I have studied the bible, christinity, the Papacy, the religion of Babylon, and occult theocracy for many years. I left the religion of christianity because I found so many lies. How is it so many people who call themselves christians are not able to recognize who the biblical antichrist is? How is it they can not see the Satanic kingdom that the bible reveals is here on earth? How is it that their god went from being the monotheistic god of Judaism to becoming a trinity around 328 ad? How come they most all have the Babylonian fertility symbols all over their "churches". Why do they say we must be saved because we are sinners but they don't consider it a sin to not keep the 10 commandments? Why did christianity since the first Pope expose the Vicarious filii dei which means "the substitute for the son of god", as the antichrist then now say he is not the antichrist? When did the bride of christ ever become a state corporation who wont expose sin in our gov?