Veteran Member
That would be a false claim, if true. Several scientists have reproduced the "magic" shroud more than once.
Moreover? Analysis of the 2-D image, to see what sort of 3-D shape would be needed to make it?
The head would have to be freakishly huge-- and the "body" would be something like 7 feet tall, too.
No-- the Shroud is clearly a painting, from someone who was clueless how 3-D images project onto 2-D surfaces. Anyone playing Video Games since the old DOOM game, who has fiddled with the skins? Understands this very well.
Someone from the 10th or 11th century? Had no clue, didn't want a clue, and was only interested in Cashing Out on the Relic Craze of that time and place.
It ought to be noted that if you were to add up the volume of pieces of the One True Cross? You'd get sufficient material to build Yankee Stadium or similar structure.
The same goes for "bones" of the "apostles": Enough for a reasonably large army.
I wrote:
"You are unfamiliar with the statement of scientists who reviewed the shroud that it could not be reproduced by any means?"
Please direct me to links where I can see the shroud reproduced, since the dark areas of its image are thinner in depth than a human hair.