Why did the Jews and/or the Romans not drag Jesus' body through the streets of Jerusalem to prove He did not rise again? Answer: They didn't and couldn't because He did rise again and if He hadn't rose again they most certainly would have. End of argument.
End of argument is right, if you're trying to establish that you're a dogmatist. If you're trying to actually make the argument suggested though, you need a mulligan, because there's no actual argument in favor of the conclusion in that post. Or rather, the argument offered is non-sequitur--an argument from ignorance at best. If you take even a sober moment you shouldn't have any trouble at all coming up with at
least a few of other reasons why no one allegedly dragged Jesus' body through the streets according to the Bible, and the way I presented that point
gives you a few.
Try the same argument with different variables--see if it still seems so compelling if used to make an Islamic or Hindu or other religion's point. It's a good practice to develop, in order to save embarrassment if nothing else. Human brain owners
really need to develop these kinds of tools to keep their brain from leading them astray. It's a flawed cognition machine to say the least. If you don't learn how to manage its issues you
will go wrong--a lot. If you
do learn to manage its issues you'll still go wrong, just less and more temporarily. Unchecked though, you're more than likely going to function in effective semi-sanity much of the time.