... I've forgotten all of the matrix algebra I learned in university.
I sat down and tried to write a spreadsheet that calculates fuel economy for two types of driving (kinda like city vs. highway, but a bit different). For the multivariate regression you need to do this you need matrices, but I can't even remember how to do basic stuff. All my formulas come up "#VALUE!"
So... not only am I so big a geek that I try to do multivariate regression in my spare time, I'm also a failure as a geek because I can't do it properly.
I sat down and tried to write a spreadsheet that calculates fuel economy for two types of driving (kinda like city vs. highway, but a bit different). For the multivariate regression you need to do this you need matrices, but I can't even remember how to do basic stuff. All my formulas come up "#VALUE!"
So... not only am I so big a geek that I try to do multivariate regression in my spare time, I'm also a failure as a geek because I can't do it properly.