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Is Weed Good for the Soul?


Left Hand Path
Disclaimer: This thread in no way or means, advocates the use of illegal drugs or encourages one to use them. Personal examples should be kept to the self, as I don't want this thread to be in violation of the forum rules...work with me here.

Now, do you believe that marijuana is capable of enhancing one's spiritual relations, by any means, with one's God or spirit of choice? Do you also believe, that it is good for soothing the tender soul?


Hostis humani generis
I can see this thread going down south pretty quick, unfortunately.

Honestly, as an outsider I'm actually doubtful of its beneficial aid for spirituality. I don't think any stimulant, narcotic, or whatever would be good for the body and aiding one to reach a spiritual state or helping enhancing spiritual relations.

However, I imagine for some it may be beneficial -- but I don't know if those would be falsely induced spiritual experiences by the drugs, as opposed to what I think are genuine ones?

I don't drink or smoke or use marijuana or any kind of drugs though. Never have, never will.

I'm not exactly the life of the party like that, though, or fun to take out for a lad's night out or meal with alcohol. :D


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Now, do you believe that marijuana is capable of enhancing one's spiritual relations, by any means, with one's God or spirit of choice? Do you also believe, that it is good for soothing the tender soul?
I don't think pot enhances so-called "spirituality" any more than a whiff of fresh coffee or any other external agents, for that matter. Once people understand that their "spirituality" is largely the product of their imaginations, the quicker they can get down to what "spirituality" is really all about.


Well-Known Member
I would say that it's the relaxation and quiet reflection that it brings to many people that gives ability to look further into one's own spirituality rather than the weed itself. It's a drug just like any other, nothing spiritual or magical about it.


Left Hand Path
As far as magic goes, I would say that it is a very useful thing in terms of how some people almost magnify their perception because of its use.

But in terms of the general population I would agree with all of you, that it just deflates perception and tends to exemplify the meaning of "couch potato".


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I'm not sure how tripping out your brain and then accepting the cleary induced experiences could accomplish anything. I have a friend who encourages me to do 'shrooms and I refuse. He said it is spiritually opening, that it makes you understand mysticism. I don't see that though, you are clearly causing your mind to act differently (the whole point of drugs) and then accepting the experience as truthful and useful. Kind of dumb. Things like marijuana have their uses, but spiritual knowledge isn't one of them.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Defining the soul as the mind, then definitely I would agree it has a massive spiritual connection. I don't want to say anything to promote it as it is against forum rules.


Left Hand Path
Again, I don't want to be an advocate to such things or even encourage them. But speaking from experience, how would you guys know if you've never tried it, or opened your mind too it?



Hostis humani generis
Again, I don't want to be an advocate to such things or even encourage them. But speaking from experience, how would you guys know if you've never tried it, or opened your mind too it?
For me personally it's that it's like a substitute, or if it works at best, it could, and often would, be used as a crutch, and as a "lazy man's way" into experiencing spiritual bliss, etc. Especially since there are other ways to achieve the same (and, from many mystic's words, much more intense) spiritual experience without the use of such things, it makes it come across as, well, redundant; almost crass and lazy. At least, to me as an outsider to the whole thing, anyway.

That, and I can't disassociate myself from the hang up of the use of marijuana with the 16-20 year old "ghetto lads", always seemingly be on the bus lighting up a dooby when I'm on there, making me an unwilling participant in a hot box, so I'd have to get off early and wait for another bus, walk, or move downstairs. The driver wouldn't do anything, "they may have knives" after all.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I speak from experience, and will say nothing further to that due to forum rules.


Left Hand Path
I guess, speaking from experience, it all just depends on who you are and how open you are to receiving such things.

The human psychology is a wondrous and mystical thing. I wouldn't take away from the experience or even perception of anything when it involves the mystery of life.
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Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I don't know about being open to it. I know a guy who took LSD on campus and saw a goblin guarding the doorway to his dorms. Should we accept that goblins exist, even if only on college campuses?


Left Hand Path
You can't compare LSD to weed dude. Even then, the more intelligent you are the more you could possibly gain from the experience.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I can compare mushrooms to marijuana though. Knew a guy who swore he was chased by a giant, orange Nike shoe. Intelligence has nothing to do with it. You can make your trip sound deeper, sure. That doesn't mean you gained anything real from it.


Left Hand Path
You can't logically compare the two, they effect different parts of the brain.

And we are now venturing into waters forbidden by the forums. Note that you went from LSD to shrooms, which are two very different substances.

And intelligence has everything to do with the experience of the matter. Just like intelligence has everything to do with the outcome of debate, and victory on the field of debate and physical application. One who lacks the substance is likely to walk away in frustration, without ever realizing why they have decided to promote such a tumultuous outcome.


What? Me worry?
As a product of the Sixties I can tell you most weed smoked back in the day was for recreation, and it made Hendrix sound that much cooler. But some of us were able to take away from the high experience the idea that things could be viewed from a different place of awareness which in turn allowed us to experience a spiritualness without the baggage of conventional definitions. Guess it all depends where you stand when you look at it.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Intelligence changes how you handle smoking marijuana. It changes whether you become burn out or you can blaze your way through med school. As for drug induced emotions, imaginings, and hallucinations, they are nothing more no matter how smart you make them sound or how good you are at rationalizing them.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I can see them being useful non-spiritual. Sober is as much a state of mind as intoxication. It shows you how to percieve things differently, the subjectivity and relativism that exists. But if a drugged person thinks they float off and talk to God, I don't care how smart they are, it's still just a trip.

As for different drugs, I don't care what drug or what part of the mind it effects, that is irrelevent. You are causing a change in your brain no matter what. It effects you in different ways, all equally just a trip.


Left Hand Path
But if a drugged person thinks they float off and talk to God, I don't care how smart they are, it's still just a trip.

This is genuinely revealing.

If you don't care, there is no reason to see your posts as rational.

By definition, love or hate can also be considered a drug, given that they are externally influenced.

As far as this is concerned, if you don't care about the differences in effect between the extremely subjective then it doesn't matter what you say as its just that, an opinionated indifference.