Back to some easy questions ya'll. Okay what are the three aspects of tawheed? Name them with a brief discription of each.
1. Tauhid Arrububiah - The oneness in the Lordship of Allah how He truly is the only Lord and Creator of the heavens and Earth.
2. Tauhid Ulouhiah - The oneness in worshipping Allah.
3. Tawheed al Asma Wassifat - affirming that which Allah has affirmed for Himself and His Messenger, without distortion or denial or saying who they are.
The next question may be answered seperately.
There are three aspects or types of shirk. The first of which has four manifestations. Come on, explain it to me........
I do not follow there are two types of shirk major and minor to my knowledge. Now if it is broken down further according to the specific shirk I have some scholars dividing it into 6 categories for these can be major and minor depending on the individual and the sin commited.
1. Shirk of independence - more then one god like magi
2. Shirk of splitting - forming god from many gods.
3. Shirk of meaning - forming god from interpretations of context.
4. shirk of Imitaition - Doing as forefathers did.
5. shirk of reasons - givning effects of reason - darwinism, evolution etc.
6. shirk of purpose - work with impure intentions.
One ayat in the quran breaks it down into 4 but which is it major or minor. The indication is if the letter al is in front of it then it is major.
the four broken down in the Quran are surah Sabah 34:22
1. Shirk of possession
2. Shirk of sharing
3. Shirk of help
4. Shirk of intercession.
I figure we could start from the ground up. Iman is always a fresh place to start and all of us can benefit from a reminder.....
And I could not agree with you more.