Well-Known Member
Well, that's another matter. I think we all need our impossible dreams to drive us to excel, but if theology isn't yours... well, no harm done.
Well, I never said I didn't like Theology... I was just merely asking if searching was even worth doing in the end. Maybe all we are doing is searching for nothing. If that's the case, we could spend our whole lives wishing... and maybe sometimes being devatated by the lack of knowledge and answers. I want to know the truth... so bad. It saddens me to think that I might never know. I want to know if God is real... if Aliens exist... and how we came to be. Life is short... How much can you learn if the past just keeps building up and moving farther away from you? The older the Earth gets, the farther in the past you are able to go... Someday our Ancient History is going to be just that... Ancient. It's already a mystery enough... nevermind 20 or 30 years down the road. Maybe I should be an Archaeologist... I used to want to do that as a kid. I would love to travel the world digging for answers!