You won't be able to. Once you have understood the scienc,e you will not be able to put that genie back in the bottle.
I was able to put that genie back in the bottle without any trouble at all once I realized that science was making wild claims without any real evidence to back up what they said. If you read through their articles you will see that they have no concrete evidence for macro-evolution at all. They make lots of assertions but they cannot substantiate them. Its a belief...just like ours.
You would be well advised to adhere to a more mainstream account of creation, in which God is able to uphold the order in creation without needing to continually tinker with the unfolding of nature as it goes along.
You do realize that the Bible teaches that God does "uphold the order of creation without needing to continually tinker with the unfolding of nature as it goes along"? He designed nature to take care of itself with little or no direct help from him. It is self sufficient and self perpetuating.....beautifully designed not to need him.
What science can prove beyond doubt is
adaptation, sometimes called "
micro-evolution" but when it comes to "
macro-evolution", that is a whole other story which takes us into the realms of science fiction. All they can do with what happens outside of what can be observed, is pure guesswork. Supposition and suggestion as to what "might have" happened is a poor substitute for real substantiated evidence. I came to see that the genie is a manufactured fake. It is a very impressive structure precariously standing on toothpicks.
Whatever you do, DO NOT get involved in so-called "Intelligent Design", as I see someone is advising. This is a deceitful pseudoscience, invented by right-wing lawyers as a scam to get religion taught in US schools. It is a total dead end from a science point of view.
I am a believer in Intelligent Design, but not the sort touted by those who see it as science. I see that the Bible and science agree on many points, but one does not have to give up either to gain the truth. We have an old earth and long, slow and deliberate periods of creation. The Genesis account allows for this. The "days" were not 24 hours long....they were more like epochs of thousands or even millions of years in length. The earth itself could be billions of years old. The order of creation is also scientifically correct...Sentient life began in the oceans and ended with the creation of man. Obviously bacteria and vegetation were much older than the visible animate creatures. There was plenty of time for the Creator to fine tune his creations, or even to eliminate some as he saw fit. Most people have some kind of vision of a Big Wizard in the sky "poofing" things into existence with a wave of his wand.....nothing could be further from the truth.
Religion has no place in schools because it should be taught at home and in places specifically designed for religious education. But science does not have the high ground when it comes to how life began on this earth and how creatures were found in habitats that were specifically designed for them. Evolution is a theory not a fact and should be taught as such IMO. The scientists here keep telling me that there are no facts in why is it taught as if it were fact and not pure speculation? I don't know any students who are taught that evolution cannot be proven. Its about interpretation of evidence...and scientists are always going to interpret their evidence in favor of evolution....they force the evidence to fit the theory, rather than the other way around.