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James Web reflects Tablet of the Universe.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
I just watched a 60 Minutes YouTube video on the pictures that the James Web Telscope is able to produce. During the presentation a scientist said that 95% of the universe is held in place by an unknown force, it is not gravity.

A Tablet written at the request of Bahá’u’lláh by Abdul'baha, sometime between 1876 and 1883, shows a verbal picture of what James Webb is now showing, but most importantly mentions a "universal attractive force" that holds all this in order and in place.

This is an extract

"....Divine and all-encompassing Wisdom hath ordained that motion be an inseparable concomitant of existence, whether inherently or accidentally, spiritually or materially. This movement must be governed by some check or rein, some regulator or director, otherwise order will be disrupted and the spheres and bodies will fall from the heavens. For this reason God brought into being a universal attractive force between these bodies to hold sway over them and govern them, a force deriving from the firm ties, the mighty correspondence and affinity that exist between the realities of these limitless worlds. By the operation of this attractive force those holy and resplendent suns, with their luminous worlds, satellites and planets, circling and orbiting in their heavens, at once exerted attraction and were subject to it, induced motion and were themselves moved, began orbiting and set into orbit other bodies, shone forth and caused others to shine. In this manner they became arranged in a perfectly ordered system, each one a handiwork of consummate fashioning and manifest beauty, each one an enduring creation and a conclusive proof..."

Further on in the Tablet Abdul'baha explains that the Spiritual Worlds of God are unlimited and this reflects the Material worlds of God

"....In like manner the worlds of bodily existence the mind of no man can reckon nor the understanding of the learned comprehend. Consider the following well-known tradition and examine its meanings indicative of the vastness of the cosmos and its awesome limitless expanse: 'God, exalted be He, fashioned one hundred thousand, thousand lamps and suspended the Throne, the earth, the heavens and whatsoever is between them, even Heaven and Hell -- all of these in a single lamp. And only God knows what is in the rest of the lamps.' The fact that philosophers and sages have posited limits and restrictions for such matters is to be explained by the limitations of people's minds and perceptions and the blindness of the followers of allusions, whose natures and intellects have been rendered dull and inanimate by the interposition of many veils..."

Thus Abdul'baha explains our known universe and offers that it is only one of an unlimited amount of universes, all in the mid to late 1800's. Abdul'baha was not schooled in science or astronomy.

I think we can now start to see that Science and Religion are indeed becoming the wings of one bird, each able to show us a vast unlimited knowledge. Eventually when we unite our minds, this will be able us to traverse material time and space easily and swiftly with the divine force of magnetism.

Regards Tony
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Lightly seared on the reality grill.

I just watched a 60 Minutes YouTube video on the pictures that the James Web Telscope is able to produce. During the presentation a scientist said that 95% of the universe is held in place by an unknown force, it is not gravity.
The 95% refers to two distinct phenomena (dark energy and dark matter), not one, neither is really a force as such, and dark energy is pushing things apart, not holding them together.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
The 95% refers to two distinct phenomena (dark energy and dark matter), not one, neither is really a force as such, and dark energy is pushing things apart, not holding them together.
That stands to reason, as with the Universal Attracrice force, there is also the opposite of that force.

That reflects both the spiritual and material.
Light - darkness
Love - hate
Hot - Cold

I watch both science and religion with great interest as they unfold relative to humanities capacity of a unity of mind, we will find they are complementary and are both the path to amazing truths.

I like the concept that interstellar travel is withheld from the humans species, (which I see could be universal, "Human" is most likely dotted across the extent of creation, human mist likely a representation of a "Rational capacity of mind), until that species has found unity of mind. As the power required for such travel is a power that warmongers would use to obliterate, not for the good of all.

Look at what we did with Nuclear.

Regards Tony

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I see many persons would not be ready for such exploration of our full porenrial.

A finite mind does find it difficult to comprehend the infinite possibilities.

Regards Tony
First you have to prove its even possible to start with. Otherwise all of it is easily dismissed.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
First you have to prove its even possible to start with. Otherwise all of it is easily dismissed.
It has basically already happened. Our imagination can be erroneous, but mostly we are able to draw on the possibilities that science can produce.

Science fiction, does slowly in one way or the other, become known realities.

The other point to consider is, that if UFO's are soon confirmed, then we will have to consider we have a lot to learn.

Regards Tony
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Lightly seared on the reality grill.
That stands to reason, as with the Universal Attracrice force, there is also the opposite of that force.

That reflects both the spiritual and material.
Light - darkness
Love - hate
Hot - Cold

I watch both science and religion with great interest as they unfold relative to humanities capacity of a unity of mind, we will find they are complementary and are both the path to amazing truths.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
First you have to prove its even possible to start with. Otherwise all of it is easily dismissed.
I was participating in a thread on another forum where a person posted what a Baha'i calls a pilgrims note. It is basically a record of personal conversations with a person who had the authority to pass on knowledge of scriptures. The conversation that was recorded was the recorded answer's of questions asked by a Baha'i back in the 1950's, this person was very interested in interstellar travel, this is what was offered, it is not official.

"...Now for the really interesting bit. While 'Abdu'l-Bahá has encouraged mankind to travel to the stars, Shoghi Effendi revealed this has a precondition attached to it. Namely no species of human are permitted to gain access to the technology to interstellar and intergalactic travel until their home solar system has achieved a condition of profound unity. This is because no human species is permitted to pose a risk to other humans living in the cosmos. Put another way, we cannot travel to the stars until we have achieved the Most Great Peace on our homeward..."

Another interesting recollection from these talks was this.

"...The first thing to understand is that being human is based upon any creature that has a rational soul. So the universe is full of humans. However as a species we call ourselves mankind. In this context mankind is just one species of human..."

Guven the size of creation, that is more logical that to think we are the only rational souls in all creation, we think we are so smart, yet we still kill each other over our own burial site.

Regards Tony


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Is that saying you are not motivated and open to the possibilities? :)

Regards Tony
It means you seem to be posting rather pointless deepities, like this:

That stands to reason, as with the Universal Attracrice force, there is also the opposite of that force.

That reflects both the spiritual and material.
Light - darkness
Love - hate
Hot - Cold

Moving on:
I watch both science and religion with great interest as they unfold relative to humanities capacity of a unity of mind, we will find they are complementary and are both the path to amazing truths.
You didn't appear to grasp much about the science, so I'm not sure where your 'great interest' has got you. Since when has religion uncovered any definite 'truth' that people actually agree about?


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
First you have to prove its even possible to start with. Otherwise all of it is easily dismissed.
I was participating in a thread on another forum where a person posted what a Baha'i calls a pilgrims note. It is basically a record of personal conversations with a person who had the authority to pass on knowledge of scriptures. The conversation that was recorded was the recorded answer's of questions asked by a Baha'i back in the 1950's, this person was very interested in interstellar travel, this is what was offered, it is not official.

"...Now for the really interesting bit. While 'Abdu'l-Bahá has encouraged mankind to travel to the stars, Shoghi Effendi revealed this has a precondition attached to it. Namely no species of human are permitted to gain access to the technology to interstellar and intergalactic travel until their home solar system has achieved a condition of profound unity. This is because no human species is permitted to pose a risk to other humans living in the cosmos. Put another way, we cannot travel to the stars until we have achieved the Most Great Peace on our homeward..."

Another interesting recollection from these talks was this.

"...The first thing to understand is that being human is based upon any creature that has a soul. So the universe is full of humans. However as a species we call ourselves mankind. In this context mankind is just one species of human..."

Given the size of creation, that it is more logical to think that we are not the only rational souls in all creation, we think we are so smart, yet we still kill each other over our own burial site.



May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
It means you seem to be posting rather pointless deepities, like this:

Moving on:

You didn't appear to grasp much about the science, so I'm not sure where your 'great interest' has got you. Since when has religion uncovered any definite 'truth' that people actually agree about?
I guess I live in an age too early to witness our full potential in the materialistic world, but the spiritual worlds have already shown these possibilities.

Such is life, if we were 500 years ahead and found universal peace, then maybe I could say, see :) but even what I now see are the possibilities, could very well be mere erroneous flutterings of a child's mind.

Regards Tony


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I was participating in a thread on another forum where a person posted what a Baha'i calls a pilgrims note. It is basically a record of personal conversations with a person who had the authority to pass on knowledge of scriptures. The conversation that was recorded was the recorded answer's of questions asked by a Baha'i back in the 1950's, this person was very interested in interstellar travel, this is what was offered, it is not official.

"...Now for the really interesting bit. While 'Abdu'l-Bahá has encouraged mankind to travel to the stars, Shoghi Effendi revealed this has a precondition attached to it. Namely no species of human are permitted to gain access to the technology to interstellar and intergalactic travel until their home solar system has achieved a condition of profound unity. This is because no human species is permitted to pose a risk to other humans living in the cosmos. Put another way, we cannot travel to the stars until we have achieved the Most Great Peace on our homeward..."
So why should anybody actually accept this rather bizarre claim?


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
So why should anybody actually accept this rather bizarre claim?
They do not have it, that are free to take of it as they so please, it is just a great subject as a backdrop to people using science to get better at killing each other.

Go, Star Trek united federation of planets and galaxies.

Maybe I need a different colour pill!

Regards Tony


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
So why should anybody actually accept this rather bizarre claim?
I can add another though, this quote I think is from a provisional translation, so the wording may not be correct. I first read this in the early 80's, it opened for me a great interest in the development of anything to do with magnetic assisted power sources.

"...any movement animated by love moveth from the periphery to the centre, from space to the Day-Star of the universe. Perchance thou deemest this to be difficult, but I tell thee that such cannot be the case, for when the motivating and guiding power is the divine force of magnetism it is possible, by its aid, to traverse time and space easily and swiftly..."

Regards Tony