Why did you quote me in another post and merely mention me in this one?@1robin evolution has been observed. The problem is that you have a false and artificially limited definition of "observed". By your standards your fingernails do not grow since you have never observed them growing.
I never claimed that evolution does not occur. I have emphatically claimed that the bible affirms evolution, but it limits it.
Ok, provide me with the test which shows that cows and whales have a common ancestor.In the sciences ideas are tested. And questions are asked and answered. One usually tests an idea by what one should observe if it was true, and even more important what one should observe if it was false. That is how an idea is tested. What we should see if evolution is correct would be a fossil record that clearly supports it. One key idea of evolution is that of nested hierarchies and we should see those everywhere, which is exactly what we see.
First you must know exactly what it is I mean by "creation". It does not matter what you think creation means. So let me give you a brief description of what I mean by creation.If creationism is true what should we see? More important what possible observation would refute the idea? A serious violation of nested hierarchies could falsify the theory of evolution. A fossil severely out of date could refute evolution. What reasonable test would refute creationism? If you can't think of one then your belief is merely religious and not based upon reality at all.
1. God created life.
2. Life evolves but has limits.
3. Those limits are hard to define but do not allow for common descent.
It is very telling that you have not provided, asked for, or even seem to care what the bible says about biology so let me give you the primary verse in question.
New International Version
God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Now that you know what it is your supposed to counter you can provide and example.
Quit assuming you know exactly how I interpret verses or concepts you do not provide or even request. I have never adopted any specific view as to what the bible says about the flood. It is either literal and universal, literal and regional, or symbolic. I have no idea which one is true. Why in the world are you arguing against positions you assume I hold?You probably believe the flood myth, and that is even easier to refute.