Personally I believe the bible is a bunch of fables, used by mankind at that time to control the mass majority. I read a book called 'Cashing in on God' ISBN: 1411686691 and it was a real eye-opener to me and my friends who are trying to really understand who and what God is. Not saying this is for everyone, but I found more things in that book that made more sense than the bible or Quran. The Zohar seems to perhaps make more sense to me also.
What does interest me in your poll is that if people think things have been added and taken out, why do they take it so literally. How many people have actually gone in search of the truth for themselves, i.e researched historical data to back up the claims of the bible, find the proof that Jesus did actually exist. Many people can often preach scriptures, but to me, it still doesn't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they know, or are closer to God any more than me.
I believe in a God but not as a man with a white beard/hair, more as a collective thought, energy.
What does interest me in your poll is that if people think things have been added and taken out, why do they take it so literally. How many people have actually gone in search of the truth for themselves, i.e researched historical data to back up the claims of the bible, find the proof that Jesus did actually exist. Many people can often preach scriptures, but to me, it still doesn't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they know, or are closer to God any more than me.
I believe in a God but not as a man with a white beard/hair, more as a collective thought, energy.