Truth has nothing to do with your strawman argument about fallacy and ironically, your appeal to authority wrt educational credentials. This forum is about Science and Religion, and it is obvious you are ignorant about both. I really don't understand why you would comment here without some real interest in these two fields, but given you have, let us proceed....
If I were to say X, a person, says Y it would be. However I am stating a consensus of philosophy which is taught at universities all over the world. You acusation is without merit since you can not tell the difference between a valid appeal to authority and a fallacious one. If you would like I can start link information from any number of universities to prove this consensus. You abuse of a fallacies still stands.
The very reason the concept of duality arises is that the one reality represented by the concept of reality is perceived by the mortal mind as comprisng two apsects, the perceiver/observer otoh, and the observed on the other, ie. subject - object. That is what is meant by the concept of duality in the context of religion.
You never mentioned with duality. There is duality of philosophy, mind/body, which also can be found in religion. There is also the form of creator/created. The duality you are talking about is scientific not religious. You are in fact making a mistake to think it is religious when in fact it's roots are in natural philosophy which become science. Religion dictate more than observe anything and dictate well beyond what any observation says. Such a methodology is useless when taken beyond it's scope. This is evident by you comparing the 5% physical "Cosmic" with the 95% non-physical. This is the dualism I was talking about physical and X. All you have done is changed what you said in an ad hoc manner, nothing more. Also I said I understand duality, in the context, I just layed out, is babble not non-duality is babble.
And please explain what you mean by "the mind aspect forms the majority of reality under your so-called Cosmic concept"?
This was under the impression you actually knew what duality was in religion but you do not so the point is irrelevant. However this was in respond to your flawed understanding of duality and your 95% non-physical Cosmic
This view is predicated on there being a beginning to reality/existence...whereas it is my understanding that the Cosmos is eternal and that there was never a beginning, so its manifestation likewise has also always been existing...albeit always in a state of transformation. So sentient beings have always existed...So unless you can show otherwise,this talk of Supernove is totally irrelevant to the concept of time.
If the 5% of the Cosmos is finite as cosmologists at the moment state then your idea of Cosmos can not be completely eternal. More so you must prove it is eternal not I disprove you. Argument from ignorance and shifting the burden of proof. Can you provide evidence without special pleading or begging the question? My point stands until you can demonstrate the existences of sentient beings before live on earth. Demonstrate the existences of sentient outside of physical reality. i doubt you can since no one has provided evidence for this just baseless claims and assertions.
Time is indeed a concept of physics....and what is a concept? It's an abstraction, and in this case, an abstraction from the reality of eternal duration. Now concepts are not on the same level as the real, for they are merely representations for things, not that they are really that thing. Iow, concepts are not actually real, except of course as concepts, they are forever on the other side of that which they are meant to represent.
No time is change of objects within the physical universe, it is not a concept but a reality as demonstrated by General Relativity per time dilation, motion . Thus time becomes part of the physical universe not merely tracking of it. It is not an abstraction as my supernovae demonstrates time without any reference to a mental construct since the event precede development of said construct. Eternal is an abstraction from time as a negative definition not as a positive one, it is a concept not a reality. You confuse reality with concepts and concepts with reality.
The concept of time is meant in principle to be a measurement of finite segments of eternal duration. Now this is a mortal mind's abstracted concept from the real, but is not actually real in itself. Eternal duration/timelessness can't be timed for eternity is to time as what infinity is to size.
And this comment is evidence of you lack of understanding between tracking of time in minute, seconds, hours and time as change. One is the perception of time, the other is time as in space-time.
So time is a mental construct meant to represent an abstracted segment of the continued persistence/duration of existence.
See above, already refuted your points about time
Astounding to learn that you did not know that physical science only can experiment with, with the exception of, imho, zpe Casimir experiments, 4 to 5% of the Cosmos....
5% of the physical cosmos. The other 95% is still seen as part of physical reality not some non-physical reality. Notice how you changed the articles wording to fit your meaning rather then letting it speak for itself. Universe becomes Cosmos but your Cosmos includes the non-physical while the Universe excludes the non-physical. Look up the definition of universe, it does not include your non-physical Cosmos nor eternal. It is finite physical reality, a physical process with physical laws and properties. It does not include anything outside these parameters and is not eternal. You have taken the article out of context thus again used fallacious reasoning which makes your point invalid.
It is amazing how people link articles they do not understand, do not understand the basic definitions of words in context with in it then retrofit to match their ignorance and wishful thinking.
Everything that physically exists, including the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them. The universe (or cosmos) is usually considered to have begun about 13.7 billion years ago in a gravitational singulary commonly known as the Big Bang, and has been expanding ever since. Some have speculated that this universe is just one of many disconnected universes, which are collectively denoted as the multiverse
This is the definition of universe. Notice the difference?