Jesus said why call me Good only God is Good. Jesus is to teach with kindness and mercy forgiving the trespasses against him by the command of God but in the temple Jesus could not control his anger against men that were killing poor people for not having enough money to pay the Jews to not kill them. And the Jews were getting rich by doing that because people were paying them out of fear. The rich could buy any sin they wanted to do as often as they wanted to do it and were calling themselves sinless and righteous.
So Jesus disobeyed God that said to Jesus to command everyone love one another forgiving their trespasses. That command is a LAW of God and Jesus broke it with anger by striking the men. Jesus is acceptable by God, cleansed of his sin/trespasses because Jesus became water baptized.
Jesus was trying to save the Jews so in fact did love them but he did not love what they believed and what they did so became violent in opposition to it. Jesus refused to break the command from God to not kill, so never killed a Jew even though Jews were threatening to kill him. But had Jesus been perfect, Jesus would never had caused any physical harm to anyone so in fact, Jesus is not sinless, not good, only God is Good forgiving even the trespasses of His son Jesus.
Only Pharisee Paul taught that killing a life pleases God. Paul still calls himself a Pharisee after he lied saying he is an Apostle. The command of God is not to kill so in no way did the murder of Jesus please God and it certainly did not remove anyone's sins.
Sins are removed with belief in water baptism forsaking belief in blood sacrifice.
Paul lies when he said he converted to follow Jesus because he did not. There are 12 Apostles and 2 false Apostles in the Bible. Paul did formulate his own ideas of what religion should be and taught that by creating his own inferior church in total opposition to what the church Jesus established taught.