Wow, your feelings are hurt, calm down, it's just a discussion on a computer screen, try and cover your exposed nerves, if you can.
Are you just frustrated again? Sorry. That's when you lower your debating bar and make it personal. You seem hurt. If that's my fault, sorry. I'm just making my case in an impersonal manner.
Besides, what do I have to be emotional about here? I told you that I am not bringing science to you until you make a good faith effort to show genuine interest in it, and that science done by Christians does not come from their Christianity, Anybody is free to employ the humanist methods : skepticism and empiricism. As long as they leave faith out of the process, they'll be fine. Skepticism and empiricism is not Christianity and doesn't come from Christianity. The basic tenets of Christianity are all faith based.
As soon as a scientist sticks a faith based thought into the works, the train of reason is derailed and it's not science. It's religion. That's what happened to the intelligent design program. Somebody inserted an unfound god believed in by faith into the process, and it's been sterile since.
To better illustrate, if adding a column of numbers, as long as one adheres rigidly to the rules of arithmetic, he will arrive at his intended destination, the correct sum. Throw in one faith based belief, such that 2 + 2 = 5, and it's over even if all of the rest of the arithmetic is correct - especially if all of the remaining arithmetic is correct. The only hope of arriving at the correct answer now would be making an error that offset that one, like 2 + 2 = 3.
Those aren't emotional topics to me, but they apparently are to youl
Wait, Copernicus, Linnaeus, Newton, Mendel, et. al. weren't Christians, or weren't foundational in science, or weren't scientists , pick one.
You pick one. Those aren't my arguments. They must be yours.
Do you actually have the temerity to state that their belief structure had nothing to do with their discoveries ? Or that they somehow had to "unchain" themselves from part of their belief structure to make their discoveries ?
Their Christian beliefs had nothing to do with their science. It's where they departed from them that they made inroads.
Newton's work that we still read and use has no religion in it, and is exactly what an atheist would have come up with. Calculus, optic, dynamics, gravitational theory - none have gods in them, none of them came from the Bible. They came from a fertile mind that had learned how to segregate and compartmentalize his faith based beliefs so that they did not contaminate his rigorous work.
you cannot acknowledge that I, one of those ignorant Christians, can possibly understand the scientific method, or the magical mystery tour of abiogenisis, or, sin of sin's, DARE criticise the holy of holies, Mr. Darwins theory.
Again, your argument. I said no such thing. You could probably learn them, but you don't seem to have much motivation to do so. You couldn't be bothered to request offered abiogenesis links, and you don't seem to understand the basics of science.
You hide behind your self proclaimed superiority so you may avoid the very difficult questions regarding your beliefs. Nah, nah, nah, I know but I won't tell you !
You must be projecting a sense of inferiority. I've never proclaimed myself to be superior to you. I know more about a lot of things, especially the topics we're discussing now, but I imagine you know more in other areas, maybe Boy Scouts or Islam.
What hiding? Here I am.
And I am avoid nothing other than doing the legwork for another faith based thinker feigning that he can be moved by evidence, demanding it, not looking at it, and then proclaiming that it proved nothing. I told you that I'm not here to teach you, and have no hope of you ever critically evaluating an argument. You keep saying that there is no evidence for abiogenesis. You must mean for you. And you clearly intend to keep it that way.
So you have no reason to expect anything more from me until you do your part, and I think we know that that's never going to happen.
As to Dr. Bailey, He is what you say can't exist, a scientist, a prominent researcher, an extremely skilled surgeon, as well as being a creationist.
Once again, that must be your argument, because it isn't mine.
Evidence doesn´t frighten me. In fact I spent my entire career collecting and evaluating me. Your precious lucy was one of 300 partial fossils of an extinct primate, why am I wrong about that ? She fits the evolutionary paradigm, so, she fits the creationary paradigm as well, so. The more you post, the more I think you need help. That makes her creation science evidence.
You're not doing so well with evidence here. Lucy supports only the scientific theory, not creationism. Darwin's theory predicts finding creatures like Lucy. Creationism doesn't. This is restricted choice again. With creationism, Lucy might or might not have existed. With evolution several somethings like Lucy must have existed, older forms being more chimplike, and newer ones more manlike - exactly what we find.