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Is there a way to be forgiven for it.....?


New Member
Is there a way I can be forgiven, for committing a sin against the Holy Ghost , I dont remember when I did it exactly , but i know i did speak out against God when i was younger. I read its unforgivable and I will not be allowed into heaven , am I doomed now?

Someone help please

thank you



New Member
I guess I am asking , will i be allowed into heaven , can I still work towards that goal knowing its there for me?

Thank you



Can't brain. Has dumb.
If you believe in heaven, and you really feel you belong there, then there is nothing in the world that can stop you! :D


Harvey Wallbanger
Fedawg said:
I guess I am asking , will i be allowed into heaven , can I still work towards that goal knowing its there for me?

Thank you


From what I know of the Heaven concept it breaks down to two things:

Do you believe God is loving or vindictive?
Do you believe you can repent your sins and live a good life or never live down the sins you've committed?

I think you know the answer to that. Live well and good and hold true to that which the spirit speaks to you. Welcome to RF.


New Member
Thank you all so much .

I read in many places that this is the only unforgivable sin. Unless crying for mercy and are truly sorry which i so am. Im going to talk to clergy tomorrow to express my concerns. thanks all , if anyone else can add anything i would appreciate it.


I'm Heffer!!!
Hi Fedawg, welcome to the forum. Yes, of course God will forgive you if you repent of your sins (truly feel sorry for commiting them and want to turn away from them) and ask Jesus into your heart.Of course, you have to believe in Jesus to do this, just saying it without meaning it wont work as God knows your heart. I haven't read your profile, are you a believer in anythink particular? Its great that your asking, by the way, God must have really put it on your heart.


New Member
I should add what im going through right now. I developed a mental condiotion at a young age , something that can cause terrible things and is a terrible sin. I fight and struggle , and because of medications of depression , the feelings were drowned out for a long time , now they have resurfaced and i am very scared. My father reminded me the power God has , and reminded me of my faith. I have been surrending myself to the Lord , but i got scared that i read i will never be forgiven and wont be allowed into heaven. I ask if you know what I am going through that you do not judge me , only understand and know I am trying to become a better person and good person like all of you. thanks again


Well-Known Member
Fedawg said:
I developed a mental condiotion at a young age , something that can cause terrible things and is a terrible sin.

If it's a mental condition, it's beyond your control - therefore, I don't think you are making a choice to "sin." And if so, if your god is a god of love, mercy, and forgiveness, you should have nothing to worry about. Of course, as an atheist, I can't claim to know anything about your particular religious beliefs, but I can't see how a god would damn someone who has a mental condition and acts out not on choice, but because it's the unfortunate aspects of that condition. It seems your heart is in the right place. I think you have nothing to worry about. Obviously, the clergy you seek for help and guidance will provide you with the best answers. I wish you the best. :)


Harvey Wallbanger
Fedawg said:
I should add what im going through right now. I developed a mental condiotion at a young age , something that can cause terrible things and is a terrible sin. I fight and struggle , and because of medications of depression , the feelings were drowned out for a long time , now they have resurfaced and i am very scared. My father reminded me the power God has , and reminded me of my faith. I have been surrending myself to the Lord , but i got scared that i read i will never be forgiven and wont be allowed into heaven. I ask if you know what I am going through that you do not judge me , only understand and know I am trying to become a better person and good person like all of you. thanks again

There are many good people here with much insight into things. If you want to be a better person and are working at it (despite any setbacks), why would God not love you and root for you to be a good person??????


New Member
I get very scared all the time , many anxiety problems , I worry night and day , can barely sleep. If anyone of the Catholic faith is here I can talk to on Messenger or AIM , I would greatly appreciate it. thank you all for the insight


Harvey Wallbanger
Fedawg said:
I get very scared all the time , many anxiety problems , I worry night and day , can barely sleep. If anyone of the Catholic faith is here I can talk to on Messenger or AIM , I would greatly appreciate it. thank you all for the insight

If I'm not mistaken you should PM Victor. Go to the forums page and look down to the bottom at who has been online today. Find Victor and click on it. Go to send a private message to Victor and type away. Send it when you are done and I'm sure he'll reply. He is a good guy and I'm sure he'd be happy to help you....


Harvey Wallbanger
Fedawg said:
I get very scared all the time , many anxiety problems , I worry night and day , can barely sleep. If anyone of the Catholic faith is here I can talk to on Messenger or AIM , I would greatly appreciate it. thank you all for the insight

If I'm not mistaken you should PM Victor. Go to the forums page and look down to the bottom at who has been online today. Find Victor and click on it. If he hasn't been on today at is it early, search for Victory and do that. Go to send a private message to Victor and type away. Send it when you are done and I'm sure he'll reply. He is a good guy and I'm sure he'd be happy to help you....


Harvey Wallbanger
Fedawg said:
Thank you so much

I sent you a PM just to familarize you with it. The screen should be flashing at you. If you click on Private MeMessages, it will bring up your PM's. If you go to send a PM and type in Victor, you should be able to send him what you ask. When he replies you will get a notice in your email and when you sign on to RF, that box will flash at you for any new PM's. Nobody but you and the person you PM'd can read the message.

Glad to help and good luck in your quest....

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
Fedawg said:
Is there a way I can be forgiven, for committing a sin against the Holy Ghost , I dont remember when I did it exactly , but i know i did speak out against God when i was younger. I read its unforgivable and I will not be allowed into heaven , am I doomed now?

Someone help please

thank you


Don't ask for forgiveness from someone else, carry your own guilt.

If I killed a man how is anyone saying 'I forgive you' going to make any difference to the guilt I may feel?
What's done is done, bear your own cross.
No one can forgive you but yourself, not God or Ghosts...

Besides I speak out against God pretty much every day, I often call Him all kinds of names, like when I read of a little kid being murdered or something, but he knows I am only human, I imagine he finds me amusing...

Sometimes I think the only reason I want to be in heaven is so I get the oppurtunity to question His parentage to His face...

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Fedawg said:
Is there a way I can be forgiven, for committing a sin against the Holy Ghost , I dont remember when I did it exactly , but i know i did speak out against God when i was younger. I read its unforgivable and I will not be allowed into heaven , am I doomed now?
First and most importantly, hugs and well wishes for all you're going through right now. I hope this meeting with a clergyman proves insightful for you.

Now, I was going to try and secrete my token opinion in here, but I suspect that given your current situation (And the fact that I'm not really in the best position to give advice myself right now) it would be somewhat more then useless. Besides, I've already said the only really important bit. Just remember that any words or concepts we can contain about the nature of 'God' can only ever be incomplete. :)

By the by, if anyone is interested these are the bible verses in question:

Matthew 12 said:
30-He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
31-Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
32-And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
Nordicßearskin said:
First and most importantly, hugs and well wishes for all you're going through right now. I hope this meeting with a clergyman proves insightful for you.

Now, I was going to try and secrete my token opinion in here, but I suspect that given your current situation (And the fact that I'm not really in the best position to give advice myself right now) it would be somewhat more then useless. Besides, I've already said the only really important bit. Just remember that any words or concepts we can contain about the nature of 'God' can only ever be incomplete. :)

By the by, if anyone is interested these are the bible verses in question:

When you read Matthew you can see why people get upset, I say if God is so arrogant and insecure that He can't accept a little criticism from a talking monkey then what kind of God is He?
A rather weak one I would say, and not worthy of any respect let alone worship, luckily I don't believe that Matthew has a clue what he is talking about.


Rajun Cajun
Fedawg said:
Is there a way I can be forgiven, for committing a sin against the Holy Ghost , I dont remember when I did it exactly , but i know i did speak out against God when i was younger. I read its unforgivable and I will not be allowed into heaven , am I doomed now?

Someone help please

thank you


Hi Derek. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you are looking for an answer from a Catholic bretheren, but I'm close to it. I used to be catholic and still hold to many of the beliefs.

From what I have been taught about this, is that if you have truly committed blasphemy against the holy spirit, then you would not be repentant today. You are obviously seeking God and his love and salvation and it sounds like you have a repentant heart. You have to understand that many current Christians had spoken against God before they came to Christ. The most notable is Paul in the new testament. I'm sure you couldn't have been worse than him. From what I understand, before he believed in Christ, he was a brutal opponent against Christians and the preaching of the Holy Spirit. I don't have the exact scriptures in front of me, but I think it evens stated something to the effect that he even killed or helped kill believers in Christ. My question to you is did you speak out against Christ and/or the Holy Spirit after you put your faith in Christ? My main point to all this, is you would know if you truly blasphemed the holy spirit and if you did, you wouldn't be seeking Christ and obviously you are seeking Christ. Hope that helps you out and I hope I don't sound confusing :).


Doubt is not a sin, just something we are not to do, but have firm faith all the time. However, we are human, and have failings. It is not who you are now, and God will welcome you, failings and all.