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Jesus and his gospel

Exactly. It is so amazing, unbelievable by some but true -the way to wickedness and damnation always draws the crowd. Ask yourself why didn't Jesus, Paul and other prophets never had a large gathering? why were their teachings so rejected?


Well-Known Member
Ok, well, I'm one of the ones who doesn't "believe in God's existence period". Can you explain how such a belief is credible whe there is no evidence for it whatsoever?

Can you not believe that in the beginning there was a singularity which was torn asunder with a mighty Bang, and that singularity has become all that is and it has developed or evolved an intellectual mind capable of comprehending the developed mind that pervades all things, and is the sole animating principle of the universal body; and as he, 'the mind' dwells in we, we dwell in the singular universal body that has developed the mind that is supreme?


Well-Known Member
Exactly. It is so amazing, unbelievable by some but true -the way to wickedness and damnation always draws the crowd. Ask yourself why didn't Jesus, Paul and other prophets never had a large gathering? why were their teachings so rejected?
"Enter ye in at the strait gate; for strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it; but wide is the gate, and broad the way which leads to death, and many there be that travel therein,"
I believe their teachings were rejected because the people were wicked and didn't have much faith. They were to concerned with the cares of this world to be bothered by the things of heaven. "Many are called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen? because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world" (italicizing is mine). In one parable, Jesus likens the Word to seeds that are scattered by the sower. It falls upon several different kinds of ground. This represents the different ways people respond to God's word when they receive it.
Mathew 13 said:
18 ¶Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower. 19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandethhttp://scriptures.lds.org/en/matt/13/19a it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.

20 But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it;

21 Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecutionhttp://scriptures.lds.org/en/matt/13/21b ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.

22 He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.

23 But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hearethhttp://scriptures.lds.org/en/matt/13/23a the word, and understandethhttp://scriptures.lds.org/en/matt/13/23b it; which also beareth fruit and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
I think the saddest scenario described is those who receive the word, but riches and the cares of this world choke the word, leaving no room for the things of God. I believe many of the people who rejected the gospel in the early church were in this category. I believe many of us are also in this category (myself included). We are too preoccupied by pride and riches to make room in our hearts for God. It's terrible.:(
Yes sad indeed. Sometimes even within our organizational scope or the church we see the work of God forsaken, it's really just a few that makes the difference.



my take on Jesus' Good News is that many are willing to talk about Him and express a great deal of confidence in what they believe about Him.

but few of those are willing to follow Him, or to sacrifice much to do so.


Well-Known Member
Two of my favorite parables to follow on what ayani said:
Mathew 13 said:
44 ¶ Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
45 ¶ Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.


Well-Known Member
Yes i agree also. Many are called, but few are chosen.

My Child

Don’t you dance to the tune the world is playing
Don’t you march to the rhythm of their drums
Your pathway through life has been determined
And set before you is the race that you must run

There are many who are called but few are chosen
He chooses only from the sweetest of the crop
And though many may fall along the wayside
You my child, shall endure to reach the top

Just to see you standing high upon life’s mountain
With the light of his glory round your head
And to know that I played some small part in it
Reaching out to you from here among the dead

So goodbye my child, for I travel on forever
In the stream of time that flows toward the end
Yet I know someday we’ll all be back together
In the oneness of our Saviour, Lord and Friend ……. By S-word.


Well-Known Member
Thanks S-Word. Did you make that up? That's awesome! I really like the part about "someday we'll all be back together". I love my family so much and would do anything for them. I am just glad that we can be together again after this life.:)
My Child

Don’t you dance to the tune the world is playing
Don’t you march to the rhythm of their drums
Your pathway through life has been determined
And set before you is the race that you must run

There are many who are called but few are chosen
He chooses only from the sweetest of the crop
And though many may fall along the wayside
You my child, shall endure to reach the top

Just to see you standing high upon life’s mountain
With the light of his glory round your head
And to know that I played some small part in it
Reaching out to you from here among the dead

So goodbye my child, for I travel on forever
In the stream of time that flows toward the end
Yet I know someday we’ll all be back together
In the oneness of our Saviour, Lord and Friend ……. By S-word.



Well-Known Member
Thanks S-Word. Did you make that up?


Quote Davy: I really like the part about "someday we'll all be back together". I love my family so much and would do anything for them. I am just glad that we can be together again after this life.:)[/quote]

When you draw your knees up to your chin and close your eyes in sleep, you will awaken, oblivious to the time interval that has occured, and depending on the memories you are able to retain, you may or may not recognise your loved ones of today, but they will be there and you will feel their spirit and rejoyce in your heart if and when you come into contact with their presence.

Before opening your eyes to the morning light, try, on each and every awakening to first remember the previous day, before rejoycing in the glow of the new day.
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Well-Known Member

Quote Davy: I really like the part about "someday we'll all be back together". I love my family so much and would do anything for them. I am just glad that we can be together again after this life.:)

When you draw your knees up to your chin and close your eyes in sleep, you will awaken, oblivious to the time interval that has occured, and depending on the memories you are able to retain, you may or may not recognise your loved ones of today, but they will be there and you will feel their spirit and rejoyce in your heart if and when you come into contact with their presence.

Before opening your eyes to the morning light, try, on each and every awakening to first remember the previous day, before rejoycing in the glow of the new day.[/quote]

Thanks, S-Word. I believe that family units are eternal. I believe that even after we leave this life, families will be the basic social unit.:)


Well-Known Member
When you draw your knees up to your chin and close your eyes in sleep, you will awaken, oblivious to the time interval that has occured, and depending on the memories you are able to retain, you may or may not recognise your loved ones of today, but they will be there and you will feel their spirit and rejoyce in your heart if and when you come into contact with their presence.

Before opening your eyes to the morning light, try, on each and every awakening to first remember the previous day, before rejoycing in the glow of the new day.

Thanks, S-Word. I believe that family units are eternal. I believe that even after we leave this life, families will be the basic social unit.:)[/quote]

If that is what you believe and you are accepted into the family of God, and are no longer a physical being but a spiritual/mind being, then that will be the way that it will be.


Well-Known Member
"His teachings were very different to that being taught by many religions and so was his customs."

Really, how so, I thought he mainly taught the goldeb rule, which is a staple of most all religions.


Well-Known Member
"His teachings were very different to that being taught by many religions and so was his customs."
Really, how so, I thought he mainly taught the goldeb rule, which is a staple of most all religions.

I suppose that the goldeb rule you refer to, is the law that is taught by most religions, which is My Law. I want my children to repect me as I respect my parents, I demand that no man sleeps with my wife, I demand that no one steals from me, I demand that no one bears false witness against me etc, etc.

If I impose these rules on all around me, then what sort of a mongrel person would I be, if I were to break the very rules that I impose on everyone else?

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing

Can you not believe that in the beginning there was a singularity which was torn asunder with a mighty Bang, and that singularity has become all that is and it has developed or evolved an intellectual mind capable of comprehending the developed mind that pervades all things, and is the sole animating principle of the universal body; and as he, 'the mind' dwells in we, we dwell in the singular universal body that has developed the mind that is supreme?

Wait... what?


Well-Known Member
Wait... what?

Do you believe that something, somewhere in space and somewhere in time, had evolved into you who are the mind that has developed within that body, which mind is capable of comprehending the mind that is you who are developing in that body of universal elements that is animated by some divine principle that prevades all within the universal body? Or do you believe, that intelligent mind has existed from all eternity?