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Israel nukes, Iran no nukes

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
sindbad5 said:
i guess i cleared my point of view,,, i belive all kind of mass destruction should be eliminated.

this's a stand based on islam faith priciples, Islam permits war only to utilize enaugh fight to enforce the aggresive party to stop, not to completly eliminate him.

in quran, allah punished Aad people because one of thier sins if they assault, they use huge unnecissary forces.

prophet mohamed told us not even to cut a tree during warfare.
Yes, well maybe you'd like to remind this Official Palestian Television station.

Article here: PA Sermon: Muslims Will Rule the World, Jews Are a Virus

We have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again. The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world – except for the Jews. The Jews will not enjoy a life of tranquility under our rule, because they are treacherous by nature, as they have been throughout history. The day will come when everything will be relived of the Jews - even the stones and trees which were harmed by them. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits Jews. The stones and trees will want the Muslims to finish off every Jew.
It seems that the Muslim clerics in the Palestinian Authority, on PA payroll, and broadcast on official Palestinian television are unaware of what Muhammed said.

Rather, this is what they have to say about the Jews:

You will find that the Jews were behind all the civil strife in this world. The Jews are behind the suffering of the nations.

We have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come when we will rule the entire world again. The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world – except for the Jews. The Jews will not enjoy a life of tranquility under our rule, because they are treacherous by nature, as they have been throughout history. The day will come when everything will be relieved of the Jews - even the stones and trees which were harmed by them. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that awaits Jews. The stones and trees will want the Muslims to finish off every Jew.
Official Transcript

Very cute how you talk about that garbage of not to cut down a tree.

Do you happen to have any more myths about how Arabs don't hate Jews? I am a big fan of mythology.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting those articles. I have been saying this is the Muslim attitude toward the West in general, and Americans and Jews in particular for some time now. Glad when they are so kind as to provide quotes such as those to prove what I have been claiming in their own words.



Well-Known Member
MdmSzdWhtGuy said:
Thanks for posting those articles. I have been saying this is the Muslim attitude toward the West in general, and Americans and Jews in particular for some time now. Glad when they are so kind as to provide quotes such as those to prove what I have been claiming in their own words.

How about these then?:rolleyes:
Peacewalk Pilgrimage to Commemorate September 11th
The Islamic Center of New Mexico, Congregation Nahalat Shalom, The Muslim-Jewish PeaceWalk, the Center for Peace and Justice, Hillel at UNM, the Muslim Students Association of UNM, Hearts of Peace, the Out ch'Yonda Theatre Company and other communities and individuals concerned with the escalation of violence in our world will walk on a pilgrimage of prayer between the Islamic Center, the Center for Peace and Justice and Hillel at UNM to give witness to our conviction that peace is possible.

Our objectives:
To work against injustice and for peace in ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world.
To encourage a greater commitment to peace on behalf of all Muslims.
To explore and deepen our understanding of Islamic teachings about peace and nonviolence.
To expose the falsehood of the popular stereotype that Islam is a religion that teaches terrorism and violence.
To reach out to people of other religious traditions in an effort to create mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect.

Misinformation and misconception about Muslim women proliferate in the world today among non-Muslims and Muslims. I hope that instead of falling into the typical stereotypes and cultural innovation, the information here will pique your interest and help you to understand the true stance Islam takes on gender issues and the role of women.

MORE than 20,000 British Muslims gathered yesterday at a conference in London, the largest meeting of its kind to be held in Europe.
Tariq Suwaidan, a Muslim scholar from Kuwait, echoed many of those who addressed the conference when he insisted that Muslims did not support the terrorists behind the 9/ll attacks in America and the London bombings in July.
He said: “We totally refuse to be looked upon as terrorists and we totally refuse that these people represent us — they don’t.” He said that the terrorists were “enemies of Islam”.

TORONTO, Aug. 8 /CNW/ - In a bold response to the violent actions of a
tiny fringe of extremists in the Muslim community who act out of hate, anger
and resentment, Ihya Foundation (Ihya), in conjunction with a number of Muslim
organizations in the Greater Toronto Area, is hosting a concert for Peace,
Love and Mercy.



Well-Known Member
Would you seriously consider volunteering for Peace Corps. This will be the biggest challenge in your life to see whether this will change your mind about "MUSLIM TERRORISTS":
Muslim countries ask for Peace Corps volunteers
19 October 2004

Washington, DC: More Muslim countries are asking to be hosts for Peace Corps volunteers, which the agency's director says will help promote global peace and cross-cultural understanding. About 1,500 Peace Corps volunteers are serving in 18 Muslim countries, out of the more than 7,500 Peace Corps volunteers who are serving in 71 countries. And there are 13 Muslim countries that have made a formal request to host programs and are waiting for the Peace Corps' decision.

"These (Muslim) countries, I believe, want to better understand America, and volunteers want to better understand their host countries," Peace Corps Director Gaddi Vasquez said Thursday at a National Press Club Luncheon.

One of the predominantly Muslim countries that have asked to have the Peace Corps is Afghanistan, which first had Peace Corps volunteers in 1962, the year after President Kennedy initiated the program.

More on Peace Corps:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
jewscout said:
did you go to the link?
read the news? Which? the garbage in newspapers and cable news networks who even you, i'm sure, will agree is not concerned with truth but sensationalism and profit.
I went the link but it didn't work out so i tried also from another place and i got the same problem so can you please give me another link, article, any news instead of the old one you posted before?

Thanks .. :)

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
The Truth said:
I went the link but it didn't work out so i tried also from another place and i got the same problem so can you please give me another link, article, any news instead of the old one you posted before?

Thanks .. :)
One doesn't have to look very hard to find the link.

http://www.ndu.edu/library/docs/crs/crs_rl32499_01mar05.pdf CRS Report for congress.

Let me know if your firewall blocks infrormation from 1,400,000 sites. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Saudi+Arabia+funds+terrorists


Active Member
jewscout said:
yeah,,, rockets full of sands and pebbles, hehehe.
poor arabs, they alweys become miserable either by thier enemies or thier rulers.

jewscout said:
or many would say it is the other way around. Either way, Saudi Arabia still financially rewards suicide bombers for killing innocent people while the rest of the world watches and does nothing
so, what do you suggest? invading saudi arabia to lift the pressure from over israel?!
just as USA did to Iraq in the sake of the israel benefits (ofcourse among other benefits).

jewscout said:
you know, one of the greatest danger facing the israel future is reformation and democracy in the arab countries- tyrants is better , they alweys keep thier nation in need and poverty, they easier to be blackmailed... right?

jewscout said:
do you want me to find the numerous reports of rocket attacks against israel, both before and after the pull out from Gaza?
so you think nukes is the best way to stoping these childish rockets???

jewscout said:
no but they have and do support terrorist in an attempt to eradicate israel and the jews there
using the word eradicate is somewhat tricky, you use it as if israel age is hundereds of years or israel have the right to exit in the first place.
israel as we know it now is extraneous in the histroy of the region, and sooner or later it'll disappear, probably of demographics causes.

jewscout said:
then you choose to ignore history and the real politik that Israel is faced with surrounded by a sea of enemies who have continued hostilities toward israel in more than just out and out traditional warfare.
ignore the history? me??? never, all my talk based on the true verssion of history, not the zionsts twisted version.
and please leave out these oldies: "israel is the gut and arabs are the wolf who'll eat it", because the past 60 years proved the oppsite, read the history to know!

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
sindbad5 said:
ignore the history? me??? never, all my talk based on the true verssion of history, not the zionsts twisted version. and please leave out these oldies: "israel is the gut and arabs are the wolf who'll eat it", because the past 60 years proved the oppsite, read the history to know!
These are not overgeneralizations that we're making, this a widespread culture all over the Islamic world, from Gaza-Iran-Saudi Arabia. And these are not "some" misguided Muslims. This is how you raise your young generations, on a daily brainwashing of hatred. And it is not just Israel that you hate, you basically hate anything that is not Muslim. That includes Israel, and America, and Britain. You hate the entire Western world. That's why Muslims are torching cars all over France, and were blowing up subways in London, and trains in Madrid. All this is a manifestation of a culture of hate that is prevalent in the Muslim world, in your medresses, in your mosques, in your schools, in your newspapers, and on your TVs. Remind me again why official PA television broadcasts this garbage:

Following are excerpts from the broadcasts of channel 3 of the Iranian TV on “Jerusalem Day,” which was celebrated on October 28, 2005

Man: Death to Israel

Crowd: Death to Israel.

Man: Death to America

Crowd: Death to America.

Man: These dear people have practiced especially for this. People here in the square, and you, dear viewers throughout Iran, are all watching this. Are you ready? Show that you’re ready with a loud “death to Israel”

Crowd: Death to Israel.

Man: Raise your flag.

Another man: Death to America

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Death to America

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Say it out loud

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Say it out loud

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Don’t be afraid, man.

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Say it out loud

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: (America) is worthless.

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Say it out loud

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Death to America

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: The leader says:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: The leader says:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: The parliament says:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: The parliament says:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: The Basij members say:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: The Basij members say:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: The clerks say:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: The laborers say:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Everybody says:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Everybody says:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: America itself says:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: America says:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: America says:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Israel says:

Crowd: Death to America

Another man: Israel says:

Crowd: Death to America…

Man: Everybody, join the chant:

Another man: Death to Israel

Crowd: Death to Israel.

Another man: Death to Israel

Man: All together now: Death to Israel.

Crowd: Death to Israel.

Also, remind me while Muslim text books refuse to recognize Israel as a nation.

You can try to disguise it as this or that all you want. We will never buy into your two-faced excuses.

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
You want to know something though??? I think it's okay that you believe in this garbage, because if the Muslim world continues to refuse to clean up its own act, America will do it for you. Think of it now, US Marines will be coming to a country near you.... 2007.


Well-Known Member
why israel have all these nuke bombs without any action from the usa or [size=-1]IAEA[/size]?

and why - by coinsedance- the same usa threaten iran because a true or false doubt?!!!

what makes israel deserve having a nuke while no country else?[/QUOTE]

Hmm... first lets think... maybe you should know GRAMMER before you post :D

Second of all you obviously showed that you have bias in the situation dear sinbad with your signature :D

Third of all israel is ACTUALLY a democracy, Iran on the other hand is a nation ruled by islamic militants that has since 1979 gone through with a program of hatred and persecution against religious minorites (Baha'i and Zorastrians) and has been one of the few nations on earth (or the only as far as i can tell)that has called for another member of the u.n. to be "wiped of the map" and the figure head leader (lets face it the real power is in the clerics) has called the horrible tragedy of the holocaust a "myth". So thats why iran does not deserve any nuclear technology :)


Well-Known Member
AlanGurvey said:
why israel have all these nuke bombs without any action from the usa or [size=-1]IAEA[/size]?

and why - by coinsedance- the same usa threaten iran because a true or false doubt?!!!

what makes israel deserve having a nuke while no country else?
Hmm... first lets think... maybe you should know GRAMMER before you post :D

Second of all you obviously showed that you have bias in the situation dear sinbad with your signature :D

Third of all israel is ACTUALLY a democracy, Iran on the other hand is a nation ruled by islamic militants that has since 1979 gone through with a program of hatred and persecution against religious minorites (Baha'i and Zorastrians) and has been one of the few nations on earth (or the only as far as i can tell)that has called for another member of the u.n. to be "wiped of the map" and the figure head leader (lets face it the real power is in the clerics) has called the horrible tragedy of the holocaust a "myth". So thats why iran does not deserve any nuclear technology :)[/QUOTE]
Now I understand it. 'Democratic countries' can have the 'freedom' to develop nuclear weapon and used the weapon un 'non-democratic countries'. And if 'non-democratic' countries develop nuclear knowledge for the purpose of nuclear energy, they should be carpet bomb to remove them from earth. I see.:eek:


Active Member
Deut 13:1 said:
These are not overgeneralizations that we're making,
this a widespread culture all over the Islamic world, from Gaza-Iran-Saudi Arabia.
And these are not "some" misguided Muslims.
Deut, What are you talking about?
LEGAL RESISTANCE in the occupaied lands in palestine and iraq?
or you talking about the terrorists and murderers who blowing cars (also in iraq) and subways and killing people all over the world?

in the first case no one who ever is, can deny resisting the illegal occupation, even you. all what can they do is to deform it.
take what's happening in iraq as an example.

tell me, what are the 20,000 mercenaries (with $US 1000 per day) doing in iraq?
and please say something convincing other than gaurding.

why 2 biritish soldiers wearing iraqi clothes and sneaking at night with a car full of a tersana of explosive materials and remote controls inside a Shiite city like al basra?
TV shows captured soldiers and their 'arsenal'

in iraq, there are respectful resistance.
and also there are terrorists, murderers, mercenaries, special forces, mosad, cia, ...
and all kinds of activists who can blow a car to kill 50 people to achieve certain objectives.

so, give me a break and leave out this kind of tone about shouting and pointing to islam as the source of all evils.

Deut 13:1 said:
This is how you raise your young generations,
on a daily brainwashing of hatred. And it is not just Israel that you hate, you basically hate anything that is not Muslim.
That includes Israel, and America, and Britain.
young generations, huh? youn generations are raised on not to leave out thier rights, and fight for it by thier lives

and i appreciate if you please stop interjecting Israel with other countries in your talk.
israel is a special case :)

concerning USA and the west in general, i assure you for the zillion of times, most muslims never hate americans,
they have nothing to do with the americans,
i tell you waht: come to... say cairo, (and say you'r american in case you'r not) and live the every day live with people and watch how they treat you,
then make your conclution about whether arabs hate america or not.

most arabs hate the american policies, why? invest sometime and read the history of the past 60 years.

Deut 13:1 said:
You hate the entire Western world. That's why Muslims are torching cars all over France, and were blowing up subways in London,
and trains in Madrid. All this is a manifestation of a culture of hate that is prevalent in the Muslim world.
and now you insult an entire religion and civilization lasted 1400, without blinking an eye. :banghead3

Deut 13:1 said:
Remind me again why official PA television broadcasts this garbage:
i can list a worst garbage than that broadcasted from israel, it's a pice of cake

Deut 13:1 said:
Also, remind me while Muslim text books refuse to recognize Israel as a nation.

Deut 13:1 said:
You can try to disguise it as this or that all you want. We will never buy into your two-faced excuses.
sorry, didn't catch you


Active Member
Deut 13:1 said:
You want to know something though??? I think it's okay that you believe in this garbage, because if the Muslim world continues to refuse to clean up its own act, America will do it for you. Think of it now, US Marines will be coming to a country near you.... 2007.
Deut, i astonished by your little thin mind,,, you talk about muslim world as if it's a one block, no countries, no conflecting ideas and streams .
you just 2Ding the entire 1.3 billion muslim world (2D from 1 dimention)
no, it's a 3D world, just as americans and europians, even jews.


Done here.
blazekid said:
Would you feel more threatened to live next door to Isreal or Iran?
Fundamentalist religious fanatics have a disturbing amount of influence in Israel, Iran, and the United States, among other countries, and none of those countries should be trusted with nuclear weapons.


Active Member
AlanGurvey said:
Hmm... first lets think... maybe you should know GRAMMER before you post
thank you for your interest of how good i know english language, :D

AlanGurvey said:
Second of all you obviously showed that you have bias in the situation dear sinbad with your signature
ofcourse,,, i bias toward the truth and the right (from my point of view), and i guess any honest one will do that, do you?

AlanGurvey said:
Third of all israel is ACTUALLY a democracy...
non sense ;)


Religious Zionist
sindbad5 said:
you know, one of the greatest danger facing the israel future is reformation and democracy in the arab countries- tyrants is better , they alweys keep thier nation in need and poverty, they easier to be blackmailed... right?
wrong, because maybe free, secular democratic Arab nations would be more tolerant and open to negotiations w/ Israel, such as turkey which is the only place in the Arab world and Israeli is allowed to go.

so you think nukes is the best way to stoping these childish rockets???
no the nukes are preventative against quacks like the leader of Iran. those "childish rockets" can be responded with through old fashion counter terrorism

using the word eradicate is somewhat tricky, you use it as if israel age is hundereds of years or israel have the right to exit in the first place.
israel as we know it now is extraneous in the histroy of the region, and sooner or later it'll disappear, probably of demographics causes.
i imagine that after israel will exist for hundreds of years many will still share your opinion

ignore the history? me??? never, all my talk based on the true verssion of history, not the zionsts twisted version.
and please leave out these oldies: "israel is the gut and arabs are the wolf who'll eat it", because the past 60 years proved the oppsite, read the history to know!
i have and, big surprise, i don't agree


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Deut 13:1 said:
One doesn't have to look very hard to find the link.

http://www.ndu.edu/library/docs/crs/crs_rl32499_01mar05.pdf CRS Report for congress.
Is this what you are talking about as AN EVIDENCE that saudi arabia support terrorists?

The September 11, 2001 attacks fueled criticisms within the United States of alleged Saudi involvement in terrorism or of Saudi laxity in acting against terrorist groups. Of particular concern have been reports that funds may be flowing from Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries to terrorist groups, largely under the guise of charitable contributions. Critics of Saudi policies have cited a number of reports that the Saudi government has permitted or encouraged fund raising in Saudi Arabia by charitable Islamic groups and foundations linked to Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda organization or like-minded entities.
The final report released by the bipartisan National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the 9/11 Commission) indicates that the Commission “found no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually funded [Al Qaeda].” The report also states, however, that Saudi Arabia “was a place where Al Qaeda raised money directly from individuals and through charities,” and indicates that “charities with significant Saudi government sponsorship” may have diverted funding to Al Qaeda.
In numerous official statements and position papers,Saudi leaders have said they are committed to cooperating with the United States in fighting terrorist financing, pointing out that Saudi Arabia itself is a victim of terrorism and shares the U.S. interest in combating it. Saudi leaders acknowledge providing financial support for Islamic and Palestinian causes, but maintain that no Saudi support goes to any terrorist organizations, such as the Hamas organization.​
The U.S. State Department in its most recent annual report on international terrorism states that Hamas receives some funds from individuals in the Persian Gulf states but does not specifically mention Saudi Arabia.

You MAY be mistaken in the link because you are proving that saudi arabia have no support for the terrorists. :biglaugh:​

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
The Truth said:
Is this what you are talking about as AN EVIDENCE that saudi arabia support terrorists?


You MAY be mistaken in the link because you are proving that saudi arabia have no support for the terrorists. :biglaugh:​
I notice you didn't bold this part.

Saudi leaders acknowledge providing financial support for Islamic and Palestinian causes, but maintain that no Saudi support goes to any terrorist organizations, such as the Hamas organization.

Yea, I'm sure they are peaceful orgnaizations. :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Deut 13:1 said:
I notice you didn't bold this part.

Saudi leaders acknowledge providing financial support for Islamic and Palestinian causes, but maintain that no Saudi support goes to any terrorist organizations, such as the Hamas organization.

Yea, I'm sure they are peaceful orgnaizations. :rolleyes:
wow, I'm pleased. :bounce

Finally you used the other part of your mind and you do agree with me.

Thanks for your honesty, i really aperciate it.

Peace ... :)

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
greatcalgarian said:
Hmm... first lets think... maybe you should know GRAMMER before you post :D
First, let's see ...
  • The word { let's } is a contraction and requires an apostrophe.
  • The word { grammar } is spelled 'ar', not 'er'.
  • Try not to SHOUT.