In general, as far as I know, there is no proof required to deem a man as being born of a woman, at least until the "woke" took over. On the other hand, if there is a break in the line from David to Yeshua, through male progenitors, then you have to fall back to David's daughters, which apparently Isaiah took some to Scotland according to the lore of Scotland. At that point, you are looking at the female DNA , with two XX chromosomes, and you would have the weak King Charles, if that line was indeed unbroken, which because of a break in that line, due to the butler in the pantry, you have the true heir living in Australia, and not wanting to be King, and Matthew's line is of no consequence, especially if Joseph is not the father of Yeshua. So where does the Davinic line and the promise end at this point? Or does Josephus know, and he will get back to you?