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Is your power infinite like God´s? if not, how is infinite hell fair?


Rogue Theologian
It's somewhat easier than displayed so far.

Learn what you can in this life...it sets your direction for the next.

Love God.
Do unto others as you would have it done unto you.
You've never needed anything else or more.

If you live by grace.... more to you, when the angels come to see what stands up from the dust.

Hell is nothing more than to be left standing....wherever you fell.


Premium Member
I have a question for all of you that believe hell is infinite torment and that it is perfectly just punishment to our acts:

When you stole that chocolate bar at the candy store, lied to your friends/mom/partner , when you had sex before marriage, when you were an *** to those who loved you,... was your evil infinite?

If it was not infinite as God, how can you say an infinite punishment is a "just" punishment? How is the punishment fitting the crime at all?
Can our actions have infinite repercussions? I think it's possible.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Justice is when the punishment fits the crime. No human is capable of committing anything proportionate to eternal damnation, thus the idea eternal damnation is an unjust one.


Rogue Theologian
Justice is when the punishment fits the crime. No human is capable of committing anything proportionate to eternal damnation, thus the idea eternal damnation is an unjust one.

It's more cause and effect, than anything else.

If you have the kind of spirit that no one wants to be near....
you end up alone.

Once the angels are gone out of reach or call....
how do you fix it?

Me Myself

Back to my username
It's more cause and effect, than anything else.

If you have the kind of spirit that no one wants to be near....
you end up alone.

Once the angels are gone out of reach or call....
how do you fix it?

You speak as if this "kind of spirit" is not up to you, or that you would never be able to change it. If this was the case, God created it that way, if it was not originaly the case then we made our spirit eternaly bad, which would mean we do are able to create infinite.

And if God doesn´t have the power or the interest to help you when you truly wanna change, then he obviously sucks.


Well-Known Member
A parent who would punish a child's misdemeanor by holding the child's hand on a hot stove would be arrested for child abuse. God is more just than we are. He has never tortured anyone. The hellfire doctrine is both a lie and God dishonoring. Adam was told he would die for disobeying God. That is the punishment for unrepentant sin, not eternal torment. (Romans 6:23) Still, infinite death, while a just punishment for the wicked, is not a desirable outcome for anyone.

Never tortured...?
Jonah getting swallowed by a fish wasn't torture?
Drowning the human race (save for a few) wasn't torture?
Allowing an innocent baby to die in its mother's arm isn't torture?
God either did or allowed all these things to happen. If he is all powerful and knowledgable, the could have prevented these things. But he didn't. That's very telling of such a "loving and perfect" being. Complete BS


Well-Known Member
Every action has infinite repercussions? I'm sorry, but I really don't see how that is relevant in this case.

A person commits a crime, say stealing a car. Do they deserve an eternity in hell for that?
One doesn't commit a single sin for one, we all commit countless sins.

Fortunately, through Jesus, you don't need to find out about hell first hand.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
i am so all powerful like god(except real) that i destroyed hell and forgave all the sinners and saved them all. then Jesus met up with me and ate mushrooms and said i did a good job.

if god is everywhere and hell is the absence of god......boom hell stooped existing...with that one question...
You miss the point. God is Holy and Perfect. He never ever goes back on himself.
He tells us in the bible that the wages of sin is 'death.' Death being eternal damnation.
That's any sin.... all sin ! God CAN NOT LOOK UPON SIN! ANY SIN! But... and it's a big BUT.... He made a way for ALL OF US to enter into his kingdom and avoid the entire question of HELL. He sent his son, Jesus to take on all of our sins, past, present, and future... HE paid the price that all of us, AND I DO MEAN ALL OF US.... deserve to pay.
Why? Because no matter how hard we try.... we CAN NEVER be good enough.
And all God asks us is that we 'admit that we're sinners' and ask Jesus into our life and agree to follow him.
Going back to this fact about.... God can't look upon sin...... remember when Jesus was dying on the cross and he yelled out 'FATHER ! Why have you forsaken me? Well, that's because Jesus, at that point, had taken on all of the sins of the world, and Jesus could feel God turning his back on him, as he paid the price for us. God had to do that! He cannot look upon sin! But, still..... after that Jesus rose from the dead, once again sinless, having paid the price... and now sits at the right hand of our Father, God. For those who reject God and his son Jesus.... they die in their sin, and CANNOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. It doesn't matter how big or small the sin was. They had a choice. And now that you've read this...... so do you. ASK HIM! EMAIL ME! QUESTION ALL YOU WANT! I just love to tell everyone about how my Father in Heaven has brought me through the most difficult things, totally unscathed!


Well-Known Member
Well then, let's have a look at what Biblestudent has to say...

You miss the point. God is Holy and Perfect. He never ever goes back on himself.

Isn't there a bit in the Bible where God regrets creating mankind? The whole Noah thing?

He tells us in the bible that the wages of sin is 'death.' Death being eternal damnation.

A system that God set up in the first place.

That's any sin.... all sin ! God CAN NOT LOOK UPON SIN! ANY SIN! But... and it's a big BUT.... He made a way for ALL OF US to enter into his kingdom and avoid the entire question of HELL. He sent his son, Jesus to take on all of our sins, past, present, and future... HE paid the price that all of us, AND I DO MEAN ALL OF US.... deserve to pay.

What have you done that deserves an eternity in Hell?

Why? Because no matter how hard we try.... we CAN NEVER be good enough.

So you;re saying that God set up a system that requires more of us than we can provide, and God knew that we wouldn't be able to meet his expectations, and yet he did this anyway? Why? So we'd come crawling to him?

And all God asks us is that we 'admit that we're sinners' and ask Jesus into our life and agree to follow him.

Sounds like a sales pitch to me.

Going back to this fact about.... God can't look upon sin...... remember when Jesus was dying on the cross and he yelled out 'FATHER ! Why have you forsaken me? Well, that's because Jesus, at that point, had taken on all of the sins of the world, and Jesus could feel God turning his back on him, as he paid the price for us. God had to do that! He cannot look upon sin!

So hang on, lemme get this straight...

Jesus took all of the sin, and God couldn't bear to look at Jesus because of it, which is why Jesus thought God had forsaken him. But God and Jesus are both the same thing (kinda). And yet the Bible clearly states that Jesus went to heaven? So, what, was God avoiding looking at Jesus that whole time?

But, still..... after that Jesus rose from the dead, once again sinless, having paid the price... and now sits at the right hand of our Father, God.

So if Jesus was sinless when he rose from the dead, where did the sin go?

For those who reject God and his son Jesus.... they die in their sin, and CANNOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.

Citation needed. And you need something I can actually go and see for myself. Merely having it said in an old book doesn't count.

It doesn't matter how big or small the sin was. They had a choice.

So God will send me to hell for stealing a Mars Bar?

And now that you've read this...... so do you. ASK HIM! EMAIL ME! QUESTION ALL YOU WANT! I just love to tell everyone about how my Father in Heaven has brought me through the most difficult things, totally unscathed!

Again with the sales pitch.
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