A few problems with that interpretation:
A volcano isn't actually a rock. It's made out of rock, but it isn't a rock.
I don't think too many people would be thinking about taking refuge inside a volcano. Sounds like a pretty self-defeating survival strategy to me.
mmmmmmm, not seeing a volcano reference in this.
Not seeing a description of a volcano here either. Sounds more like it's saying that Yahweh was an ancient diet and exercise coach.
There are lots and lots of vulcanos. And they're kind of hard to miss.
Vulcanos don't do deliveries. Try calling one, you'll see.
OK, I see the "high tower" reference, but vulcanos aren't especially known for saving people from violence. More often, the exact opposite in fact.
OK, lets try that.
Question: For who is God, save the LORD? and who is a rock, save our God?
Answer: a vulcano.
Nope, doesn't work.
Nothing about magma, or smoke, or ash, or anything else remotely vulcano-like here either.
Nope. Not seeing it.