Woke gremlin
Yes. And better looking, too.Are you saying that you are smarter than them !
Fight me.
Then perhaps I should encourage you to think for yourself and look into the history.Their narratives makes enough sense to me.
You're acting as if this is a free choice being made freely by people perfectly happy to do it. It isn't. Ukraine is being invaded. They're defending themselves. Nations desperately defending themselves against military aggression from a far more powerful nation tend to do desperate things that otherwise would never be countenanced.Then why throw more young Ukrainians to possible danger and death, and keep systematically eliminating the male population.
I've already addressed this with numerous sources. They are seeking negotiations and they have been offering countless assurances to Russia, but Russia has repeatedly cut down negotiations, refused concessions, shifted the requirements for peace negotiations and are generally believed to not be approaching any peace negotiations in good faith.Seek negotiations and dialogue to ensure the bloodshed is ended.
And if Switzerland were invaded, regardless of any assurances it made to other nations, should they have no right to defend themselves and apply for assistance in doing so?Switzerland is a nation that for centuries kept a neutral stance due to wise and prudent leadership , and this enabled it to escape most of the devastation of the european wars and especially the two world wars which wrecked other european nations.
This is really daft logic. Not all countries have the benefit of being in a position where they can remain neutral - some of them are constantly being meddled with, annexed and attacked, or to watch as their neighbours are meddled with, annexed and attacked. They have the free right to choose alliances, and if they choose to ally with people because they believe it will protect them against an invasion from a foreign imperialist army (kind of like THE CURRENT INVASION THAT THEY'RE DOING RIGHT NOW), they ought to have the right to do that.
Do you agree? Or do you think powerful, imperialist nations have the right to determine, through threat of force, what alliances their neighbours get to have?
Answer in one word or less.
Also, any response to the open letter signed by over 300 economists and professors that utterly repudiates Sachs, yet? Why are you continuing to ignore it?