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Is the Day/Year theory scriptural?


Active Member
The word for "day" is not in the Hebrew text so it can not be added because you think it sound better that way. If I had 2300 apples and oranges and I ate one apple every morning and one orange every evening how many days would it take me to eat all of the 2300 apples and oranges. The logical answer is 1150 days.
RUNLIKETHEWIND It has nothing to do with creation just go back to the #1 post for more info on this.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
The word for "day" is not in the Hebrew text so it can not be added because you think it sound better that way. If I had 2300 apples and oranges and I ate one apple every morning and one orange every evening how many days would it take me to eat all of the 2300 apples and oranges. The logical answer is 1150 days.
Oy vey! :banghead3
  • if you have 2300 apples, and
  • if you have 2300 oranges, and
  • if you eat an apple every morning, and
  • if you eat an orange every evening, and
  • if you define the day as running from sundown to sundown, then ...
your fruit diet would consume 2301 days (assuming, of course, that you started in the morning ...

The logical answer is 1150 days.
So, you're going to eat 2300 apples, one per day, in 1150 days. You try so hard and accomplish so little ... :yes:


Active Member
It is to bad you change my question. I didn't say I had 4600 items to eat, only 2300. Now refigure the question properly.


Jesus in me
Can you elaborate on this day/year concept, I am not familiar with it. Does it have anything to do with calculating the age of the earth in years based on the six days of creation in Genesis 1 or is that something else entirely?

The day for a year calculation comes into play from the book of Daniel who is trying to figure out when the Babylonian captivity would be over since another prophet predicted it would be 70 years. Using the day for a year method has proved extremely accurate in predicting the coming of the Messiah (Jesus). In my estimation it has proved accurate in predicting the end of time except for the fact that God isn't quite doing things the way we expected.


Active Member
RUNLIKETHEWIND ~ Don't let MUFFLED confuse you with the Hebrew word for "day" in Dan 8:14 it is not there and can not be used as "a day for a year in prophecy" as it is in other places. Please reread my post # 12, 14, 16 on this thread and MUFFLED agreeing with me on post 17.


Jesus in me
RUNLIKETHEWIND ~ Don't let MUFFLED confuse you with the Hebrew word for "day" in Dan 8:14 it is not there and can not be used as "a day for a year in prophecy" as it is in other places. Please reread my post # 12, 14, 16 on this thread and MUFFLED agreeing with me on post 17.

You are talking about Dan 8 but I am talking about Dan 9.

Dan 9:25 Know therefore and discern, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the anointed one, the prince, shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: it shall be built again, with street and moat, even in troublous times.
26 And after the threescore and two weeks shall the anointed one be cut off, and shall have nothing: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and even unto the end shall be war; desolations are determined.
Jerusalem was not destroyed until 70CE and the prophecy given somewhere around 520BCE. It ought to be obvious that 70 weeks doesn't fill the gap but the day for a year substitution does.


Active Member
RUNLIKE THE WIND -MUFFLED ~ Don't let MUFFLED confuse you with her math. If you subtract the 70 weeks or 490 days or [day for a year] would = 490 years from 520BCE you get 30BCE and that is 60 years before Jesus ministry, and 100 years before the distruction of Jerusalem.