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Is the Bible Accurate?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
There certainly are inaccuracies. Genesis says that the sky is a rigid dome. It was understood that the sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies were fixed upon this dome, and the whole thing turned around the earth (which was understood to be disc-shaped).

Another thing: There is absolutely nothing in the archaeological record to indicate a mass invasion of people into ancient Palestine (meaning that the whole "entry into the promised land" thing is ... inaccurate.

Additionally, it would have been impossible for David's kingdom to have supported an army nearly as large as the bible says it was.

Don't forget...there was no worldwide flood...:confused:


Active Member
There certainly are inaccuracies. Genesis says that the sky is a rigid dome. It was understood that the sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies were fixed upon this dome, and the whole thing turned around the earth (which was understood to be disc-shaped).
Genesis doesn't say that...are we reading the same book?
Another thing: There is absolutely nothing in the archaeological record to indicate a mass invasion of people into ancient Palestine (meaning that the whole "entry into the promised land" thing is ... inaccurate.
Do we even have ALL the archeological records?
Additionally, it would have been impossible for David's kingdom to have supported an army nearly as large as the bible says it was.
Why would it have been impossible?


WHy could there have been no worldwide flood?

impossible, where did the water come from , where did it go? what did the fish do wrong that they should be murdered in cold blood along with all the animals?

when did the flood happen excatly, what date???

you do understand the word mythology?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Thanks for filling holes!

"but".....while I don't consider it to be accurate...one can gather some decent morals from the various stories. While plenty of the stories were present before in other cultures it can still be of some value to those seeking to find some decency on how to live and treat others....See, I'm not a total bible basher...:D
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ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
WHy could there have been no worldwide flood?

Maybe "world-wide" in a particular peoples' world. Rivers flood: the Nile, the Mississippi, the Ganges, the Amazon; there are tsunamis. There was trade and interaction between peoples. Stories get traded too. If we can't get the facts right about George Washington <300 years ago, how much more has the story of a flood been blown out of proportion from 5,000 years ago?

Btw, there was a massive flood in the Black Sea area after the last ice age when the last of the glaciers retreated and the Mediterranean flooded in. Also, the landbridge between Britain and mainland Europe was drowned as sea levels rose.


Maybe "world-wide" in a particular peoples' world. Rivers flood: the Nile, the Mississippi, the Ganges, the Amazon; there are tsunamis. There was trade and interaction between peoples. Stories get traded too. If we can't get the facts right about George Washington <300 years ago, how much more has the story of a flood been blown out of proportion from 5,000 years ago?

Btw, there was a massive flood in the Black Sea area after the last ice age when the last of the glaciers retreated and the Mediterranean flooded in. Also, the landbridge between Britain and mainland Europe was drowned as sea levels rose.

the BSD was way to early for hebrews to ever write about or any other culture, its not confirmed and may have happened while still covered by glaciers. it sunknown if it ever happened as guessed

Now if you do your history you will find that the Euphrates did flood in 2900 BC and the first flood legends developed shortly after that. this is also the same place noahs legend is said to originate

this same sumerian flood legend changed in sumrian legend from a river flood to a sea flood.

these same people migrated to become Israelites after 1200 BC bring these earlier legends with them, later retold in judaism to give identity and teach morals to its own people.

remember, we have a new culture emerging that was a melting pot of people and they needed their own religion after 1200 BC. So one was created and there past history was filled in based on legends of different cultures that made up the new religion


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Genesis doesn't say that...are we reading the same book?
In Genesis 1, the Hebrew word for "sky" is raqiya, which means "rigid dome."
Apparently, your bible wasn't written in Hebrew?
Do we even have ALL the archeological records?
Ignorance is a poor substitute for skepticism.
The archaeological record is what it is. There are no writings, no drawings, no pottery shards or excavated dwellings/villages that show an invasion of a different culture. If there had been, the architecture, art, pottery, writing, etc. would show a significant change. THERE IS NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGE.
Why would it have been impossible?
Think about it: Ancient Palestine was an agrarian society. There simply was not enough crop production to support a government the size that would be needed to support an army that large.

But, as I said in another thread, you seem to ignore the fact that these are not factual accounts. They're stories. And, just like "historical" movies take artistic license with the facts in order to make the story better, so do these stories.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
"but".....while I don't consider it to be accurate...one can gather some decent morals from the various stories. While plenty of the stories were present before in other cultures it can still be of some value to those seeking to find some decency on how to live and treat others....See, I'm not a total bible basher...:D
Oh, I'm completely on board with you.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
impossible, where did the water come from , where did it go? what did the fish do wrong that they should be murdered in cold blood along with all the animals?

when did the flood happen excatly, what date???

you do understand the word mythology?

Not to mention it is physically impossible to put all of the world's species, both flora and fauna, aboard a single ship 515 feet (L) by 86 feet (W) by 52 feet (H).

Noah's Ark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Not to mention it is physically impossible to put all of the world's species, both flora and fauna, aboard a single ship 515 feet (L) by 86 feet (W) by 52 feet (H).

Noah's Ark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

trying to pin down YEC on a date is all it takes to stop them dead in their own tracks.

they cant answer because once they do you can go to another culture with writing that shows no interuptions.

without a date they fail because they cant pinpoint it, if they do they use the same science they condem.

with a date the fail again.

they have to flat refuse logic and reason and reality in a attempt to rationalize their faith.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
Agreed as far as YEC'ers go. The problem is taking the story literally in the face of scientific fact. Does this mean there was no Noah or Ark? No. Many cultures have flood stories and I have no doubt many of them have factual origins. A story of a man who foresaw, by whatever means, a coming flood and build a large ship (of undetermined size) to protect his family and livestock isn't beyond the realm of possibilities. A common hypothesized source would be a dam of ice during an ice age breaking and releasing a flood of freshwater. Another is a similar event involving the Mediterranean breaking through to form the Black Sea.

PBS - Scientific American Frontiers | Beneath the Sea | Noah's Flood
At this time - about 7,500 years ago - the global climate was still rapidly warming following the last Ice Age, causing the seas to rise. Ryan and Pitman hypothesize that, when sea levels rose beyond a critical point, the Mediterranean Sea overflowed, deluging the Black Sea basin with salty water and destroying the fertile plains around the once-shallow freshwater lake.

Any people living on those plains at the time would have witnessed what must have seemed like the wrath of an angry god. Based on the still northern flowing undercurrents of what we call the Bosporus Straits, Ryan and Pitman estimate the water rushed northward through this channel with force many times greater than Niagara Falls. As the waters rose about six inches per day, human settlements would have been washed away or under hundreds of feet of water within a year or so. Traumatized refugees from the flood must have told their story to shocked listeners. Is this the story so many of us still tell our children today?

A possible source of the Noah's Flood story
Two senior scientists from Columbia University have proposed a theory that a massive transfer of water occurred about 5600 BCE - over seven and a half millennia ago. They wrote: "Ten cubic miles of water poured through each day, two hundred times what flows over Niagara Falls." "The Bosporus flume roared and surged at full spate for at least three hundred days." 60,000 square miles of land were inundated. 1 The Black Sea shoreline significantly expanded to the north and east. The lake's its water level was raised many hundreds of feet. It changed from a fresh-water landlocked lake into a salt water lake connected to the world's oceans.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
the BSD was way to early for hebrews to ever write about or any other culture, its not confirmed and may have happened while still covered by glaciers. it sunknown if it ever happened as guessed

Sure, I'll give you that. :yes: What I mean is that stories spread and get blown out of proportion, especially the older they are, and the farther away their origin.

Now if you do your history you will find that the Euphrates did flood in 2900 BC and the first flood legends developed shortly after that. this is also the same place noahs legend is said to originate

this same sumerian flood legend changed in sumrian legend from a river flood to a sea flood.

these same people migrated to become Israelites after 1200 BC bring these earlier legends with them, later retold in judaism to give identity and teach morals to its own people.

remember, we have a new culture emerging that was a melting pot of people and they needed their own religion after 1200 BC. So one was created and there past history was filled in based on legends of different cultures that made up the new religion

Yes, I remember something about the round boats that were common at the time Sumer was thriving. They were particularly steady on the water due to their shape. It's possible the story of one particularly resourceful and persistant man who lashed several boats together to save as much of his livestock and family as he could, became the story of Noah and the flood. Now, that's pure speculation on my part. Though I think not implausible.


Yes, I remember something about the round boats that were common at the time Sumer was thriving. They were particularly steady on the water due to their shape. It's possible the story of one particularly resourceful and persistant man who lashed several boats together to save as much of his livestock and family as he could, became the story of Noah and the flood. Now, that's pure speculation on my part. Though I think not implausible.

Ziusudra ;)

well we know it floods all over the earth every year. so flood legends are common.

noahs legend is said to come from mesopotomia, and from there, we have multiple legends that grew and evolved with time. This is a fact.

its also a fact these people migrated to become Israelites.

So we know they carried these oral legends with them, scholars have all widely accepted this as the origin of noahs legend.


Agreed as far as YEC'ers go. The problem is taking the story literally in the face of scientific fact. Does this mean there was no Noah or Ark? No. Many cultures have flood stories and I have no doubt many of them have factual origins. A story of a man who foresaw, by whatever means, a coming flood and build a large ship (of undetermined size) to protect his family and livestock isn't beyond the realm of possibilities. A common hypothesized source would be a dam of ice during an ice age breaking and releasing a flood of freshwater. Another is a similar event involving the Mediterranean breaking through to form the Black Sea.

PBS - Scientific American Frontiers | Beneath the Sea | Noah's Flood

A possible source of the Noah's Flood story

the BSD is a bust for noahs legend.

it is a impossibility.

we dont even know if or when the Black sea developped. let alone try and tie it to a flood people talking about after 1200 BC

your talking about a impossibility

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
we dont even know if or when the Black sea developped. let alone try and tie it to a flood people talking about after 1200 BC

your talking about a impossibility

Yeah....and global warming is a myth and the Moon landings were a hoax. Gotcha. :facepalm:

Sorry, pal, but I'm going with the scientists as far as the Black Sea theory goes. Whether or not that is the origin of the Noah story cannot be said, but the timing and the region fit. Regardless, most legends and myths have an origin in fact. If the Tsunami of 2004 had happened in ancient times, it would have evolved into legend by the survivors.