Often, including on RF, I hear people use phrases like, "your truth," "my truth," "true for me," "true for you," and so on.
Is truth individual? Or is it independent of us as individuals?
logically, how many truths about something could there be?
people are looking for the one truth the absolute truth,
the ancients, like the Egyptians knew there were 2 truths to everything, since this place operates as a duality, so there must be 2 sides to every story
but it gets more complicated when to consider every coin has actually 3 "sides" heads, tails, edge-[they are all planes]
so if there is more than one right answer to a question [which there certainly can be] where does it end?
kind of like pandora's box, this matter has come to be.
reality, being multi-dimensional, has more than one truth, since every plane has its own truth.
as a mason, when setting tiles, each plane has it's truth lines which must be established, before one can proceed to lay the finish tiles, or else screw up the work most likely.
level and plumb, both important truths.
line upon line, precept upon precept, by this is the house established.