Hello Leonides,
My answer to your question is this. After my partner died, 21 months ago, my daughter suggested I met with some people she knew, members of a circle, mediums or spiritualists, not sure hoe they referred to themselves. After some time at this meeting, in a house, one particular woman said she was receiving very strong "messages". Eventually they became stronger and this woman told me I seemed very sad (message), okay fairly safe ground there as most visiting would have experienced grief. Then went onto say numbers 240 over and over, I then realised she was meaning 0240 or 2.40am. This was the exact time my partner took her last breath, then describing clothes I chose for her to wear in her coffin, clothes she never got the chance to wear. No,my daughter was unaware of these details so no collusion.
Later met with another woman who started this group but no longer a part of it. Met on 2 or 3 occasions. Message from a man I knew who died too young, also later my Father apologising, My Aunt referring to me looking after my Mother, a young child 3/4 with my aunt who was then picked up and passed to another older woman, my Grandmother. This woman ( medium) was describing their features so claimed to see them as well as hear them. I checked family history with my mother as I was confused. Thought I had twin cousins drowned very young. Told no, cousin was a 3 year old boy, twins born later to his parents.
Again my daughter did not even know this family history and I had even been mistaken yet all this information given to me was true.My Aunt, a Catholic all her life even laughed at one point saying " I never really believed in this".
This may not be the answer you were looking for in a religious context but I believe , yes there is something else after this life.After all, none of this complies with science or laws of nature so wether it is "heaven" or another plane I don`t know, may find out for myself one day.
P.S. I am now confused as unsure wether or not there is a "right" religion as my partner was an atheist.