What is the name of the Sahabi (companion of the Prophet pbuh) who had the honor of wearing Khusrau's bracelets?
Suraqa Ibn Malik ibn ju'shum
and what is the story of khusrau's bracelet's
Quraysh offered a reward of one
hundred camels to anyone who brought back the Prophet (Peace be upon him), dead or alive.
Suraqa Ibn Malik Ibn Ju'shum heard of the price set by the Quraysh on the head of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and hurried after him. He let
his mare run swiftly until he nearly over-took the fugitives. But, lo, his mare stumbled abruptly, and he was thrown off. He rose up, and remounted the mare, and let her go ahead. Once more, the mare stumbled and he was again thrown off, but nevertheless continued the chase until he could see the
three men going ahead. Suddenly, his mare stumbled for the third time, its fore-legs sinking up to the knees on the ground, and he was thrown off once again. He also saw dust rising from the ground like a sandstorm.
Suraqa was now convinced that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) was protected against him and he would not in any case triumph over the latter. He called out saying that he was Suraqa Ibn Ju'shum and that he would not inflict any harm to them. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) ordered Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) to ask him what he wants from them. Suraqa replied, "
Write for me a warrant of security." Thereupon the Prophet (Peace be upon him) ordered 'Amir Ibn Fuhayrah to write the warrant which he wrote on a piece of tanned leather or bone. Suraqa preserved the document forever long as a memento of sorts.
(Ibn Hisham, Vol. I, pp. 489-90; Al-Bukhari, Chap. Hijratun Nabi)
The Prophet of God (Peace be upon him) had been driven out of his homeland and the enemy pursuing him was after his blood, but his mind's eye was envisioning the day when his followers would be trampling upon the realms of Ceasars and Chosroes.
In those adverse circumstances, in the darkest hour of his life, he made a prediction of the bright times ahead. To Suraqa he said, "Suraqa, how would you feel when you would put on Chosroes' bracelets?"
God has indeed promised succor, victory and prosperity to His Prophet (Peace be upon him) and the triumphant ascendancy of His Religion of Truth.
"He it is who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religions, however much the disbelievers may averse." [Qur'an 9:33]
And the events took shape exactly in the same way as the Prophet (Peace be upon him) had foretold Suraqa.
When Persia was conquered and the tiara, robe and the bracelets of Chosroes were brought to 'Umar, he sent for Suraqa and asked him to put on the royal dress. (Al-Isti'ah, Vol. II, p. 597)