably told me to leave but my dad is the preacher so I get tolerated. I find some people very closed minded when it comes to saying anything that is not the norm in Christian religion. So I joined today to this website to get other people's takes on this subject.

it was never intended to be gods word, or divinely inspired.

"gods words" was later attributed to the many works.

It was written as song, poems, allegory, metaphores, parables, folklore, mythology.

It was never a literal, god said this type of work ever.

next time ask them if god was whispering in the scribes ear? or just guiding their hand? because your not sure how a god would tell people the sun revolves around the earth.