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Is This Evidence Of Satan? Did He Write An Antibible? Is It Evolution?

james bond

Well-Known Member
Do tell!

Please be specific.

Don't have the time, but here are some doozy's:

Warm little pond - absolutely no evidence of life forming from primordial soup; besides water is an universal solvent

Cells are simple - We find they are tremendously complex

Cells carry simple information - Again, their code is complex

Variation of species - Even natural selection has limits; Darwin thought it was limitless

Cambrian explosion - Got an explanation? Darwin is dead. Good riddance.

Maybe these will keep you busy or awake at nights :eek:.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Don't have the time, but here are some doozy's:

Warm little pond - absolutely no evidence of life forming from primordial soup; besides water is an universal solvent

Yeah, that is a doozy. Right away you demonstrate that you do not even have a high school level of science education. This is why I offered to go over the basics with you a long time ago. You need to at least learn the scientific method and what is and what is not evidence to start with.

Cells are simple - We find they are tremendously complex

Modern cells are tremendously complex. Do you think that was always the case? Do you have any evidence that would support such a claim?

Cells carry simple information - Again, their code is complex

Yes, again, they have had billions of years to add complexity. This is not a problem.

Variation of species - Even natural selection has limits; Darwin thought it was limitless

Really? Creationists always claim this but can never support it. Of course an elephant cannot fly, but then evolution supports that as well. It seems that you are objecting to the observed variation. What is your evidence that it is beyond any "limit". Understanding the concept of evidence would help you here.

Cambrian explosion - Got an explanation? Darwin is dead. Good riddance.

Yes, why do you think that the Cambrian is a problem? And guess who else is dead? Jesus, Paul, all of the apostle's (unless you believe in the wandering Jew). The list goes on. People get old and die.

Maybe these will keep you busy or awake at nights :eek:.

Oh my no. Well the laughter may keep me up for a while.


Well-Known Member
Don't have the time, but here are some doozy's:

Warm little pond - absolutely no evidence of life forming from primordial soup; besides water is an universal solvent
That was not a theory of his.
Strike 1.
Cells are simple - We find they are tremendously complex
That was not a theory of his.
Strike 2.

Cells carry simple information - Again, their code is complex
That was not a theory of his.
Strike 3.

Also, do tell us about this "code" - with a degree in computer science, I'm sure your great knowledge will translate directly to biology.
Variation of species - Even natural selection has limits; Darwin thought it was limitless
Citation please.

Cambrian explosion - Got an explanation?[/qoute]
That was not a theory of his.
Strike 4.
Darwin is dead. Good riddance.

Maybe these will keep you busy or awake at nights :eek:.
Not in the slightest - creationist lies and unwarranted extrapolations and embellishments and errors and hubris and misrepresentation are things I am used to, so they do not keep me up at night.


Well-Known Member
MBA and BS in computer science. What about you?
BS in Biology, PhD in [Biology] - I don't want to say specifically as my program had a unique title and I would like to retain a bit of anonymity. My area of research was mammalian phylogeny.

james bond

Well-Known Member
That was not a theory of his.
Strike 1.

That was not a theory of his.
Strike 2.

That was not a theory of his.
Strike 3.

Also, do tell us about this "code" - with a degree in computer science, I'm sure your great knowledge will translate directly to biology.

Citation please.

You are just full of wrongness haha.

The citation is his book The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication. In it he introduces pangenesis. This was rendered pseudoscience, but he clearly was headed towards cellular change.

BS in Biology, PhD in [Biology] - I don't want to say specifically as my program had a unique title and I would like to retain a bit of anonymity. My area of research was mammalian phylogeny.

This should be good you and I. Biologists, especially atheist ones, are just immersed in the ToE. It means feces up to their brains and coming out of their ears. For some it's over their heads.


Veteran Member
This should be good you and I. Biologists, especially atheist ones, are just immersed in the ToE. It means feces up to their brains and coming out of their ears. For some it's over their heads.

Anyone who continues to engage with a person
so abusive as this may actually be as described.


Admiral Obvious
This should be good you and I. Biologists, especially atheist ones, are just immersed in the ToE. It means feces up to their brains and coming out of their ears. For some it's over their heads.
Says the one in the thread spreading the most feces...


Well-Known Member
You are just full of wrongness haha.
Yes, ha ha. Like how you felt the need to mention that water is the universal solvent. As if that means anything.
The citation is his book The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication. In it he introduces pangenesis. This was rendered pseudoscience, but he clearly was headed towards cellular change.
He referred to it as:

All you mentioned was a "theory" of his.

Do you not know the difference?

Also - curious, you read that book, did you? Or are you, like most YECs, just cribbing from some YEC website?

And even if he had presented it as a theory - So what? What would your point be? That because he was wrong about one thing he was wrong about everything?
This should be good you and I. Biologists, especially atheist ones, are just immersed in the ToE. It means feces up to their brains and coming out of their ears. For some it's over their heads.
So clever.
I guess the less people like you know about this stuff, the more confident you are in how right you are.

This is called the Dunning-Kruger Effect, it is pretty well documented.

And you are a prime example - not knowing the difference between hypothesis and theory - about what I would expect from a non-scientist religious fanatic.

Also - strange how you omitted/ignored all of the other stuff - too much for your computer science background to help you understand?

Cells are simple - We find they are tremendously complex
That was not a theory of his.
Strike 2.
Cells carry simple information - Again, their code is complex
That was not a theory of his.
Strike 3.

Also, do tell us about this "code" - with a degree in computer science, I'm sure your great knowledge will translate directly to biology.
Variation of species - Even natural selection has limits; Darwin thought it was limitless
Citation please.
Cambrian explosion - Got an explanation?
That was not a theory of his.
Strike 4.

You wrote something about feces and being in over one's head, yes?


Veteran Member
For example, the Earth is 4.5 B yrs old and the universe is 13.7 B yrs old.

As the the carefully measured data shows, yes. What's the problem?

Creationists have looked at the Bible and come up with around 6,000 years for the Earth and universe. So, which one is true?

The one that is the result of carefull measurements of reality.
Not the one that got it from some iron age book. Or rather: Not the ones that got it from a medieval priest who interpreted the book in a certain way.

Instead of scientifically and rationally discovering the evidence and truth, you are spoonfed the biased hypothesis.

The age of the universe and earth is not a hypothesis.

God's word should be enough.

Which god? And why should it be enough?
If reality contradicts words (from god or whoever else), then the words are wrong.

That said, the evidence against evolution is in the creation vs evolution forum.

Where precisely?
And why is it found in some random forum on the internet? Why isn't it found in scientific journals?

The evidence is we are here, i.e. universe and everything in it

That's evidence of us being here and the universe and everything in it existing. It doesn't tell us how it got here.

We also have evidence for the supernatural in the life spirit right in front of your nose.

Where? How? What?

There is no evidence for abiogenesis.

That's just false.

We have Dr. Louis Pasteur's experiment to debunk spontaneous generation and show only life creates life.

Spontanous generation is not abiogenesis. Completely different ideas.
And refuting spontanous generation (or abiogenesis, for that matter) doesn't in any way show that "life only comes from life".

No life from non-life

Refuting spontanous generation only shows that life doesn't come from non-life in the way that spontanous generation claimed.

It doesn't show jack sh*t about any other potential method.

We also find that God does not play dice.

Quantum physics disagrees.

That the complexity and beauty of life could not have just happened by chance.

Because you say / believe so?

It was from God a supernatural being.

bare assertion

It still the same feeling when I see something beautiful and/or complex in nature.

Argument from awe.

Thus, I do not get why you say, "to me it is obvious and it is not god and the Bible."

Likely because you don't care about evidence and prefer fallacious thinking instead.

It sounds like it's based on stuff we discussed from the 1850s and being brainwashed by the internet atheism and dogma.[/QUOTE]

A lot of evolutionary biologists are theists.
George Lemaitre, the cosmologist who came up with big bang theory, was also a catholic priest.
The vatican states "god is not a magician with a magic wand" and fully accepts big bang theory and evolution theory.

Don't you get tired of lieing and being so demonstrably wrong?


Veteran Member
Hah. What Darwin wrote became social Darwinism, genocide, Eugenics (from Darwin's cousin and that which Darwin supported), the Holocaust, Nazism and Hitler, and the deaths of God's people. No Jews. No fulfilling of their prophecy. The same with no Jewish lands. No fulfilling of their prophecy. How could all this be coincidence? Something evil lurks there.

For crying out loud...........


The Lost One
I provided my first example of God created dinosaurs on the sixth day as land animals. Today, evolutionists insist birds evolved from gigantic dinosaurs.
You really know nothing about dinosaurs, JB. You are making generalized assumptions.

Dinosaurs come in all size, some large, some small. Not all are “gigantic”.

Some fossils found, were as small as turkeys.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You really know nothing about dinosaurs, JB. You are making generalized assumptions.

Dinosaurs come in all size, some large, some small. Not all are “gigantic”.

Some fossils found, were as small as turkeys.
Speaking of nonavian dinosaurs, they came in even smaller sizes. The size of a chicken (which is ironically a dinosaur) have been found:


One of the reasons that we think all dinosaurs are big is because large bones are far more likely to be preserved than small ones.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Sorry this is long.

I ended up in a heated discussion with someone, whom I think was an atheist and evolutionist, who exclaimed birds came from dinosaurs. I said that I didn't think little, tiny birds evolved from great, big, gigantic dinosaurs and that Oregon State University research showed that a bird's lung development was different from a dinosaur's, i.e. a bird would not be able to breathe and fly if they had lungs like dinosaurs. He came back and insisted, "BIRDS ARE DINOSAURS!" and went on to explain in a rant like fashion. I looked at my six days of creation chart and saw that birds or flying animals were created on the 5th day while land animals were created on the 6th. Now, I didn't tell him this, but it dawned on me that whatever atheists/evolutionists believe contradicts what God stated in the first two books of Genesis.


So, my questions is -- Is this evidence for Satan? First, Satan doesn't want you to believe he exists, so people usually do not want proof of Satan nor does anyone even bring him up for discussion. Non-believers want proof of God when there isn't any proof for an unproveable God. When you end up discussing God with them, you find they usually blame God for something such as evil in the OT or why does he allow babies to suffer? Whatever evidence you present is not good enough. One atheist said if God opened the ground in front of him and gave him a brand new car of his choice, then he'll believe. Um... it takes faith... but you do not even get to that point.

What I am getting at using the Bible and science in regards to Satan is to show evidence that he exists. In the Bible and Genesis, we have God created the heavens and Earth from nothing, but evolutionary thinking says it was the big bang which caused it from nothing. Before that it was the eternal universe.

God created Adam and Eve as adult humans and animals as adult animals. Instead, the naysayers and evolutionists believey, no, we had the egg before the chicken and abiogenesis, so this is how life came into existence and evolved.

And so on. It turned out that everything I could think of between creation and atheist/evolutionary beliefs contradicted each other. All of these debates have come down throughout the centuries, so there could be no collaboration as to what the people who came up with the evolutionary hypothesis wrote. These writers were scientists in different fields of work and it was written at different times. There was no intent to disprove the Bible in their hypothesis and discoveries. It wasn't put together in a book like the Bible (took 1500 years), but if it was, then it was as if Satan had wrote an antiGenesis as what Evolution (since the 1850s with uniformitarianism and then Darwin's bood) has become today.

These contradictions goes beyond that, too. It isn't just evolution, but moral values such as not killing a fetus vs. abortion and a woman's rights, homosexuality vs. man and woman marriage, and even how the world is going to end -- global fire vs. AGW (old) or huge asteroid hits the earth causing a catastrophic chain reaction (new). It turns out that everything that God stated in the Bible is contradicted by Satan. Maybe that's just his rebellious nature and he can't help himself.

Thus, when you add all the contradictions up, is this evidence for Satan? Does this convince you that Satan is causing it? I found out in my law enforcement part of career -- bad stuff usually does not happen by coincidence. For example, there is a killing around 2 am in the morning and the head of a nearby statue is broken off. Then a week later, another killing and another head of a nearby statue is neatly cut off.

Here are some things that are opposite off the top of my head.

Said it first in the Bible ( Bible can't change) >>>>> Said it throughout the years (hypothesis and theories can change)
Universe >>>>> Multiverse
Creation ex nihilo (supernatural creation in 6 days) >>>>> Universe ex nihilo, i.e. big bang (defies laws of physics, infinite temp and density, all is set up in 20 mins); Before this, it was eternal universe
6,000 yrs old Earth and universe >>>>> 4.5 B yrs old Earth and 13.7 B yrs old universe
Created Adam and Eve >>>>> Humans evolved from monkeys
Created birds 5th day; dinosaurs 6th day >>>>> birds evolved from <strikeout>reptile</strikeout> dinosaurs
Clear explanation of how universe and Earth formed and science backs it up >>>>> Wild hypothesis of infinitely hot and dense unseen particle called singularity; Some event called big bang triggered a cosmic expansion in microseconds that formed the basis for our universe; not clear explanation of what happened
Life can only create life >>>>> Life forms through abiogenesis (based on spontaneous generation that was proven false by creation scientist Dr. Louis Pasteur)
Started with void >>>>> Started with infinitely hot and dense unseen quantum particle
God is timeless and spaceless >>>>> Quantum particles pop in and out of existence
God is light, i.e. EMS or light >>>>> Things happen through dark energy, dark matter
Universe is bounded and has a center >>>>> Universe is boundless and does not have a center
Earth is special >>>>> There is nothing special about the Earth
Heaven (upward direction) >>>>> Hell (downward direction)

Sorry for the poor formatting. It did not take my spaces/tabs.

As a male says he owns/controls and makes a group choice for all life living on Earth as a human and a male how can you make any comments unless what you talk about already exists, for you to talk about it.

As what you first claim is relative....meaning I relate it to self by the self, a human.

Which places you in the actual position I speak on behalf of God O my science themes, mass O and changes to mass, and the theme O maths, for without a circle and numbers I cannot impose science.

Which is first owned by my owned male intention.....to claim I speak on behalf of all other things...for science...which does not exist until I theme it, believe in it, want it, and then activate it....so named self, male and a human being Satan and a Satanist.

For since when can any human be involved in any form of quantum information and burning, we would not even exist.

So any title you infer by male, you gave to male, human self for your owned purposes.

And if you say, have a think as a Satanic science male Destroyer psyche today, what I constantly think about, destruction and reactions and forced changes, and then creating and gaining. As the belief I am a God my own self.

For factually you looked at created form and told it that you would destroy it...so it would make you male self the highest and most destructive self...when what allows you to exist naturally was a supportive history.

So human males sought their own destruction.....and can only talk about what is relative when that relative status already exists for them to detail explain it...for how can you talk about what does not exist or has not existed? You would be lying.

Therefore if a male was first living, a human, a group of male humans who said I want to force change what natural creation exists, and said that creation had evolved by evolution....then he did.

For he cannot make any other sort of claim when he is living in his owned life and a bio life form.

Therefore he would have to claim after all historic changes to self bio life and Nature on Earth, that once his own form of human life was far superior to who he became, changed and converted...seeing he knows that science changes and converts/attacks and transforms when it is applied.

And so he knowingly would have encoded his own spiritually higher awareness of all things, in that spiritual life and body ownership as first human male self.

Unknown to the bio life today, for he has been converted so many times. To hear the information that he personally encoded as the original male self, was in fact real.

That male self did an original male chosen science experiment with the first pyramid. For science never knows nor understands cause and effect until it is experimented and caused. So if a male can think and theorise without really knowing, but believes he does. Then designs a machine, which he does and could...reacts it...the first reaction is only ever an experiment.

And so he attacked self with UFO radiation mass and learnt a whole lot of newly informed mind/psyche and AI encoded information in his own bio life conversion and higher self destruction.

Therefore today he has to realize that if he wants to give his higher form of bio male human life to a new science experiment, then he has to know it is only going to be a lower life form than what he currently owns.

Why Satanism is his owned title, as the Scientist who knows how to destroy God. O by inferred mass changes by maths.