John D. Brey
Well-Known Member
You keep calling circumcision "the secret of yud". But everything brought is not a secret. The foreskin is deemed impure, removing it, the sign of yud is revealed, it completes a name of God on the individual, none of this is secret.
One element of the secret of the yod is the facade of the foreskin. We did exegesis on the true nature of the "foreskin" here ---in the forum ---about four years ago. And as is the case with almost everything else we examine closely in the MT, the entire concept of the "foreskin" is itself a fore-skene to what's really being said beneath that opaque veil.
Unfortunately, going into those fourteen or so pages of foreskin-exegesis/excision detour from the concepts in this thread which build on the truth of the grammatical forgery known as the foreskin of the penis. And yet without that knowledge much of what's being said here won't be swallowed. That's the kind of paradox/problem these examinations are always going to produce.
So in a nutshell, the entire concept of the "foreskin" is a forgery and a placebo of biblical proportions. Ramban helps us sniff out the facade of phony phallic outer flesh with his typical brilliance when he himself wonders hard and out loud about the true Hebrew explanation of the topic:
In my opinion the matter is clearly explained in Scripture. It does not say, And ye shall circumcise your foreskin, thus leaving the meaning in doubt . . ..
Nachmanides takes an izmel to the entire foundation of modern Judaism's central face or facade (removal of the so-called "foreskin") when he notes that the Hebrew text doesn't say circumcise your foreskin (in which case you wouldn't know where to direct the knife):Nachmanides.
. . . nor does it say, "the foreskin of your flesh," just as it says the foreskin of your heart, and the foreskin of your lips.
This statement could be the most important statement Ramban every made. He's saying point blank that the formative text doesn't say to circumcise the foreskin of your penis since in the same exegesis he notes that the word "flesh" in the text refers to the pensis. According to his correct, and brilliant exegesis, the text doesn't say to circumcise the flesh of your penis.
So what does the text say in proper exegesis?
Nachmanides points out that except for here, i.e., the formative prototype of circumcision, the Hebrew text always points one directly to the flesh --- lips, heart, ears, etc. ----whose "foreskin" is to be removed. Ironically here it doesn't? And that's remarkable since this is the formative case of circumcision. What Ramban says next is even more remarkable:
But instead it says, And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin . . . The word "flesh" in the expression, uncircumcised in flesh, is a euphemism for the genital organ, just as in the verses great of flesh, and an issue of his flesh.
This is truly earth-shattering since Ramban is destroying thousands of years of errant exegesis, and an entire Jewish tradition, with one correct exegetical statement. The sign of the covenant isn't a command to circumcise the foreskin of your flesh, that's perfectly backwards and Ramban says so. The Hebrew text says completely the opposite: circumcise the flesh of your foreskin.
Taking everything Ramban graciously points out to us seriously, the text is saying to circumcise the male flesh, the penis, of the orlah ערלה, which means the word "orlah" ערלה isn't speaking of the penis, or some part of the penis. The penis is merely the emblem, the organ, that represents the problem in the crosshairs of brit milah. The penis represents the orlah ערלה. The orlah ערלגה isn't even a part of the penis.
The problem isn't a little ring of flesh that contaminates the human race. That's patently asinine until someone explains how that little ring of flesh contaminates the entire human race? Why, how, does it do that? Or how does its existence (didn't God create it) accomplish the contamination of all those with it?
It's not the penis in the crosshairs at all. It's "masculinity" itself that is the orlah that God didn't design or foist onto the human race. It's "masculinity," fleshly maleness, that contaminates the human race. And that contamination was created in Genesis 2:21, when ha-adam's labial flesh is sutured סגר shut to create the penile-raphe and the organ demonized in the signature of this message.
Brit milah isn't about a cartoon caricaturistic removal of a ring of flesh around the penis. It's about eliminating the facade of fleshly, material, masculinity, returning thought and reality to the true binary dynamic where invisible spirit, deity, thought, are all masculine, while nothing material, be it stone, flesh, or actual blood, is male. Materiality is female through and through, while invisible spirit is masculine, and is the only thing that is masculine.
Brit milah removes the lie of material masculinity that was the source of the original sin ---phallic sex---created in Genesis 2:21. Prior to Genesis 2:21, ha-adam was created as a female body pregnant with bread already heating up in the closed womb, the hermetically6/hymenally sealead holy of holies of ha-ha-adam's temple. In Genesis 2:21, that bread is aborted, and leaven is added to it, to raise not unleavened bread, the Bread of Life (John 6:48), but Cain. Cain becomes the second firstborn of humanity born as leavened bread. He, and all his sons, gallivant as firstborn of God until the untimely, unlikely, unexpected, and unwanted, rejected, virgin birth of the true firstborn of humanity (John 1:11-14).
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