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Is Woke a religion?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
The rise of Woke, cultural marxism, is it a religion?

Like people are adherents to a cult? I think that's a form of religious devotion. Not sure if Woke is a religion, but, that's not required doesn't for people to act like religious fanatics.


Active Member
Wokeism is as I see a neo- Marxist movement that started off with well-intentioned people. It has morphed into a religious cult that seeks to silence all of those that disagree as they know open dialectic debate will demolish their radical positions. . This is done using social media humiliation, violence through Antifa and BLM riots etc.

Wokeism demands equity not equality. It seeks to destroy all norms, to redefine words and gender.. and its out to destroy science in order to create a Marxist Utopia.(thus its a religion. )

Wokeism is a full attack on Western culture. . It rewrites history in order to confuse and inspire the destruction of the West. This virus is infecting every part of society from children's schools to the Government. It is everywhere and is now threatening to end freedom of speech AND thought. It has become impossible to speak out without fear of career-death and possible physical harm.
i see it as an Orwellian collectivist movement


Active Member
As one writer, i believe it was C.S.Lewis, " When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

We have seen this clearly, in recent history, in Soviet Marxism , and the Maoist Cultural Revolution, all promising a heaven on earth for "true believers " and, in each case, delivering a hell on earth for tens of millions of human beings who, failing to comply with the propaganda of these religion-substitutes, were the victims of their inhuman savagery... "canceled" by bullits. Today we have formed from the old Fabian socialism and the Frankfort school of Marxism a new emerging morbid dark religion called WOKE. This WOKISM is loathed and feared by all liberal right and center and is spreading fast - fed by the vacuum of secularism in America. The WOKE do not debate or engage in any dialogue with any one they disagree with. It is totalitarian by nature and conservatives fail to apprehend the danger of this new religion, whose members cancel by social media today yet tomorrow will cancel at the end of a barral of a gun. ( There are many who lived through Mao' s cultural revolution who are warning us of the similarity) they are secular fundamentalists.

In heaven we are all equal and we live in wonderful circumstances. Yet utopean Marxism promised people a wonderful life here on earth Now with the rise of cultural marxism here , "Wokism" with its intersectionality we have the same victimhood dogma. We have those who are literally worshipping at an alter to the religion of WOKE .


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
There's the original woke.

And then there's the straw man woke, an imaginary beast created by right wing media, for ratings mostly, to have something to be mad about, for more ratings. The caveat being tens of millions of clueless actually believe the beast exists. They can't factually identify it, without first exposing why there is an actual woke to begin with.
What counts as "woke" is being exaggerated by bullies on the right. Or at least that's the way the right-wing media portrays it. They will portray being a decent person and actually caring about human rights as "woke and political" when in fact it's just being a decent person.

I think there are some things the Left gets wrong in particular supporting ar-b terrorism against the Jewish people and the Nation of Israel, but on domestic issues I tend to side with them.


Well-Known Member
Wokeism is as I see a neo- Marxist movement that started off with well-intentioned people. It has morphed into a religious cult that seeks to silence all of those that disagree as they know open dialectic debate will demolish their radical positions. . This is done using social media humiliation, violence through Antifa and BLM riots etc.

Wokeism demands equity not equality. It seeks to destroy all norms, to redefine words and gender.. and its out to destroy science in order to create a Marxist Utopia.(thus its a religion. )

Wokeism is a full attack on Western culture. . It rewrites history in order to confuse and inspire the destruction of the West. This virus is infecting every part of society from children's schools to the Government. It is everywhere and is now threatening to end freedom of speech AND thought. It has become impossible to speak out without fear of career-death and possible physical harm.
i see it as an Orwellian collectivist movement
you complain about wokism redefining words but you are her redefying the word woke


Well-Known Member
Wokeism is as I see a neo- Marxist movement that started off with well-intentioned people.

Neo-Marxism is by definition a philosophical school of thought that is opposed to all forms of government. Obviously you are wrong about woke in this case.

Woke means to be aware of racism and it's effects and by proxy to be aware of any sort of discrimination.
It has morphed into a religious cult that seeks to silence all of those that disagree as they know open dialectic debate will demolish their radical positions. .

Those who disagree are racists homophobes, misogynists, anti-Semites and bigots in general. Standing up to such people isn't silencing them it is objecting to their opinion. People have every right to hate other people based on skin color or orientation or religion but they don't have the right to discriminate or or promote hatred
This is done using social media humiliation,
you mean publicizing bigoted and hate based statements?
violence through Antifa and BLM riots etc.
What of conservatives use of violence perpetrated by Christian nationalists and gay bashers and the like?
Wokeism demands equity not equality.
It asks people to be aware
It seeks to destroy all norms, to redefine words and gender.. and its out to destroy science in order to create a Marxist Utopia.(thus its a religion. )
How does applying the norms of equality and legal rights for everyone destroy those norms?
Wokeism is a full attack on Western culture.
Is western culture racist?
. It rewrites history in order to confuse and inspire the destruction of the West.
Woke people aren't the ones forcing schools to teach falsehoods about the civil war.
This virus is infecting every part of society from children's schools to the Government. It is everywhere and is now threatening to end freedom of speech AND thought. It has become impossible to speak out without fear of career-death and possible physical harm.
i see it as an Orwellian collectivist movement
I'm sorry you lost your job and have to live in fear because of all the death threats you receive.


Well-Known Member
"Woke" is simply aware, culturally and historically literate, hip.
Isn't that a good thing?
The problem is Woke paints things with a very broad biased brush; one size fits all, which is not in touch with tangible reality. This loss of reality drifts them off into their alternate reality; religion. For example, the broad based label of white guilt is too broad of a brush stroke, requiring those who did nothing, to also feel guilty, but not because of their reality deeds or actions, but because of the demands of alternate reality; faith in emotional thinking. Revisionist history is also type of data fudging, where you apply the rules of today to the past and blame the past for breaking the modern rules; mutant original sin schema, so sin can be passed forward in time. Time and space in this alternate reality is also mixed up. It comes from where space-time separates into independent space and time; projected imagination.

You got to hand it to Trump for standing up against the Liberal religion of PC that was running rampart in 2016. PC was a way to shut down the discussion and allow fantasy to reign. Once that game of make believe was challenged and ridiculed, it had to morph again. Woke was part of the new and improved PC, along with trans pronouns, as though a magic sound can make you whole.

Genuine religion is different in that it can stand the test of time, since it is more natural to the brain. It doesn't confuse material and divine, but can separate these two things. This separation gets more confused by secular religions like woke; play god. Maxist heaven on earth is where the material and divine were to merge. Whereas, heaven in genuine religion is a separate space, reached via the inner man; unconscious mind. Heaven is not of this world but can be reached through faith; brain function.

When we read children stories that has talking animals, most children and adults will not confuse real animals with these imaginary animals. With Woke the line is a little more blurred which can make it dangerous as modern history has shown; Communism. When Trump was described as Hitler and going to start WW3, there was more Liberal confusion between fact and fiction due to Liberal religious practices. People with the more natural religions could keep this separate, easier.

You can take people out of religion but not religion out of the people since this is a natural part of the human brain. If you apply the principles of evolution, religious behavior has been around since civilization, and always played a very prominent role defying selective advantages in various cultures. Like Mother Nature and natural selection, people were also selected based on their religious fitness. The Human brain evolved this way by selection. You can repress it, but it will come back to be expressed in mutant ways, to gain selective advantage in secular clubs; political power.
Wokeism is a full attack on Western culture. . It rewrites history in order to confuse and inspire the destruction of the West

It’s more neo-Protestantism than neo-Marxism. In the line of Protestant “Great awakenings”.

A pietistic and often self-righteous attempt by the elect to purify society from the sins of prior generations.

It’s very much a product of western culture, not an attack on it.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
It’s very much a product of western culture, not an attack on it.

I have noticed a trend where some people will attribute things they perceive to be negative either to another culture (e.g., ultra-conservatives in many countries decrying "immoral Western ideas" like support for LGBT rights and gender equality) or to an attack on their culture (e.g., "wokeism is destroying the West"), as if ideas one considers flawed or harmful can't simultaneously be from within their own culture and also an attack on some aspects of it (and whether those aspects need to be changed or not seems to me largely variable as well, since slavery was part of many cultures for centuries, after all).

The thing is that many ideas I have seen called "woke" and an "attack on Western culture" are decidedly Western, almost entirely disconnected from the everyday concerns and realities of most people outside the West, and sometimes racist toward non-Western people—especially when they take the form of condescending, quasi-Orientalist attitudes that treat other cultures as if they were some novelty or object of fascination to be put on a pedestal.

Such ideas are often not Marxist either, from what I have seen. They're more often propagated (sometimes performatively) not by Marxists or neo-Marxists but by corporations, celebrities, politicians, and organizations that are not remotely associated with Marxism but rather with run-of-the-mill varieties of Western liberalism.

I know that what constitutes "woke" tends to vary based on individual perceptions and political alignment, as do perceptions of whether it is a net positive or net negative. Either way, though, the term strikes me as highly malleable and prone to misuse either for alarmist purposes and stigmatization of different views or for self-aggrandizement. In my opinion, it is unhelpful far more often than not.


Woke gremlin
Wokeism is as I see a neo- Marxist movement that started off with well-intentioned people. It has morphed into a religious cult that seeks to silence all of those that disagree as they know open dialectic debate will demolish their radical positions. . This is done using social media humiliation, violence through Antifa and BLM riots etc.

Wokeism demands equity not equality. It seeks to destroy all norms, to redefine words and gender.. and its out to destroy science in order to create a Marxist Utopia.(thus its a religion. )

Wokeism is a full attack on Western culture. . It rewrites history in order to confuse and inspire the destruction of the West. This virus is infecting every part of society from children's schools to the Government. It is everywhere and is now threatening to end freedom of speech AND thought. It has become impossible to speak out without fear of career-death and possible physical harm.
i see it as an Orwellian collectivist movement
Well, that's clearly a very sensible and not-at-all hysterical and reactionary take on a thing that totally exists.

Also, I have to enjoy the fact that one of the issues you have with "wokeism" is that they "redefine words", when the word "woke" was originally exclusively used in racial minority social media circles to refer strictly to an awareness of systemic racism. Since then, the political right (and some ill-advised leftists) have broadened what the term actually originally intended to mean to encompass literally all social ills they don't particularly agree with - including using the term to, as you put it, silence those they disagree with.

I've heard the term used to refer to people who want to support disabled access, eat vegan food, promote civil rights, campaign against excessive police violence, talk about Marxism, and even people who encourage others to learn sign language.

It's a word co-opted by the political far-right as a bugbear, an imaginary multi-headed demigogue, under which all perceived social evils can be placed because it's much easier to just brand literally everything you disagree with as "woke" rather than engage with and refute the actual arguments. Because they can't.
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