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Is this Gnosticism?

I said to a Christian once: "we don't need scriptures. The word of God is written in our hearts, we need to study our hearts."

And he said, "oh that's a Gnostic position."

I said, I guess I'm a Gnostic then. What is going on? Is Christian Guy (CG) right here?


First let me ask Did Jesus ever read scripture? Did Peter? Did Paul? Did David or Titus or Timothy? The answer to all of them is yes. But why did they read them?

2ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Scripture is indeed useful, and it is not in our hearts unless we read what's on paper, and even then no one, becuase not even Jesus went without the scripture.


Lord of the Badgers
Yəhošafat;881199 said:
First let me ask Did Jesus ever read scripture? Did Peter? Did Paul? Did David or Titus or Timothy? The answer to all of them is yes. But why did they read them?

I very much doubt Peter would have, being a Galilean fisherman.

Yəhošafat;881199 said:
2ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Not really an issue for a Gnostic, especially considering that those who do their research understand that the pastoral epistles are forgeries anyway.

Yəhošafat;881199 said:
Scripture is indeed useful, and it is not in our hearts unless we read what's on paper, and even then no one, becuase not even Jesus went without the scripture.
This would be the opposite of the Gnostic understanding, not really appropriate for the Gnosticism DIR. If you want to argue the validity of scripture, please start a debate thread in the appropriate section.


Picker of Nose
Aramaic? I think the original NT was all written in Koine Greek.

well since it is said that the Bible was given through Jesus i assume that it is in his language at that time. the OT and the rest of the monotheism has basically the same concept of god. the NT's concept of god is totally different so i wont argue with you on that.

We don't know God,
God can be known through Gnosis (read as enlightenment),
Gnosis of God brings salvation.

that is exactly what islam's concept of god. like i said i agree with most of Ben's arguments in his interview.

A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
i've heard your interview. and i would say its interesting. but i noticed that you quote mostly in the bible.

That is merely due to the fact that the vast majority of English speaking peoples (westerners) are conversant with the Christian tradition. In my book I have a series of appendices which give equivalent Biblical quotations from many other religious scriptures.

1) you said that you have looked everywhere for the truth. i'd like to know your views on the Quran. since you said there is no bible in its original form which is aramaic (if i'm not mistaken). have you read the Quran? what do you think of it?

What I said (or meant) was, that there is no extant manuscript of the NT authored from the original Aramaic language which Jesus (Yehoshua) spoke. Therefore, all the most ancient MSS in Greek have had to translate Jesus' words. Thus, we are solely reliant on some unknown Greek translator(s), who may, or may not have captured accurately, the true Spiritual meanings of all that they reported Jesus to have said.

Yes, I have read the Quran, as well as many Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Egyptian, and Greek scriptures. I find them all basically saying the same things - although put in different ways, for different cultures, at different times.

2) i still cant figure out what Gnosticism is all about. can someone tell me in layman's term?

The personal, experiential, 'Knowledge' of God. The Spiritual Knowledge which comes of experiencing (SEEING) the LIGHT (= the so-called 'burning bush' of Moses; the 'Beatific Vision' / the 'Vision of the Shekhinah').

Peace & Love :)


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I found http://www.gnosticchristianity.com/frameset_CH10.htm; are there differing kinds of Gnosticism ?

I understand from all the posts above the principle of Gnosticism (and the fact that the term itself can be understood by some as Being a big "NO NO") is the gnostic therefore someone who has somehow "understood" God inhis own way, without the need for scripture?


I found http://www.gnosticchristianity.com/frameset_CH10.htm; are there differing kinds of Gnosticism ?

I understand from all the posts above the principle of Gnosticism (and the fact that the term itself can be understood by some as Being a big "NO NO") is the gnostic therefore someone who has somehow "understood" God inhis own way, without the need for scripture?
From the link you provided:
"Gnostic," from the Greek term gnosis, means factual knowledge, specifically knowledge about the logos/logic of God. Gnostic Christianity is not about Jesus' public teachings; it is about the gnosis, or practical knowledge, that Jesus taught in private.

I found this tid-bit very interesting. It's also very Catholic. I'm sure there is an underlining difference though.

A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
I found http://www.gnosticchristianity.com/frameset_CH10.htm; are there differing kinds of Gnosticism ?

Well, there are certainly many people who call themselves Gnostics, but, imo, there is only ONE genuine Gnosis! - the true experiential Knowledge of the One Spiritual God / Truth / El.

I understand from all the posts above the principle of Gnosticism (and the fact that the term itself can be understood by some as Being a big "NO NO") is the gnostic therefore someone who has somehow "understood" God inhis own way, without the need for scripture?

If you mean a Gnostic is "someone who has somehow "understood" God in his (i.e. GOD's) own way, without the need for scripture", then I would agree.

Imo, it is religions that have chosen 'their own ways' - instead of the Way of God!

Peace & Love :)



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
If you mean a Gnostic is "someone who has somehow "understood" God in his (i.e. GOD's) own way, without the need for scripture", then I would agree.

Imo, it is religions that have chosen 'their own ways' - instead of the Way of God!

Peace & Love :)

Thanks; that definitely defines me (personally) as a Gnostic.


Glass half Panda'd
I said to a Christian once: "we don't need scriptures. The word of God is written in our hearts, we need to study our hearts."

And he said, "oh that's a Gnostic position."

I said, I guess I'm a Gnostic then. What is going on? Is Christian Guy (CG) right here?


Gnosticism is more about the feeling versus the rules.... ;)


Pneumatic Spiritualist
2) i still cant figure out what Gnosticism is all about. can someone tell me in layman's term?

I think one of the best ways to describe the view of the world that Gnostics share is to look at one of the key contributor's to the rise of Gnosticism's popularity in recent years (at least in my opinion), The Matrix Trilogy.
Gnostics hold the opinion that the world we live in, this material world, is like what the Matrix was to humanity in the films, a prison. In the film it was a prison for the mind, but to us (gnostics) it is a prison for the soul. The being of the OT that created this world is portrated in the second film as the Architect, greek gnostics called him the demiurge "the craftsman" and is portrayed in the third film as the Deus Ex Machina (literally "God from the Machine") a being of matter but without spirit, characteristics that it shares with the Demiurge (the Demiurge laking the "divine spark" contained in each human).
I know most hardcore gnostics will want to blast me for using my Matrix analogy, but if you ask me it is one of the easiest ways to explain the basics of Gnosticism. It's central theme of mankind needing to "wake up" is in essance the basic philosophy of Gnosticism.


The Lost One
Thrud said:
what is e = m c squared?????? can anyone tell me??
Simply put it - ENERGY.

The energy required for a mass to travel at the speed of light in a vacuum. It forms the basis of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.

Do you think this has to do with Gnosticism, Thrud?


Well-Known Member
Simply put it - ENERGY.

The energy required for a mass to travel at the speed of light in a vacuum. It forms the basis of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.

Do you think this has to do with Gnosticism, Thrud?



I am Who I am
Gnostics were falsely accused of many things. Read the Book: Gnosticism A New Light On An Inner Tradition by Stephen Hoeller in it he does Justice for the Gnostics who had been accused of many things. Spiritual Elitism was a big one, the RCC thought of the Gnostics as higher than others but what people dont realize the thing that makes the Gnostics appear higher is available to anyone and everyone.


I am Who I am
I was told by a Catholic that the main reason Gnosticism was considered heretical (by that church at least) was its association with Docetism. Found out why here.

The RCC believes God of The Old Testament and The New Testament are the same God. the Gnostic's think differently, the OT God is The Demiurge while The NT God is All-Loving and Transcendental Father that Christ speaks of. I would say Docetism is hardly the main reason... It was the Cosmology and the view of the universe we live in that has caused the rift between the heretics and the orthodox.