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Active Member
The fact of the matter is that homosexuals exist.

Well, of course, they exist also among animals:
Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality? | Yale Scientific Magazine

Homosexuality is not contrary to nature, it's something common in nature, not as common as heterosexuality but still... Heterosexual behaviors are more evolutionary beneficial because they can produce an offspring. The same goes for masturbation. It's also common among animals.

Of course, one can argue we are God's special creatures, that we are chosen, unique. Yawn. However, nothing will change the fact that we are the part of the animal kingdom whether we want it or not.

If you wish for your religion to be held above all other religions then it needs to take up the test and provide incredibly solid evidence that it is correct.

No religion can provide evidence that it's correct. It's not science. Religion is a purely subjective thing and it's beyond reason and logic. All mystical things can be only apprehended via intuition and empathy. Nobody saw or talked to God/Gods. This is a matter of feeling/intuiting things. This is why I think all religious debates, especially those between Christians and Atheists, are pointless.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
It isn't an illness and cannot be cured. It cannot be cured any more than heterosexuality can be cured.

And in terms of what is ethical it comes down to your ethics in how much the parent should have a right to say about their child and abortion. Many people would feel that they have the right to abort a child for any reason. This reason of being homosexual or heterosexual would be no more ethical or unethical than aborting a child because of its gender or Begin qualities such as hair and eye color. I would say it is far more unethical than if the child had some sort of debilitating illness such as down syndrome or such.

No more an illness then having white skin or blue eyes. Not really talking aborting a child though. In vitro fertilization may have several embryos to choose from. Just picking the one with the traits you want to be born.

Gender, eye color, sexual preference... Just a shopping list.

I suppose a cure happens after the fact. So no need of a cure for what can be prevented.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
No more an illness then having white skin or blue eyes. Not really talking aborting a child though. In vitro fertilization may have several embryos to choose from. Just picking the one with the traits you want to be born.

Gender, eye color, sexual preference... Just a shopping list.

I suppose a cure happens after the fact. So no need of a cure for what can be prevented.
I think the ethics is another debate.


Well-Known Member
The Bible describes Man as uniquely made in God's image; that is, with moral qualities possessed by God.

A modern interpretation; originally it was believed that god had a body, and although there were moral implications for forming man in god's likeness or shadow, the original meaning was almost certainly about physical form.

Further, I believe the way animals behave today is not what God purposed. The Bible promises the time will come when animal behavior will change radically. (Isaiah 11:6-9) I think the natural world has suffered great harm caused by man's rebellion against God, damage that will be repaired in God's due time.



I think what counts is God's view of homosexual conduct, not the shifting theories of men. Since God created us, he knows best what is for our good or harm. And the Bible is consistent in it's view of homosexuality, be it male or female. The Bible frankly states that homosexual conduct is " uncleanness", "contrary to nature", "obscene", "error", "indecency", etc. (Romans 1:24-27) the Bible speaks about some who practiced such things, but left them behind upon learning God's requirements. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
As to marriage, God made this arrangement for a man and his wife, male and female. (Matthew 19:5,6) Any other pairing is outside the boundary God has set for marriage and contrary to God's purpose for marriage. Whatever men choose to do regarding same-sex "marriage", such unnatural unions have no acceptance with the true God, IMO.

No it doesn't condemn homosexuals!

As has been shown OVER-and-OVER-and-OVER,

Romans 1 is about Sacred Sex - it TELLS US SO!

Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:

~~ ~ NOTE: the people in 24 that dishonor their bodies, are the people WHO worship the Act of Creation in 25! Religious Sexuality! ~~~

Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of Deity into a lie, and worship and render religious homage to the "Act of Creation" more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Worshiping with sex is obviously - SACRED SEX - not homosexuality!

There is NO verse saying only male and female may marry!

1 Corinthians does NOT say what you imply!

1 CO 6:9 Know you not that the “heathen” shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither prostitutes (pornos,) nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the morally weak, nor arsenokoites (rapists,)

There are no ancient Greek texts using arsenokoites or its stem as homosexuality. There are uses for both male and female as RAPE.

The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. TLG has collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek, from the 8th century BC to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. They have 73 references to the arsenokoit stem. There are NO early Greek uses of the word as “homosexual.” LATER - the church decides to translate it as such – then these later texts copy the church original.

Matt 19 is specifically a question about married people, and says, or implies NOTHING about homosexuals, or gay marriage.

Mat 19:3 The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?

You folks need to stop saying texts that have NOTHING to do with homosexuality - are somehow condemning them!!!!!



The Bible describes Man as uniquely made in God's image; that is, with moral qualities possessed by God. Animals operate largely instinctively, without moral discernment. We cannot use animal behavior to decide what is acceptable for humans. Cats kill the offspring of other cats, for one example of behavior acceptable in animals but completely unacceptable for us. Further, I believe the way animals behave today is not what God purposed. The Bible promises the time will come when animal behavior will change radically. (Isaiah 11:6-9) I think the natural world has suffered great harm caused by man's rebellion against God, damage that will be repaired in God's due time.

And the Hebrew Sacrificed their First Born Sons to YHVH, - so what is your point here?



Admiral Obvious
I think the questions you raise are good questions. I agree that the true religion should be able to provide evidence that it is the truth. I believe true Christianity is the true religion; (those who truly follow the Christ instead of only claiming to be "Christian".) I take no political stand on issues of homosexuality or same-sex marriage. What I posted was not my opinion. It is what the Bible says. What matters is God's view, not man's.
What a load of crap.
What you post is nothing more than your opinion of what the Bible says.
To claim anything different is to be dishonest at best and a bold faced liar at worst.


I think the questions you raise are good questions. I agree that the true religion should be able to provide evidence that it is the truth. I believe true Christianity is the true religion; (those who truly follow the Christ instead of only claiming to be "Christian".) I take no political stand on issues of homosexuality or same-sex marriage. What I posted was not my opinion. It is what the Bible says. What matters is God's view, not man's.

Baloney! As has been shown OVER-and-OVER-and-OVER, -- the verses you folks claim are about homosexuality - ARE NOT!



Well-Known Member
I think what counts is God's view of homosexual conduct, not the shifting theories of men. Since God created us, he knows best what is for our good or harm. And the Bible is consistent in it's view of homosexuality, be it male or female. The Bible frankly states that homosexual conduct is " uncleanness", "contrary to nature", "obscene", "error", "indecency", etc. (Romans 1:24-27) the Bible speaks about some who practiced such things, but left them behind upon learning God's requirements. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
As to marriage, God made this arrangement for a man and his wife, male and female. (Matthew 19:5,6) Any other pairing is outside the boundary God has set for marriage and contrary to God's purpose for marriage. Whatever men choose to do regarding same-sex "marriage", such unnatural unions have no acceptance with the true God, IMO.
I don't give a flying fig what the thoughts of those who do not share my reality are. Produce god, and I will joyfully educate him on his bigotry. ;)


Well-Known Member
I hate, despise and abhor discrimination. I hate, despise and abhor the fact that some people claim supernatural reasons to explain away their ick reaction. It's juvenile, and belongs in an elementary schoolyard dispute.


Well-Known Member
I think the questions you raise are good questions. I agree that the true religion should be able to provide evidence that it is the truth. I believe true Christianity is the true religion; (those who truly follow the Christ instead of only claiming to be "Christian".) I take no political stand on issues of homosexuality or same-sex marriage. What I posted was not my opinion. It is what the Bible says. What matters is God's view, not man's.
I'd imagine every christian denomination thinks it's the true version. Imagine how difficult it is to take such claims seriously from where I sit.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
If my God is the true God (and I believe he is), he will back up his words by actions.(Zephaniah 1:12-18)

Right, but your claims regarding the abrahamic god and the bible are just as meaningful to some as the claims regarding Krishna and the bhagavad gita are to you.

I.e. not very.


Well-Known Member
The article references another, titled Study finds epigenetics, not genetics, underlies homosexuality. It's really quite good. Thanks.

Now that I can actually believe. Epigentetics is a rather new concept that has nothing to do with DNA. Environmental influences on the more recent ancestors controlling where methyl molecules lie to turn on and off chromosomes. Turn off/on the wrong thing there are issues.

I do not personally believe it is the only or the major factor in most people dealing with same-sex attraction, but it certain may play a part.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I think what counts is God's view of homosexual conduct, not the shifting theories of men. Since God created us, he knows best what is for our good or harm. And the Bible is consistent in it's view of homosexuality, be it male or female. The Bible frankly states that homosexual conduct is " uncleanness", "contrary to nature", "obscene", "error", "indecency", etc. (Romans 1:24-27) the Bible speaks about some who practiced such things, but left them behind upon learning God's requirements. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
As to marriage, God made this arrangement for a man and his wife, male and female. (Matthew 19:5,6) Any other pairing is outside the boundary God has set for marriage and contrary to God's purpose for marriage. Whatever men choose to do regarding same-sex "marriage", such unnatural unions have no acceptance with the true God, IMO.

The Bible says that, not God. The Hebrews wrote Leviticus to keep culturally and spiritually separate from the Babylonians, who engaged in homosexual temple rituals. They thought that God would only bless them if they stayed separate.


The Bible says that, not God. The Hebrews wrote Leviticus to keep culturally and spiritually separate from the Babylonians, who engaged in homosexual temple rituals. They thought that God would only bless them if they stayed separate.

Homosexuality isn't the problem in Temple Sex. - It is the fact that it is worship, - thus IDOLATRY, - which under Levitical Law was worthy of death.



Well-Known Member
That article uses a whole lot of "may" and "might" type of language -not exactly "know"ing as you suggest.
Just pointing that out for no particular reason.