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Israel nukes, Iran no nukes

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
sindbad5 said:
Deut, What are you talking about?
LEGAL RESISTANCE in the occupaied lands in palestine and iraq?
or you talking about the terrorists and murderers who blowing cars (also in iraq) and subways and killing people all over the world?
Legal resistance??? Is that like blowing yourself up in a cafe?

sindbad5 said:
tell me, what are the 20,000 mercenaries (with $US 1000 per day) doing in iraq? and please say something convincing other than gaurding.
Why don't you come out of the closet and just say what you think?

sindbad5 said:
why 2 biritish soldiers wearing iraqi clothes and sneaking at night with a car full of a tersana of explosive materials and remote controls inside a Shiite city like al basra? TV shows captured soldiers and their 'arsenal'
Did you read the article?

"The BBC reported from Baghdad today that the two men were members of the Special Air Services regiment, the UK's elite special forces commando unit. There was no official confirmation of that. The men were dressed in Arab clothing and driving a civilian car when Iraqi police tried to stop them.
The men's covert mission and the forceful British reaction to their arrest has provoked popular anger in Basra, a southern city which has been relatively calm compared to Baghdad and Sunni areas of central Iraq controlled by American forces."

Had you bothered to read the article, you'd know why they were arrested.
"The two commandos arrested yesterday are thought to have been held after two Iraqi police officers were shot in a gun battle; one killed and another wounded. It appears that the two refused to stop at an Iraqi police checkpoint, fearing that it might be manned by disguised insurgents. "

sindbad5 said:
in iraq, there are respectful resistance.
and also there are terrorists, murderers, mercenaries, special forces, mosad, cia, ...
and all kinds of activists who can blow a car to kill 50 people to achieve certain objectives.
Okay, and in America, how many Americans do you see blowing themselves up? Or how many Israelies do you see yelling Jihad and killing children.

sindbad5 said:
so, give me a break and leave out this kind of tone about shouting and pointing to islam as the source of all evils.
Let me know when you have some positive things about Israel on your Jew-Hating TV stations. Come on, anything positive, we already know the GARBAGE you had about Mr. Sharon. Let's look, shall we?

"We say it frankly that God is great and is able to exact revenge on this butcher. ... We thank God for this gift he presented to us on this new year,'' Ahmed Jibril, leader of the Syrian-backed faction Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, a small radical group, told the Associated Press."

sindbad5 said:
young generations, huh? youn generations are raised on not to leave out thier rights, and fight for it by thier lives
Your young generations are taught that Jews/Israelites/Zionists are not even human. To your culture, We're garbage, your TEXTBOOKS refuse to ex-knowledge that Israel is a country.

sindbad5 said:
and i appreciate if you please stop interjecting Israel with other countries in your talk. israel is a special case
Yea, at least you're smart enough to recognize Israel as a real country.

sindbad5 said:
concerning USA and the west in general, i assure you for the zillion of times, most muslims never hate americans, they have nothing to do with the americans, i tell you waht: come to... say cairo, (and say you'r american in case you'r not) and live the every day live with people and watch how they treat you,
then make your conclution about whether arabs hate america or not.
I like living, I don't plan on going to Cairo as a Orthodox Jew.

sindbad5 said:
most arabs hate the american policies, why? invest sometime and read the history of the past 60 years.
Yea, that same history denies things such as the holocaust.

sindbad5 said:
and now you insult an entire religion and civilization lasted 1400, without blinking an eye. :banghead3
You insult one that's been around much much longer.

sindbad5 said:
i can list a worst garbage than that broadcasted from israel, it's a pice of cake
I highly doubt you can find one Israeli station that is showing DEATH TO MUSLIMS! nonstop. But show me what you got, and try to come up w/ something besides what Ben said. :rolleyes:

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
sindbad5 said:
Deut, i astonished by your little thin mind,,, you talk about muslim world as if it's a one block, no countries, no conflecting ideas and streams .
you just 2Ding the entire 1.3 billion muslim world (2D from 1 dimention)
no, it's a 3D world, just as americans and europians, even jews.
The fact of the matter is that these "individuals" as you claim are speaking to an audience of millions and millions of Palestinians. With no less of a official sanction of the Palestinian government, on official Palestinian TV. That same Palestinian government that is striving for "peace" with Israel. This phenomenin of hatred that is prevalent all over the Muslim world. Turn on TV in Jordan and you will see how Jews use the blood of babies for matzah. You can turn on TV in Iran and you will hear "Death to America." Turn on the TV in Saudi Arabia and you will hear how the Vatican and the US conspired to stage 9/11 in order to attack Muslims....ect. The worst part is your attempts to conceal and deny this problem are indicative of your complicity in this culture of hatred. Instead of acknowledging the extent of this problem in the Muslim world, you are trying to sweep it under the rug and misrepresent it to us, and come with excuses for it. It's Israel's fault... I mean we only reject the notion they exist and rejected the offer from the U.N. for a state of Palestine...


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Brother sindbad,

I don't know why you still wasting your time in here to debate with someone all the thing he can do is only to throw nonsense words about Muslims instead of trying to understand what you are trying to explain for him because he is just repeating childish statments such as:

Deut 13:1 said:
Is that like blowing yourself up in a cafe?

Or how many Israelies do you see yelling Jihad and killing children.

your Jew-Hating TV

Your young generations are taught that Jews/Israelites/Zionists are not even human.

Yea, that same history denies things such as the holocaust.
Deut 13:1 said:
We're garbage
ops, I didn't know that :rolleyes:


User of Aspercreme
Israel was attacked without provocation by surrounding muslim nations on numerous occations before they had nuclear weapons. Since they have a cquired nuclear weapons, those attacks in force have ended. They now sustain terrorsit attacks under the sponsorship of places like Iran, Syria and Egypt. Iran, on the other hand has a long standing history of sponsored terrorism against Israel, the United State, and our allies. They represent a real and hateful threat against those who are Israeli and those who support Israel. For them to posess a nuclear arsenal would start a whole new cold war, centered in the Middle east. They have missiles that reach Irael now, and if left unchecked it is estimated that they will have the capability to reach Europe, the US and Canada within a decade. Plus, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a whacko. Right up there with Kim Jung Il.


Well-Known Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
First, let's see ...
  • The word { let's } is a contraction and requires an apostrophe.
  • The word { grammar } is spelled 'ar', not 'er'.
  • Try not to SHOUT.
I did not post that one:banghead3 ??? I just replied to that one:D


Active Member
The Truth said:
Brother sindbad,

I don't know why you still wasting your time in here to debate with someone all the thing he can do is only to throw nonsense words about Muslims...
You'r right brother, i admit, i can't compete with Duet in such skill (throwing nonsense words) ;)


Veteran Member
sindbad5 said:
Jayhawker Soule,

we talk about israel nukes, remember ?
what'r you? an english teacher?
It was a joke sindbad5. GreatCalgarian was poking fun in regards to grammar, but made errors including punctuation and spelling. Ah well, we are all human.

In regards to the nukes, yes they are illegal, and in my opinion horrid. What can be done? The nuclear armed countries have a responsibilty to enforce the non-proliferation treaties, but the flout it whenever possible.

Who is more powerful, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) or the arms developers and nuclear power companies?

Israeli citizens have a responsibilty to lobby their representitives, but when you look at what happened to Mordechai Vanunu you can see why they might think twice about it. Convicted of treason, 18 years in prison, 11 in solitary confinement, released only to be arrested again. I say hero. Mossad says traitor.

What to do sindbad5? what to do? Get with the nuclear program? Or get dissenting?


Active Member
Jaiket said:
What to do sindbad5? what to do? Get with the nuclear program? Or get dissenting?
lots can be done Jaiket... i don't want my country to gasp on nukes, it take billions, while poverty and underdevelopment florish.
i do not want my country to join an arms race with israel.
as long as these nukes exists on the israel hands, many countries in the mideast region sooner or later will try to equate the scalepan.
the existance of nukes woth one side is very dangrous and unnatural. the solutions either to remove it at all, or the other side will get it.
it's not true nukes impose peace for israel, at contrast.
nukes didn't prevent egyptian army to recover Sinai in 1973, and didn't hinder the lebanese resistance from quicking israel out of lebanon,
and surely didn't made palestinians to stop calling for thier rights.

why not west and usa impose the same pressure on israel as iran?
usa gives israel billions of dollars, and unlimited support at all leveles and fields, why not using these things to make israel disarm its nukes?


Religious Zionist
sindbad5 said:
why not west and usa impose the same pressure on israel as iran?
usa gives israel billions of dollars...
and the US and international community don't give billions to the Palestinian Authority who get rich while watching their people starve?


Active Member
jewscout said:
and the US and international community don't give billions to the Palestinian Authority who get rich while watching their people starve?
jewscout, what's the relationship between my talk and Palestinian Authority corruption???
did you by any chance anticipated from my attitude that i'm a Palestinian Authority pro?

in the other hand, USA support to israel is uncomperable to any country or state all over world, including California (yeah, the american one).