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Islamic sub-sects


Defender of the Truth
Does anyone know anything about the following?:

Al-Fatiha Foundation
Canadian Muslim Union
European Islam
Five Percenters
Ittifaq al-Muslimin
Jamaat al-Muslimeen
Liberal Muslims


Active Member
Wahabi/Salafi imho is the same I don't understand why people distinguish between the two. I know quite a lot about Ahmadiyya as I have many Ahmadi friends myself. Kharijites of course are part of the Shia history as Imam Ali(AS) was murdered by a Kharijite called Ibn Muljam.

Do you have any specific questions?


Agnostic Pantheist
There is a Druze community in Israel, so I know some things about them. however I'll refrain from answering at this point in the Islam sub forum. perhaps you should consider posting a similar thread out of the Islam DIR.


Defender of the Truth
Well I mostly want to know what makes them unique. Especially Ahmadiyya and Druze. If you don't feel comfortable posting in this thread feel free to PM me.


Agnostic Pantheist
I'll post the general information I know about the Druze, and if a Muslim wishes to comment about it, I'll be happy. I know of Druze communities in Israel, Syria and Lebanon. although they share some basics with mainstream Islam, there are also differences and distinct beliefs. for example they believe in reincarnation.
during the first Arab-Israeli war, many of the Druze did not subscribe to the pan Arab nationalism and actually fought on the Israeli side, to this day the Druze have a traditional active role in the Israeli army. also, unlike many other Muslims they are monogamous.


Active Member
Ahmadiyya is a sect which was founded by a man called Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, who was from Qadian, a village in Punjab(India) at the end of the 19th century. He believed himself to be Mahdi, Messiah and Jesus(AS) in one person, he gained quite a lot of followers but his claims were rejected by the orthodox Ulema as the ad-dajjal(anti-Christ) hadn't appeared and Mirza himself didn't share any of the characteristics of the Mahdi. They also do not believe that Jesus(AS) was raised to Allah(SWT) but instead say he left for India and his grave was to be found in Kashmir. They furthermore reject Jihad with the use of sword, saying nowadays there was no need for it anymore they are known for their pacifistic beliefs their motto is "Love for all, Hatred for none".

A lot of them migrated to Pakistan after partition where they faced a lot of discrimination, they were proclaimed non-Muslims by the Ulema in the 20th century, thus not eligible to go on pilgrimage to Mecca. Under Zia al-Haq's rule many of them sought refuge in Germany and they have a lot of mosques and centers here. Their annual meeting(Jalsa Salana) is known and a lot of non-Muslims visit it as well.

They also have their own definition of Khilafat and currently their 5th Khalifa is "in rule", but he is more of a spiritual leader to them. Each member has to pay a certain amount of his income to the Jamaat, this payment is called Chanda. Women have their own organisation within the Jamaa called Lajna Imaillah, they organise events seperated and independent from the main body. They're also very strict when it comes to Hijab in most cases. People can be expelled from the Jamaat if they break certain rules, e.g. are caught having sex priour to marriage.

Any more questions I can answer?


I want Khilafah back
The Ahamdis are considered to be non-muslims for their beliefs that contradict the qur'an and the hadith. so they aren't really a sect of islam, it's like Baha'i they too are not considered muslim since there cannot be a prophet after Muhammad peace be upon him.


Jihad Against Terrorism

Thanks ConfusedKuri and moreover thanks for asking me to confirm. Seems to be okay overall. You seem to know a lot which, as you stated, must be due to your Ahmadi friends.

Yeah ... mainstream muslims take us to be non-Muslims but we do not believe so but since this isn't a debate area ...
Is there any Muslim sect whose beliefs are considered blasphemous by orthodox Muslims? I'm not talking about Muslim sects that are considered blasphemous because they have different rituals or rules for daily living. I'm searching for a Muslim sect that is considered blasphemous because it has unusual theological beliefs about God, Muhammad, Satan, the afterlife, etc.
Also the "Five Percenters" aren't even considered a sect or sub-sect. They're on some whole other thing, calling themselves gods and whatnot. They are an offshoot of the Nation of Islam who pretty much is Islam by name only cause they believe their leader was God or something like that...
Thanks for giving me information about the Five Percenters and the Nation of Islam. They definitely seem to be blasphemous from an Islamic point of view if they believe that their founder was God. I will search online for more information about them.
Thanks for giving me information about the Five Percenters and the Nation of Islam. They definitely seem to be blasphemous from an Islamic point of view if they believe that their founder was God. I will search online for more information about them.

Yea but the five percenters don't believe that anymore since the guy that created it was a N.O.I. member but then decided to form his own group where everyone is a god. I dunno what their definition of god is but that's what they call one another.

Also, I think another name for their religion is "nation of gods and earths" or something like that.