religion will just make love and peace to become a norm.
Not so far after millennia of religion. We just saw Christian terrorists in the streets of Charlottesville, VA. Where is the peace and love there?
What I see is tribalism, harsh judgment, divisiveness, bigotry against homosexuals and atheists, attempting to defund women's health clinics, endless hypocrisy (Bakker, Haggard, Hovind, Palin, Duggar), and pedophilic priests being assisted in cover-ups by what has become an international child sex cartel.
So where is the benefit of theism here? Is all of that OK?
We saw the love of the crusades, endless European holy wars, inquisitions, and witch hunts.
Then secular humanism stepped in and created the modern, secular, democratic state with its limited, divided, transparent government and guaranteed personal freedoms, tolerant and pluralistic societies, egalitarianism, and the rule of law.
No more hanging witches! Salem, Mass became livable thereafter.
That's love, not a sandwich in exchange for listening to a sermon. You can get a microwave listening to a time share spiel, and I assure you that there is no love there, either.
Sorry, but religion has to be judged by its fruits, not its claims about itself:
- "You were hungry and thirsty, so I eliminated funding for Meals on Wheels and food banks. You were a stranger, so I vilified you and demanded that you be deported. You were naked, so I called you an evil liberal who hates conservative family values. You were sick, so I repealed your only hope for health care. You were in prison, so I tortured you."
It's fine to make these claims about love, but you should be prepared to defend them if you do.