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Islam and Anti-Semitism


Active Member
Islam and Anti-Semitism

One of the greatest of the world religions through it’s 1500 years of existence, Islam has also been by far the most misunderstood. The Western world has undergone a complete revolution of thought in recent centuries, but its mistrust of Islam is still essentially medieval. Seven centuries on from the last Crusade, the Holy places Islam occupies are oil wells; once the ‘Scourge of God’, it’s forces are affront to secular liberalism. The ‘Fundamentalist Fanatic’; The Antiemetic; the oppressor of women; The Terrorist: these are the stereotypes of the new-look Islamic infidel.

Insha’ Allah I hope to cut through the cliché to reveal a faith which has inspired as many scholars and mystics as soldiers. Islam is such a beautiful religion but is just often misunderstood. In recent years, Muslim Anti-Semitism has emerged out of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Some claim that the Muslim hostility toward Jews isn’t new, but has existed since the beginning of Islamic times. However, History tells us a different story:
Many will agree that throughout history Jews have been persecuted more than any other kind of religious group known to man. Prejudice against Jews began as early as 438, when the Code of Theodosius II of Roman Catholic Christianity as the only legal religion in the Roman Empire. Even a century later, The Justinian Code stripped Jews of any remaining rights.

Out of any world religion, Islam was the most hospitable and held the least feeling of anti-Semitism toward the Jews. The Quran insists strongly that “there shall be no coercion in matters of faith,” and commands Muslims to respect the beliefs of Jews and Christians, whom the Quran calls ahl-al-kitab, a phrase usually translated ‘People of the book’ but is more accurately rendered: ’People of an earlier revelation’. When Mohamed (PBUH) came to power in Yathrib he urged his followers to respect the Jewish faith, and made peace with the surrounding Jewish tribes.

Anti-Semitism reached at an all-new-high during the Medieval ages. During the times of the Black Death the Jews were used as scapegoats and were accused of poisoning the wells. Countless of massacres occurred and hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed or exiled. For example, in 1348 nearly a thousand Jews were dragged out of their homes and burned alive in Strasbourg. It’s interesting to note that during these harsh times of Jewish persecution, most of the Jewish communities fled to Muslim lands. The Jew’s “Golden Age” occurred under Muslim rule during the Moors’ occupation of Spain. There the Jews flourished as great merchants, financiers, traders, artisans, and official members of the royal court. After the Reconquista, the Jews’ “Golden Age” almost immediately ended when in 1482, Ferdinand II and Isabella, declared that all Jews and Muslims in their territories should either convert to Catholicism or leave the country. Most Jews converted, but between four and eight thousand Jews who had formally converted, were burnt alive by the Inquisition in Spain based on the accusation that they were still secretly practicing Judaism.

Quite frankly, anti-Semitism is a Christian vice. Hatred of the Jews became marked in the Muslim world only after the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 and the subsequent loss of Arab Palestine. It is significant that the Muslims were compelled to import anti-Jewish myths from Europe, and translate into Arabic such virulently anti-Semitic texts such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, because they had no such traditions of their own. Because of this new hostility towards the Jewish people, some Muslims now quote the passages in the Quran that refer to Mohamed’s struggle with the three rebellious Jewish tribes to justify their prejudice. By taking these verses out of context, they have distorted both the message of the Quran and the attitude of the Prophet, who himself felt no such hatred of Judaism.


Active Member
no comments... wow... i was actually thinking about wearing a helmet before i logged back in. I guess RF isn't as belligerent as it used to be. Now that its happened I don't know if i should be upset or happy.


Moslems dont hate Judhism we disagree with those who say they are jews and are not but of the synagouge of satan.
I see much truth in your post peace4all. The Jews just can't seem to get a break. Is this part of being God's chosen people? Can this mean that God's Kingdom is not of this world?
You say that Islam is the most misunderstood religion. To be honest with you until recently I did not know anything about Islam. But recent events have made me curious as to the motives behind a group that I perceive to be the biggest threat to global security on the planet. I have read and continue to read from the Quran and I don't see any glowing love that Muhammed had for the Jews. Maybe I haven't got to that part yet. Perhaps you could guide me.


Active Member
I see much truth in your post peace4all. The Jews just can't seem to get a break. Is this part of being God's chosen people? Can this mean that God's Kingdom is not of this world?

Islam states that jews are (more or less) of a chosen people because they do have a special line of phrophets and are "blessed with knowledge of the scriptures" that no other people know.

You say that Islam is the most misunderstood religion. To be honest with you until recently I did not know anything about Islam. But recent events have made me curious as to the motives behind a group that I perceive to be the biggest threat to global security on the planet.

To be honest with you, i don't think any group of Iraqis with Ak 47s, no matter how radical, can cause much dismay to 'Global Security.

I have read and continue to read from the Quran and I don't see any glowing love that Muhammed had for the Jews. Maybe I haven't got to that part yet. Perhaps you could guide me.

Granted, there may not be a verse in the Quran that says "jews are the best and the prophet loved them" but the Quran and the prophet's actions do nothing but respect the jewish faith and revere their prophets.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Its not the AK-47 that people are really worried about(though I would be worried about radicals with AK-47s), its the ones with explosives strapped to their bodies...

who say they are jews and are not
And that would be who?


Immobile Wanderer
One of the greatest of the world religions through it’s 1500 years of existence, Islam has also been by far the most misunderstood.
Your thread is about the persecution Jews have suffered under Christians while they flourished under Islam except for Mohammad's brief struggle with three rebellious Jewish tribes, which, sadly, is sought to be torn out of context. Ironically, today nobody feels threatened by Jews except Muslims, while everyone (unfortunately) feels threatened by Islam because of the rise of Islamic terrorism. I hope I am not being out of context but I wish to ask you why you have settled for Islam's existence as being only 1,500 years when Islam (or at least many of its writers) claims that Islam always existed, that Adam was a Muslim and (believe it or not) Jesus was a Muslim!
To be honest with you, i don't think any group of Iraqis with Ak 47s, no matter how radical, can cause much dismay to 'Global Security.

I rechecked my post and can't see anywhere I mentioned anything about Iraqis with AK 47s. It seems typical that you pick out one small detail and avoid the over all picture. The whole world is not so patiently waiting (Jews included) for this tremendous love and peace that you preach to manifest itself. Please answer this one question for me. Where in the present world is an example of this love? If you can't answer feel free to pass the torch. Please don't answer with something you dream happened a thousand years ago.


Active Member
I rechecked my post and can't see anywhere I mentioned anything about Iraqis with AK 47s. It seems typical that you pick out one small detail and avoid the over all picture. The whole world is not so patiently waiting (Jews included) for this tremendous love and peace that you preach to manifest itself. Please answer this one question for me. Where in the present world is an example of this love? If you can't answer feel free to pass the torch. Please don't answer with something you dream happened a thousand years ago.

I had a project to due yesterday so sorry for my late response:

No Credance- people like you pick out that one small detail of "Iraqis with Ak 47s" to avoid the overall picture. Islam is a peaceful religion and most of the Muslim ummah feel no hostility toward America and Jews in general. The sad thing is, there is that there is that .2% of these so called "Muslim Terrorists" that have to ruin everything for all of us. The media is filled with stories of the "Muslim Terrorist" minorities that -unfortunately-cause misunderstanding and hatred of our beautiful religion. Fact is, "Muslim Terrorist" is an oxymoron; I want people to know that our religion of Islam doesn’t represent or support these "Muslim terrorists".


The Quran often refers to the Hebrews as the people of the book. The Quran goes on to say we are to follow all of the prophets and the scriptures. Were not talking about a made up word like jew. So no you wont find that word in the quran because it refers to none of the Tribes of Isra-EL. The problem most have with these so-called jews is that Jewish is a new and made up word. None of which are descendants from the tribe of Judah. Intelligent people dont honor made up nationalities. People who just take a portion of land and claim it for themselves are none other than thieves. They are doing a similar thing in the Middle East as Columbus did to the native Americans/Moors. If that happen to my home I would blow some ones hind parts up too. And so would you. Jewish isnt the old time religion or nationality of any of the prophets. So what is jewish? and who the hell made it up. Why are they imitating the Tribes of Isra-EL? Moslems dont hate any one but fighting is prescribed when some one is fighting you. And with the U.S. supporting these so-called jews its no wonder the East is growing in its hate.