This is true, but then that lack of evidence provides a justification for that disbelief and therefore makes it a positive affirmation of a belief which finds support in rationality. As many argue, the claim atheism is nothing more than the absence of a belief in a god, does not seem to hold up in how it is held as a positive statement of how one views reality. I have no problem with atheism as a positive belief statement. I only have a problem with the denial that is what's actually going on.You can't provide proof where there is an absence of evidence but you can use an absence of evidence as a reason for disbelief.
Why is it so hard for many to just say atheism is a positive belief statement? When I used to identify myself as an atheist, I certainly didn't feel a need to deny it was a positive belief statement. It didn't seem logical to me, then or now to claim it wasn't. It always impressed me as a "too close to home" thing for many and hence the rationalizations surrounding it.
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