I've been reading the gospels of John, Mark and Mathew. I am perplexed. Jesus really believed in the obvious myths of the old testament. Jesus believed in the destruction of Sodom and Gomora (he claimed certain Jewish towns will be worse off on judgement day). He believed that Jonah spent 3 days in a fish (he told certain unbelievers that Jonah and the fish will be the only sign they will have). He believed in the flood in Noah's day (he declared that the end of the world will be like the times of the flood). He believes in the creation acount of genesis (he said it states man and woman are joined as one, quoting genesis).
What am I to make of this. Is Jesus for real?
I find Jesus did base his beliefs, his teachings, on the old Hebrew Scripture which point to Messiah coming.
Jesus, as Messiah, explained them for us, so why shouldn't he believe the old Hebrew Scriptures.
The gospel accounts have corresponding or parallel cross-reference verses or passages to the old.
Whether believed as myth or not, the internal harmony among the many writers shows they agree with each other.
Yes, as the days of Noah were (violent - Genesis 6:11; Matthew 24:37-39) so it would be in the last days of badness on Earth as described at 2 Timothy 3:1-5,13. Note: Not the last days of Earth, but the last days of wickedness on Earth before Jesus takes the action described at Isaiah 11:3-4; Revelation 19:14-16.
Then, Jesus, as Prince of Peace, will usher in global Peace on Earth among persons of goodwill.
In Genesis we are introduced to the ' tree of life ' and at Revelation 22:2 we see the return of the Genesis ' tree of life ' for the healing of earth's nations.
So, mankind's history shows that man can Not establish Peace on Earth, that is why God will have Jesus step in before a violent mankind would bring ruin to Earth.